Baptism Bookmark – 7+ Examples

Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Baptism Bookmark – 7+ Examples

Baptism Bookmark

A child’s baptism is something a family looks forward to. It is mostly done early on in a child’s life, and it is of the events a family celebrates next after the birth of the child. The friends and relatives who are closest to the family are invited to this event, and godfathers and godmothers sponsor it.

They also vow to take care of and be responsible for the child’s religious education and act as legal guardians if anything were to happen to the child’s parents. If you are planning to befall that responsibility unto a friend, a thank-you gift should be given at least, as a way of showing gratitude. Bookmarks are simple but extremely useful, and they should prove to be sufficient tokens of appreciation.

Baptism Bookmarks Templates and Examples

1. Boy Baptism Bookmark


This is a perfect gift for the godfathers and godmothers if your child were a boy (though this does not have to be followed strictly). With texts on the front and back of the bookmark, this is a great remembrance for your friends, as if having their godchild close while they are reading their favorite books.

2. Engraved Baptism Bookmark



A bookmark that is made to be more sturdy, this is a right gift for someone who tends to ruin bookmarks from a lighter material. That is only the functionality aspect of this bookmark, as its aesthetic is also nothing to scoff at. It looks very stylish and elegant, adding just a tad touch of thoughtfulness to it.

3. Pink Baptism Bookmark



This right here is a bookmark with strong pink colors with a polka dot motif. It is highly recommended for this to be used for a daughter’s christening. But again, it all depends on you. A bookmark with strong colors like this tends to stand out. If this is put on a nightstand along with other items, this one will most likely grab people’s attention the most.

4. Heart-shaped Personalized Baptism Bookmark



A baptism bookmark gift with a more personal touch. Along the fine string is a heart-shaped material, with the baptism date and the name of the recipient engraved on it. Though this may look simpler due to the size of the bookmark, this gift is nothing but thoughtful. If you are planning to hand these out to guests, having each of their names engraved on a different bookmark is highly time-consuming if you are planning to make it yourself, and very costly if you are planning to buy it. So if you have the time, or if you can afford it, this baptism bookmark will surely be a gift that will be most appreciated.

5. Girl Baptism Bookmark


A baptism bookmark gift that is great for goddaughters to give to their godfathers and godmothers. Filled with beautifully placed pink colors with the passages and quotes from the Bible, this beautiful, spiritually inspiring bookmark will surely be well kept and cherished memento.

6. Remembrance Baptism Bookmark



The background of this baptism may be plain and simple, but the engraving of the message, the name, and the cross makes it look grand. Because of its color that is very similar to that of concrete materials, this bookmark looks like it can be used for a long time without it incurring too many damages. A long-lasting and gorgeous-looking bookmark is most certainly a good gift to give to the godfathers and godmothers of your recently christened child and is almost symbolic to the relationship they are going to have throughout the years.

7. Bible Passage Baptism Bookmark


A bookmark with a passage straight out of the Bible on display. Its sky and rainbow background makes this bookmark look majestic and holy, making it a proper theme to use if you are considering putting a Bible verse on it anyway. And it is fitting as well, as a child’s baptism is indeed a very holy thing. The occasion itself is considered to be a spiritual cleansing for the child, so handing out bookmarks with a Bible verse in its front and center just seems right. It is also worth noting that the verse used in this bookmark is from the book of Genesis. This is significant because Christians consider that book to be a symbol of beginnings, very much like how baptism is seen.

8. Clip-on Baptism Bookmark



An unconventional kind of bookmark, as it is clipped to the page to mark where you left off instead of just placing it in between the pages. Above the pin is some kind of circular material, in here you can write whatever message you want to address. Aside from those two, there really is nothing else to note about this bookmark. It does look very flashy. Stepping outside of the norm and creating something special is a thing that fascinates a lot of people. Even something as simple as a bookmark has its own unique variations.

A lot of people want to become the godparent of their friend’s or relative’s child, as this is usually considered an honor. Perhaps it is because they grew to love that little baby as if it were their own family. Maybe in a way, it is. Friendships foster over the years, and seeing a friend raise their own child is a surreal thing. Magical, almost. The love and care you have for your friend will automatically extend to that child. That is why it is such an honor to be a godparent to your friend’s godchild. A token to remind a godparent that will be very appreciated.

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