Faculty Performance Evaluation

Last Updated: May 10, 2024

Faculty Performance Evaluation

10+ Faculty Performance Evaluation Examples [ Research, College, University ]

In any university or college, there is this kind of evaluation done usually by semester or yearly. Depending on the college or university and their policies. This kind of evaluation is done to all the faculty to check if their performance still matches the school’s policy and if they are still at their best. The other reason for having to do a faculty performance evaluation is it is also part of the contract they have signed for. The performance evaluation is not to be used as a form of punishment or something to be used as a threat for poor performance. If you want to know what it is used for, you better check out the article right now.

10+ Faculty Performance Evaluation Examples

1. Research Faculty Performance Evaluation

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Size: 73 KB


2. Annual Faculty Performance Evaluation

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Size: 170 KB


3. College Faculty Performance Evaluation

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Size: 187 KB


4. University Faculty Performance Evaluation

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Size: 314 KB


5. Adjunct Faculty Performance Evaluation

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Size: 222 KB


6. Faculty Performance Evaluation Cover Sheet

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Size: 436 KB


7. Faculty Performance Evaluation Document

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8. Instructional Faculty Performance Evaluation

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9. Basic Faculty Performance Evaluation

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Size: 49 KB


10. Faculty Performance Evaluation in PDF

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Size: 66 KB


11. General Faculty Performance Evaluation

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Size: 605 KB


What Is a Faculty Performance Evaluation?

A faculty performance evaluation is a kind of assessment examination that caters to the performance of the faculty. This type of performance evaluation recognizes the plans and the performance of the faculty and to see if their performance is still up to the standards of the college or the university they work for. In addition to that, a faculty performance evaluation also helps by seeing the strengths and weaknesses of each faculty member. As well as to find a way to improve on the areas they may be struggling with. A faculty performance evaluation simply assists the faculty members in improving on their performance and to find a better solution to keeping up with the times.

It gives them a sense of knowing how good or how much improvement they need by doing the evaluation. It is not used as a tool to punish if they have not succeeded in giving their best. Rather it is to guide, help and to show them the areas that they are good at and the areas that they need to train on. To get a better sense of their performance, a faculty performance evaluation is highly needed. This is usually done by higher ranking faculty members and may depend on when. Some do have the evaluation twice in a school year while others take it after the school year is over. Again, this depends on the school and how they plan on doing it.

What to Expect in a Faculty Performance Evaluation?

Have you ever tried a performance evaluation before? If you have, were there things you expected but did not see? If you have not, what are your expectations when answering a performance evaluation? You may be wondering why this kind of evaluation is necessary. It is necessary to know and to understand the areas that you are improving on and the areas that still needs some improvement on. Back to the original question, what to expect in a faculty performance evaluation? If you are like the rest who wonder what to expect in a faculty performance evaluation or you are simply curious as to what it is about, check out the following tips or guidelines right now.

1. The Faculty’s Basic Information

This is one common thing you would find in any kind of evaluation. Especially in a faculty performance evaluation. The faculty member’s basic information. This would include their name, department, and the months or years of teaching. The basic information is needed to identify which faculty member has already been given the evaluation and the results.

2. The Evaluator’s Comments

The next thing you can expect would be the evaluator’s comments. The comments would be made into two or three, depending on the evaluator and the style. Some however would give a general comment to your results. The positive, the negative and the things to improve on. This is also common seeing as not everyone would want to write it differently.

3. The Evaluator’s Sources

The evaluation results cannot be complete without the source. Where did the evaluator based their evaluations? The source of their evaluation usually comes from general information to student’s evaluation of their teachers. These evaluation sources are used as a way for the evaluator to give their comment or answers.

4. Expected Rating

Just like any other performance evaluation, there is always an expected rating. Though it varies from who may be using it. The expected rating is made for the faculty to understand that if you get the highest rating regardless of the areas that need to improve on, you are still able to keep up with what you are doing. If you get a lower rating, this would be discussed with the faculty.

5. Private Information

The results of the evaluation are kept private. The only time the information is known is when it is shared to the person or the people who may need it. But, beyond that, the information or the result of your evaluation should not be shared by anyone but yourself and the evaluator. There are things that are best kept private and this is one of them.


What is a faculty performance evaluation?

A faculty performance evaluation is a kind of assessment done to the faculty of a school or a university. It is a tool that is used to assess and to gain knowledge about your faculty members and their performance throughout the whole school year or the whole semester.

How important is the result of a faculty performance evaluation?

Depending on the policy of the school or the university. However, some schools use the performance results as a means of giving training to their faculty to make them better at their jobs.

What sources are based on the performance evaluation?

This also depends on the school or university. But the most common sources are the ones that the students evaluate their teachers by the end of every semester.

Can an evaluator write down rude comments in your performance evaluation?

The evaluator is not allowed to write rude comments that can destroy another faculty member’s self-esteem. The negative part of the comment is made to be the areas of improvement. However, it does not give the evaluator a chance to say something rude nor should it be done.

One thing to always remember when doing a performance evaluation, the evaluation is not made as something to scare the faculty into working better. It is not a tool used to hurt others either. Rather it is a tool made to find out the strengths and the areas that can still be improved on for a better working experience.


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