Personal Planner

Last Updated: July 12, 2024

Personal Planner


Being organized in life leads to the growth of a person.  If you want to achieve success in life you need your daily chores to be performed timely and in a perfect routine. To perform the work in a routine it’s very important to keep track of the work and put everything on schedule, and to create a proper schedule we must first make a list of our tasks that are required to be done and then put them under time slabs as per our convenience.

A routine makes the life of a person very easy and organized and helps a person reach and achieve their personal goals in life. For a personal action plan, you can refer to Personal Action Plan Examples in PDF. Here is a list 18+ Personal Planner Examples & Templates that can guide you through the process of creating personal planners.

Personal Planner Examples & Templates

1. Personal Planner Template

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A personal planner is prepared to help us in understanding the estimate of the cost of our daily needs. This template can be used to analyze the direct and indirect cost of living in a similar manner.

2. Personal Planner in PDF

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Every spring is the time when all the colleges and schools give a long spring break to the students. To keep the student’s schedule in a proper shape a personal planner can be used. This template is in a pdf format and a very good example of a personal planner.

3. Monthly Personal Planner Sample

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Students have to cover a huge syllabus in their school and college, it is required to divide them and allocate them to different days of the month to fulfill the target. This template explains how to create such a planner. For monthly planners, you can refer to Monthly Planner Examples.

4. Personal Lent Planner Example

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Not only for studies it’s also required to pray and practice religious activities. It is also required to prepare a planner for that; this template is an example of a lent planner, and teaches us to be focused.

5. Personal Development Planner

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Personal planners are made to stay motivated and perform the tasks on a daily basis, this template is an example of a personal planner where you can write your strengths and weakness and then plan your career enhancement accordingly. This requires one to check against the targeted goals periodically as well.

6. Personal Planner for Excellence

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A good action plan can make a person very successful in life. This template provides us with the form that can be filled up by people aspiring to be successful. This template can be used to understand the daily routine of a successful entrepreneur as well.

7. Personal Records Planner

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Personal planners are used not only to plan the day or month. A personal planner also may contain every personal detail about the person, so that the details can be of help if some unexpected incident rears up. It can contain the instructions to be followed by the family members of the person concerned as has been shown in the above template.

8. Personal Planner  for High Achievers

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Personal planners are always helpful to achieve desired goals. Whenever we prepare a personal planner it takes a step close to our success. This template gives adequate information on how to prepare a personal planner and what steps are to be followed. For more weakly plans visit Weekly Plan Examples.

9. Personal Emergency Action Planner

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An emergency can occur anytime; it’s always a wise choice to keep the emergency information handy. Emergency action planner is one of the most important documents that is required to be kept for self and family, this template is a perfect example of an emergency action planner.

10. Personal Planner & Training Guide

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Teachers also need to prepare a personal planner; they teach the students in a particular way so that the students can get the most out of it, a personal planner can be used for self-assessment by the teachers. This template is a perfect example of a training guide.

11. Personal Advocacy Planner

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At times it is a good habit to socialize; it helps the person to grow and boosts their confidence. This personal advocacy planner consists of all the contact information that a person is connected with personally, so that they can be contacted for human rights advocacy. This template can be used to engage in social work as well that way.

12. Personal Meal Planner Sample

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Everyone wants to stay fit, and exercise can keep you fit and young. So when proper meal is required, this template helps you to record your daily meal intake and helps you to keep a track of the food you are having on a weekly basis to keep track of calories consumed so that weight can be kept in check.

13. Personal Project Mini Planner

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Be it a school or university, every student is required to prepare a project. To make the project successful it is required to prepare a project planner. This template is an example of a mini project planner that can be used to keep a track of the small projects so they can be completed on time.

14. Personal Task Planner Sample

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In a business or in small companies, when tasks are assigned to the people or the employees, it is very much required to keep track of the work and understand if the work is finished or not. This template can be used as a deadline tracker to note down the task and check if it was done on time.

15. Personal Induction Planner

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Induction training is conducted every now and then; the most important part is that it is required to be understood well by the inductees. This template can be used to get feedback so as to track the mistakes or the plus points that were there during induction.

16. Personal Time Planner

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This can be used in a hospital to record the timely report of a patient, this template consists of the time in hourly basis. The information can be checked throughout the week. It can also help as a reminder to the user. This can also be used by anyone for any other work as it is generic in nature.

17. Women’s Personal Planner

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There are some planners that are only desirable for women; they use different designs for their templates. This template is a perfect example of a template that a woman can use as there are a lot of pages to record their daily information.

18. Peace Studies Personal Plan

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There are times when students have to decide on their course, major courses, and elective courses. This template is a perfect planner that can be used to fill such information.

19. Personal Transportation Planner

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Personal transportation planner is required so that travel can be planned with the use of public transport; this template is a primer to automated transport planner software that gives precise knowledge about the transportation routes to the user.

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