Wedding Voucher – 10+ Examples, Illustrator, Photoshop, Word, Publisher, Pages
Vouchers are a very well-known gift to give these days. Instead of people buying items as gifts that have the possibility of being unwanted, some people hand out vouchers instead. That way you are giving them a gift they can use to experience something. As a business owner, you may want to consider having vouchers for your brand and items. Here are some templates and examples you can use.
Wedding Voucher Templates and Examples
Complimentary Wedding Gift Voucher

This is a voucher you can make specifically to be given to newlyweds. Whether you are in the food industry or hotel, anywhere that can benefit a couple, this voucher can be used by you. Who knows, you might so happen to be a brand or a business the couple likes, and their friends will go to you for vouchers. Never disregard the profitability of gift vouchers.
Wedding Photography Voucher

Elegant Wedding Gift Voucher Template

Hotel Wedding Gift Voucher

This is another perfect gift to give to newlyweds. If the couple can’t use this hotel voucher for their honeymoon, they can still use this sometime in the future. Married couples, especially those with children, will have their hands full most of the time. A great, relaxing getaway will be exactly what they need, and they will even feel more inclined to go if they have a voucher for that particular hotel. Make sure it will be your hotel.
Wedding Anniversary Voucher

This voucher is perfect for airline companies or travel agencies. A trip is exactly one of the better things a couple can do on their anniversary, but a trip is not exactly the cheapest option. But if they have a travel voucher, then that makes things so much simpler for them. Have them use the voucher, and be sure to give them great service. That voucher can be the entry point to which they can become a regular customer.
Wedding Gift Voucher

Here is a classic-looking voucher that is made specifically as a wedding gift prior to the actual wedding day. The about-to-be-wedded can benefit from this so much, as they can spend less for the reception. In weddings, everybody knows how expensive the reception is. A vast share of the budget goes directly to that. A voucher like this one will really be appreciated by the couple.
Wedding Spa Voucher
A simple, yet cute-looking voucher that is perfect for a couple who is just looking for a quick snippet of relaxation. If you own a spa, be sure to have spa vouchers of your own just like this one. A lot of people actually turn to spa businesses when looking for vouchers to give as gifts.
Gift Card Voucher
Just a simple example of a voucher you can consider as a guide if you want to make one for your own. It is fancy enough without being too overbearing, and it is pleasant looking, making the newlyweds appreciate this even more after they receive this.
Ice Cream Wedding Voucher
A voucher for newlyweds from a massively known ice cream brand. Even a brand that is as well known as this, a brand that is a subsidiary to one of the biggest company in the world, provide vouchers to their customers. Because why not? A lot of people really like this ice cream, and a voucher from them is a great gift to receive. You should have your own vouchers too if you are in a similar business.
Wedding Function Voucher
Similar to the first one, this type of voucher will be massively appreciated by the couple and the parents who sponsor the wedding. Being practical and realistic, a gift like this is better than any other for a couple who is about to get married. A wedding cuts a massive portion out of your savings, so everything that can help to lessen those expenses can really help. If you are a business that holds functions, it can help to have vouchers too so the friends can have the option to help out the couple this way.
Wedding Photographer Voucher
Another voucher that should be given to the about-to-be-married before the actual wedding ceremony. As mentioned earlier, Weddings are extremely costly and anything that can help lessen the expenses will be extremely appreciated. Guests can choose to help out with the venue, or the food, or alternatively, they can also give the couple a voucher for a photographer. Wedding photographers are not exactly cheap. If you are a photographer, you know that already. You also already know that the more known a photographer is, the higher his rates are. If you are a photographer, it does not matter if you are currently well known or not, be sure to also have your own voucher for your service.
Look at it this way. Selling vouchers to your customers is kind of like getting paid for a product that hasn’t been claimed yet. Looking at things your way, you still get to earn, you still get to make a profit. From a business standpoint, you win if you have a voucher. If the voucher gets availed, great! It has been paid for already anyway. If not, you still got paid for that. Consider that extensively. Have vouchers for your own brand. It will not only make you profit but increase your popularity as well.