Attendance Sheet

Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Attendance Sheet

Sure, hard skills, such as your knowledge and abilities are necessary and relevant on the field of work you’re currently in are obviously in order for you to perform a job effectively. But did you know that employers also value soft skills as well? One of the soft skills that employers would look for in an employee is strong work ethics. One of the indications that you have strong work ethics is that you have a great attendance record.


The Importance of a Good Attendance Record at Work

Even if attendance is considered as just a soft skill, having and maintaining a great attendance can be crucial that can help you in having a good standing with your employer. Having a great attendance can also help you build a strong work credibility and history that most employers would look for in an employee. You may also see 10 Expense Worksheet Examples in PDF.

A great attendance means you are present at work and arrived at work on time. If you have incurred a lot of absences and tardiness, it can really affect your current employment. In fact, it can also affect any future job opportunities. This is because it does not only affect you, it also affects your co-workers, your employers, and the business organization in general. You may also see Resume Worksheet Examples in PDF.

You were accepted to the job that you are currently at right now because they have full trust in you that you will be doing your job but how can you accomplish what you are ought to do when you are on time or absent? The work that was supposedly yours will be given to other people, your co-workers will have more extra things to do, the business operations will be affected, and this will greatly affect your employers. You may also see 16 Budget Worksheet – Examples in PDF.

If you have a record of poor attendance, this only means that you lack dependability and that you have poor work ethics in the eyes of employers. Even if you would transfer jobs and that there is no way for you present employer to know your attendance record from your previous employment, it would still reflect in your current job because being a latecomer has already become your habit and it’s a tough habit to break.

Having a good attendance at work can also affect your productivity at work. If you keep on going to work very late, you waste precious hours that should have been spent for work. And since you were late in reporting for work, chances are, instead of going home early, you will be using your supposedly extra time between work and home for some leisure or relaxation, you will be using it for work. You will definitely have no work and life balance if you keep on being tardy. You may also see  goal setting worksheets

Daily Attendance Sheet

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Daily Attendance Record Sample Form Sheet

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Time and Attendance Monthly Sheet

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Monthly Attendance Form Sheet

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Employee Attendance Record

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How to Create Personal Goals to Improve Attendance

If you are a chronic latecomer or absentee, then these goal ideas can help you in improving your attendance as well as your pay (because admit it: your poor attendance had caused a lot of deductions on your pay):

1. Prepare for work the night before.

Prepare all the things you need to work the night before. Prepare the clothes you would wear, the car or house keys, wallet and ID inside your bag and place your bag near the entrance door. If you own a car, make sure you have it full tank before the week starts so you would save time. You may also see 10 Time Worksheets Examples in PDF.

It is suggested that you should make your own food because you are not only saving your finances, but you are also saving time instead of stopping at a diner or cafe for a food takeout. If you take a long time in cooking or preparing your breakfast or lunch, you can precook it the night or even on Sunday night so all you have to do is just heat it in the morning of a workday. You may also see 10 Alphabet Worksheet Examples in PDF.

2. Get plenty of sleep the night before.

Having a plenty of sleep the night before another work day always works wonders. You will not only wake up and feel complete after a good and early sleep, but you will also feel energized to do prepare yourself for work in the morning. Plus, sleeping late will only make you sleep in again if ever you wake up earlier. You may also see Debt Worksheet Examples in PDF.

You cannot keep on blaming the bed for your lack of discipline. You cannot also keep on blaming the cold weather that makes the bed more tempting to stay in. You may also see Interview Worksheet Examples in PDF.

If you have a hard time to sleep early, put your phone down, take a relaxing bath, and immediately go to the bed. Also, have an alarm clock that will help you in waking up but make sure you put it away from your so that you would not be tempted to just easily turn it off and go back to sleep. You may also see 11+ SWOT Analysis Worksheet Examples in PDF.

3. Account for possible circumstances

If you know that you live in a place where traffic is just normal, you have to take that into account and go out from your house a lot more early. Also, try some to find out some routes that can be your alternate route when there is an extremely heavy traffic. You may also see Coaching Worksheet Examples in PDF.

You cannot keep on blaming the traffic because there are some people who can still make it on time even if they are also living in an area where the roads are always congested with traffic.

4. Make it your goal to arrive at work early

Have at least a ten to fifteen-minute advance before your shift would start. It is in this way that you are not too early nor too late. If ever there are some issues that would arise before you could even arrive at your workplace, you still have some time to spare o you have extra time in case other issues arise. You may also see Newspaper Worksheet Examples in PDF.

If you are just starting, you can just have at least ten to fifteen minute-headstart and when you would already get used to it, you can make it a point that you will leave home for work at least thirty minutes. You will also soon feel the good vibes of being an early bird will bring. Soon enough, going to work early will already become your habit.  You may also see Expense Worksheet Examples in PDF.

5. Commit

Even if you follow the goal ideals mentioned above but you do not have a strong commitment, those goal ideas will only remain as ideas. For you to be successful in improving your work attendance, you really have to commit to doing all the thing that will help you improve. It is only then that you will see the change on your attendance record and the increase of the usual pay your receiver when you kept on being absent or tardy at work. You may also see Self-Assessment Worksheet Examples in PDF.

Having a commitment to any goals, even aside from your goal to be at work early, can help you improve your overall work performance. Commitment makes a lot of difference so if you really want to change for the better, you have to make sure that commitment is involved in all your endeavors. You may also see Time Worksheets Examples in PDF.

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