Memo Writing

Last Updated: May 22, 2024

Memo Writing

Memo Writing

Memos are essential to every business or organization, and so is the writing of memos. Memos impart information or a call to action to directed individuals so making a memo understandable requires basic writing skills and a lot of common sense.

Memos state facts; therefore, fiction writing has no place in a memo. Examples of effective memos are found on the page for you to review. All the free writing samples shown can be downloaded via the download link button below each sample. Scroll down the page to view more samples of memos in order to understand a memo better.

What is a Memorandum?

A memorandum, often shortened to memo, is a type of document used for internal communication within organizations. Unlike formal letters or email communications that might be used for external correspondence, memorandums are typically used to share information, updates, directives, or requests among employees, departments, or teams within a single organization.

How to Write a Memo

Writing an effective memo requires clear and concise communication. Here’s a step-by-step guide to crafting a memo that conveys your message efficiently and professionally.

Step 1: Start with a Clear Heading

The heading of your memo should include the following elements:

  • To: The recipient(s) of the memo.
  • From: Your name and position.
  • Date: The date the memo is sent.
  • Subject: A brief overview of the memo’s purpose.

Step 2: Open with a Purpose Statement

  • Begin your memo with a concise statement that summarizes the purpose of the memo. This ensures the reader understands the context and importance of the message from the outset.

Step 3: Write the Body

The body of your memo should be direct and to the point. Follow these guidelines:

  • Organize Your Information: Use paragraphs or bullet points to make your memo easier to read. Each paragraph should cover a single main idea.
  • Be Specific: Include all necessary details for the recipient to understand the memo’s purpose and, if applicable, take action.
  • Use Simple Language: Avoid jargon or complex terminology that might confuse the reader.

Step 4: Include a Call to Action

  • If your memo is intended to prompt action, clearly state what you expect the recipient to do, including any relevant deadlines. Make sure this call to action is easy to find and understand.

Step 5: Close with a Summary or Conclusion

  • End your memo with a brief summary of the key points or a conclusion that reinforces the memo’s purpose. If no action is required from the recipient, a simple closing statement may suffice.

Step 6: Proofread

  • Before sending your memo, take the time to proofread it for errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Ensure that your message is clear and that you’ve included all necessary information.

Additional Tips for Writing Memos

  • Keep it Short: Aim for a length that communicates your message effectively but doesn’t overwhelm the reader with unnecessary details.
  • Use a Professional Tone: Even though a memo is an internal document, maintaining a professional tone is crucial.
  • Consider the Audience: Tailor the tone and detail of your memo to the recipients. What do they already know? What do they need to know?
  • Format for Clarity: Use headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make your memo easier to scan.

Types of Memos

Memos, serving as versatile tools for internal communication, come in various forms to address different needs within an organization. Understanding the types of memos can help ensure that the right format and tone are used for specific purposes. Here are some of the most common types:

1. Informational Memo

  • Purpose: To inform employees about general updates, changes in policy, company events, or other relevant news.
  • Key Features: Concise, providing necessary details without overwhelming the reader. It often includes background information to help recipients understand the context.
  • Example:

Subject: Office Relocation Update

To: All Employees
From: Jane Doe, Office Manager
Date: March 19, 2024
Subject: Office Relocation Update

I am pleased to inform you that the relocation of our main office to the new building at 1234 Business Park Way will commence on April 3, 2024. The move is expected to be completed by April 10, 2024. During this period, there may be some disruptions to normal operations. Please be prepared to work from home if necessary. Further details will be provided as the date approaches. We appreciate your cooperation and flexibility during this time.

2. Directive Memo

  • Purpose: To instruct or direct employees on a specific action they need to take. This could include implementing new procedures, adhering to new policies, or preparing for upcoming changes.
  • Key Features: Clear and direct, with explicit instructions on what needs to be done, by whom, and by when. It may also outline the steps or procedures to follow.
  • Example:

Subject: Mandatory Cybersecurity Training

To: All Department Heads
From: John Smith, IT Director
Date: March 19, 2024
Subject: Mandatory Cybersecurity Training

Due to recent security threats, all employees are required to complete the new cybersecurity training module by April 15, 2024. Department heads are responsible for ensuring their team members complete the training on time. The training can be accessed through the employee portal. Failure to complete this training may result in restricted access to the company network. Please prioritize this task to ensure our network’s security.

3. Request Memo

  • Purpose: To ask for information, assistance, or action from another person or department within the organization.
  • Key Features: Polite yet direct, clearly stating what is being requested and why. It should also include a deadline for the response or action.
  • Example:

Subject: Request for Budget Proposals

To: Department Managers
From: Lisa Green, CFO
Date: March 19, 2024
Subject: Request for 2025 Budget Proposals

As part of our annual budgeting process, I am requesting that each department submit their budget proposals for the 2025 fiscal year by May 1, 2024. Please include a detailed breakdown of expected expenses and justifications for any significant increases or new budget items. Budget planning sessions will be scheduled in May to discuss each proposal. Your cooperation in submitting these proposals on time is critical for our financial planning.

4. Confirmation Memo

  • Purpose: To confirm details of conversations, agreements, or decisions made during meetings or informal discussions.
  • Key Features: Summarizes the key points or decisions made, ensuring all parties have a written record and are in agreement. This type of memo serves as a follow-up to verbal communications.
  • Example:

Subject: Confirmation of Policy Change Discussion

To: Sales Team
From: Emily White, Sales Manager
Date: March 19, 2024
Subject: Confirmation of Policy Change Discussion

This memo serves to confirm the discussion we had during our team meeting on March 15, 2024, regarding the new sales reporting policy. As agreed, all sales reports must now be submitted by 5 PM on Fridays, starting from April 1, 2024. This change aims to improve the efficiency of our weekly sales analysis. Please adjust your schedules accordingly and ensure timely submission.

5. Progress Report Memo

  • Purpose: To update management or team members on the progress of a project, task, or initiative.
  • Key Features: Includes detailed information on what has been accomplished, any challenges faced, next steps, and whether the project is on track to meet its deadlines.
  • Example:

Subject: Project Galaxy Update – Phase 1 Completion

To: Project Team and Stakeholders
From: Alex Turner, Project Manager
Date: April 10, 2024
Subject: Project Galaxy Update – Phase 1 Completion

I am thrilled to announce the successful completion of Phase 1 of Project Galaxy ahead of schedule. This milestone marks a significant achievement in our development timeline and brings us one step closer to the project’s overall completion.

6. Financial Report Memo

  • Purpose: To communicate financial status, updates, or concerns within the organization. This could include budget summaries, financial statements, or funding requests.
  • Key Features: Presents complex financial data in a clear, understandable manner. It may include summaries, charts, or tables for easier interpretation.
  • Example:

Subject: Q1 Financial Performance Overview

To: Executive Team
From: Maria Gonzalez, Chief Financial Officer
Date: April 5, 2024
Subject: Q1 Financial Performance Overview

I am pleased to present the financial performance overview for the first quarter of 2024. Our company has shown a robust growth rate of 15% in revenue compared to Q1 of the previous year. However, operating expenses also saw an increase by 10%, primarily due to the expansion of our marketing efforts.

7. Policy Memo

  • Purpose: To introduce, explain, or update company policies.
  • Key Features: Detailed and precise, ensuring that recipients fully understand the policy, its implications, and any actions they need to take.
  • Example:

Subject: New Email Communication Policy

To: All Employees
From: Henry Brown, HR Director
Date: March 19, 2024
Subject: New Email Communication Policy

Effective immediately, the company is implementing a new email communication policy to enhance efficiency and reduce email overload. Key points include:

  • Limiting “Reply All” to situations where it is necessary for all recipients to see the response.
  • Encouraging the use of specific subject lines for better email management.
  • Restricting internal emails to work hours unless urgent.

Please review the full policy on the company intranet and adhere to these guidelines to improve our communication practices.

8. Emergency Memo

  • Purpose: To alert employees about immediate actions or precautions they need to take in case of an emergency.
  • Key Features: Highly urgent and direct, with clear instructions on what to do, whom to contact, and how to remain safe.
  • Example:

Subject: Office Relocation Update

Subject: Immediate Office Closure Due to Severe Weather

To: All Employees
From: Olivia Johnson, Operations Manager
Date: July 22, 2024
Subject: Immediate Office Closure Due to Severe Weather

Due to the severe weather warning issued by the National Weather Service for our area, effective immediately, the office will be closed for the remainder of today, July 22, and all day tomorrow, July 23. The safety of our employees is our top priority.

How is a Memo Different from an Email?

Memo vs. Email

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While both memos and emails serve as tools for communication, they differ in several key aspects, from their format and usage to their audience and formalities. Understanding these differences is crucial for choosing the most appropriate medium for your message. Here’s a breakdown of how a memo differs from an email:

1. Format and Structure

  • Memo: Typically follows a standard format that includes a header (with sections for to, from, date, and subject), an introduction, a body, and a conclusion or call to action. Memos are usually more structured and may follow a specific template within an organization.
  • Email: More flexible in format, emails can range from informal to formal, depending on the sender, recipient, and purpose. They often start with a greeting, followed by the body of the message, and end with a closing and signature.

2. Purpose and Use

  • Memo: Primarily used for internal communication within an organization. Memos are ideal for conveying policies, procedures, official announcements, and other information that requires formal documentation.
  • Email: Can be used for both internal and external communication. Emails are versatile and can be used for a wide range of purposes, including informal communication, formal requests, marketing, and more.

3. Audience

  • Memo: Generally intended for a specific audience within an organization, such as employees, departments, or teams. The audience of a memo is often predefined and limited to those directly involved or affected by its content.
  • Email: Can be sent to anyone with an email address, making it suitable for both internal and external communication. Emails can easily be forwarded to additional recipients, expanding their audience beyond the original recipients.

4. Tone and Formality

  • Memo: Often more formal than emails, reflecting the structured nature of the document and its use within organizational communication.
  • Email: The tone can vary widely from casual to highly formal, depending on the sender’s relationship with the recipients and the email’s purpose.

5. Record Keeping

  • Memo: Serves as an official record of communication within an organization. Memos are often filed and archived for future reference.
  • Email: Can also be archived and serve as a record of communication, but the ease of deletion and the volume of emails can make long-term record keeping and retrieval more challenging.

6. Distribution

  • Memo: Traditionally, memos were distributed in print form, but they can also be distributed electronically. The distribution of memos is usually controlled and targeted.
  • Email: Distributed electronically and instantly to one or multiple recipients, making it a faster way to reach a broad audience.

Memo Writing Samples

Memo Writing Examples & Pdf

Professional Memo Template

Memo Template

Business Writing

Effective Memo Example

Technical Memo

Legal Writing

Sample Memo

Free Memo Writing

Accounting Memo

Decision Writing

Office Memo

General Memo Writing Example

Sample Memo Writing

Simple Memo Writing

Professional Memo Writing

Basic Memo Writing Example

Printable Memo Writing

Policy Memo Writing

Sample Memo Writing Example in PDF

Basic Memo Writing

Formal Memo Writing

Parts of a Memo

Writing a memo still follows a basic structure. The memo is comprised of the following:

1. The heading – the heading is made up of who the memo is for, who sent the memo, the subject, and date the memo was made. The subject line simply explains what the memo is about. You may also see essay writing examples & samples.

2. Introduction – The first paragraph of the memo quickly introduces the subject, the background relating to the subject, and the purpose and use of writing the memo.

3. Body – gives out information and supporting details for the purpose of the memo. Particular details are defined or described relating to the purpose of the memo. You may also like article writing examples & samples.

4. Conclusion or close – states the outcome or specific steps needed to be accomplished next to achieve the purpose of the memo. It additionally sets responsibilities for individuals involved in accomplishing the purpose of the memo.

Free writing examples and writing examples in doc format are shown on the page for reference. Feel free to click the individual download link buttons for each sample to access the sample closer.

What is the Purpose of Writing a Memo?

A memo serves to inform or get a call to action regarding any topic, event, project, or a proposal. A memo is primarily a communication tool used in business in disseminating information across the organization.

Writing templates and examples on the page act as additional reference in the making of memos. Feel free to get a closer look at the samples by clicking on the individual download link buttons below each sample.

Guidelines for Memo Writing

The following are simple guidelines that need to be considered in writing a memo:

1. In creating a heading, the full names of the recipients and the one sending the business memo example should be placed. The subject often includes “RE” which means “regarding” the subject.

2. The body of the memo is comprised of three parts namely the introduction, recommendations or purpose, and the conclusion. You may also see informative writing examples & samples.

3. Finalize the document by evaluating the appropriateness for the audience, concise and coherent ideas, and its readability.

4. After a final check, affix your signature or initials to the memo if sending hard copies. If sent through email, it may be a good idea to send a PDF format to avoid being edited and recirculated.

Why are Memoranda Important?

  • Efficiency: Memos allow for the quick dissemination of information across an organization, saving time and enhancing productivity.
  • Clarity: They provide a clear and authoritative record of communications, decisions, and actions, reducing misunderstandings.
  • Documentation: Memos serve as a historical record of the internal communications, decisions, and operational changes within an organization.

How to Write an Effective Memo

Writing a memo could be intimidating, notably for newbies. Considering that this document is used in formal purposes and is composed in a systematic manner, writing it could be very difficult without the basic knowledge regarding memos. Since you already read the steps on how to write a memo, this section would provide you some tips to augment your memo writing.

1. Evaluate your message.

Before proceeding in composing your own memo, reflect if the announcement that you want to disseminate does really need a memo and if does then how urgent people need to know about it. Similarly, you must check if your direction or declaration is realistic and achievable. Considering that people see memos as highly important and serious documents, you must ensure that what you’re going to send is not just a joke.

2. Know the standards.

Though memos have formats to be followed, some companies or agencies have their own special styles. Hence, ponder on the standards of your addressed company. Gather some information by doing some research or asking knowledgeable people about the specific institution. By doing this, you will acquire more confidence in writing your own memo and avoid any revisions.

3. Put the complete thought in a nutshell.

One thing that you should consider in writing a memo is its conciseness and coherence. A mistake that you might commit is that you treat memos as an academic essay. Remind yourself that a memo is written to inform a mass of people, and not all of your recipients have sufficient time to read a lengthy composition. Hence, keep your memo as short as possible while putting all of the essential details into the content.

4. Take a look at your grammar and spelling.

Needless to say, grammar is an essential element in every professional composition. Aside from that it is embarrassing or frightening to be criticized by others, typos and grammatical errors could mislead readers. Elaborately, even a misspelled word could already impact the whole composition. Thus, before distributing your memo, carefully examine it first.

5. Close with precise and inspiring statements.

As mentioned above, memos are written either to inform or get a call to action regarding any circumstance. By including an accurate closing statement, readers could easily identify whether the memo is just for notification or a paper that tells direction. If your memo doesn’t order any responsive action, you can indicate “No action required.” On the other hand, if it does, then you can conclude with some motivational closing remarks that would urge them to act on your direction.

Writing examples in PDF are on the page to guide you in making your very own memo. Feel free to download any file sample you like on the page.

Memo Writing Generator

Text prompt

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Write a memo announcing a new library book borrowing policy.

Create a memo for students about an upcoming science fair.

Draft a memo regarding changes to the school cafeteria menu.

Compose a memo about a new after-school tutoring program availability.

Prepare a memo outlining the schedule for final exams week.

Develop a memo to introduce a new school recycling initiative.

Formulate a memo reminding students of upcoming parent-teacher conference dates.

Construct a memo about the deadline for yearbook photo submissions.

Design a memo inviting students to a guest speaker event.

Pen a memo detailing guidelines for the school's sports day event.