Law of Conservation of Mass

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Created by: Team Physics -, Last Updated: July 17, 2024

Law of Conservation of Mass

Law of Conservation of Mass.

The Law of Conservation of Mass in physics asserts that mass is neither created nor destroyed in a closed system. During any physical or chemical process, the total mass of the system remains constant. This fundamental principle is key to understanding chemical reactions and physical transformations.

What is Law of Conservation of Mass?

The Law of Conservation of Mass is a fundamental concept in physics and chemistry, stating that in an isolated system is neither created nor destroyed by chemical reactions or physical transformations. Essentially, this law ensures that the total mass of reactants entering a reaction equals the mass of the products resulting from that reaction.

Types of Conservation of Mass

In physics, the principle of conservation of mass is fundamental and manifests primarily in two contexts: closed systems and isolated systems.

Conservation of Mass in Closed Systems

In closed systems, no matter can enter or leave the system, conserving mass. Observers often note this during chemical reactions within sealed containers, where the total mass of reactants matches that of the products despite transformations.

Conservation of Mass in Isolated Systems

Isolated systems extend the principle further by preventing not only mass from moving in and out but also stopping energy exchanges with the environment. This type of system, more theoretical and idealized, serves as an important model in thermodynamics and statistical mechanics.

Law of Conservation of Mass Formula

In physics, the formula for the Law of Conservation of Mass states:


This equation implies that the total mass š‘š of a system remains constant over time. Regardless of the processes occurring within the system. The mass before any reaction or physical change š‘šįµ¢ā‚™įµ¢ā‚œįµ¢ā‚ā‚—ā€‹ is equal to the mass after the change š‘šÕ¢įµ¢ā‚™ā‚ā‚—.

Uses of Law of Conservation of Mass

Law of Conservation of Mass

The Law of Conservation of Mass is vital across various fields, providing essential insights and efficiencies:

  • Chemical Engineering: Ensures correct mass balances in industrial chemical reactions.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Critical for developing safe and effective medications by maintaining mass consistency in reactions.
  • Environmental Science: Helps track and model pollutants in ecosystems for better environmental protection.
  • Recycling Processes: Key in waste management to ensure efficient and sustainable recycling outcomes.
  • Astrophysics: Used to study and predict phenomena in star formation and galaxy evolution.

Examples for Law of Conservation of Mass

The Law of Conservation of Mass is evident in a variety of everyday and scientific scenarios:

  • Cooking: The total mass of ingredients before cooking equals the mass of the final dish, accounting for moisture loss.
  • Water Cycle: The cycle of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation moves water through ecosystems without losing mass.
  • Battery Operation: Batteries convert chemical energy into electrical energy during discharge without changing the system’s mass.
  • Photosynthesis: Plants convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen, balancing mass on both sides of the equation.
  • Chemical Manufacturing: This process ensures that all reactants are present in the final products, which is crucial for meeting industry standards and ensuring safety.


What is the law of conservation of mass for kids?

It states that in any physical or chemical change, the total amount of mass stays the same; nothing gets lost or created.

Who gave the law of conservation of mass class 9?

The Law of Conservation of Mass was formulated by Antoine Lavoisier, a French chemist, in the late 18th century. He is often called the father of modern chemistry.

Who is the father of conservation of mass?

The father of conservation of mass is Antoine Lavoisier. He formulated the principle that in a closed system, mass is neither created nor destroyed.

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