Best Catering Menu – 6+Examples, Illustrator, Pages, InDesign, Photoshop, Word, Publisher, PDF

Last Updated: January 21, 2025

Best Catering Menu – 6+Examples, Illustrator, Pages, InDesign, Photoshop, Word, Publisher, PDF


Having a first-rate catering menu is just as important and useful to the customers and to the caterers as well. Though it may seem insignificant, a catering menu actually affects how customers perceive your catering services; it is among the few things that they initially make contact with when engaging your business. The quality of your catering menu determines whether or not you can effectively attract your target clients or if they would still continue doing business with you. To help you achieve more in your business, check out the following catering menu templates and samples that will not only help you choose which food to include but will also provide you with an inviting layout design.

Best Catering Menu Examples and Templates

1. Simple Catering Menu Template

Simple Catering Menu Template
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • Pages
  • InDesign
  • Photoshop
  • MS Word
  • Publisher

Size: US Letter, 5×7 inches, 4.25×11 inches


Say yes to choosing simple contemporary designs, especially if it will be for something that’s meant to last long. In that way, you won’t have to keep on revising your material. So check out the above straightforward menu design for catering services. It’s not as simple as it looks for it comes with original fonts and customizable colors. Should you feel the need to create another version of a catering menu, you can always make use of the other fonts and colors. Simplicity is the key!

2. Cool Catering Menu Template

Cool Catering Menu Template
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • Pages
  • InDesign
  • Photoshop
  • MS Word
  • Publisher

Size: US Letter, 5×7 inches, 4.25×11 inches


Choosing which food to include for an event can cause quite a headache to your customers, especially when they see prices that they think aren’t reasonable, but you can avoid that from happening! With this cool-looking template, you can serve your customers a refreshing feeling as they scan through your catering menu. It also gives emphasis to the main course meals so your customers won’t encounter difficulties when choosing among them. Download this template now and help lighten the load of your customers.

3. Free Catering Menu Template

Free Catering Menu Template
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • MS Word
  • Publisher
  • Pages

Size: US Letter


A catering menu doesn’t have to look boring and exhaustive; you can make it look fun. Flatter your list of dishes with the chic design of this catering menu. If your restaurant or catering brand goes well with this type of design, go ahead and download it now for free. It has other colors available and free Google fonts as well. Plus, you will not need to find chic images and artworks that will go with this design; it’s already available in the package.

4. Restaurant Catering Menu Template

File Format
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • MS Word
  • Photoshop
  • Pages
  • Publisher

Size: US Letter, Legal, Post Card


Incorporating your logo in your company’s products and materials is one of the classic marketing strategy that’s still thriving even in this modern times. So if you’re a catering services provider and would want to promote your brand better, try using the favorably customizable restaurant catering menu template above. Unlike other templates, it has a space specifically for your company’s logo and a space intended for a featured photo. Download it now.

5. Hilton Garden Inn’s Catering Menu

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2.7 MB


Placing mouthwatering images on a menu definitely has a huge impact on your customer’s preferences, especially when you are able to use powerful and suitable images along with the texts. The above sample catering menu from Hilton Garden Inn is one example of how impactful even a single photo of a highly tempting food is. If you would also like to employ this strategy, you better download and make use of the sample above as it also provides clear and short descriptions of each food package.

6. Four Seasons Hotel Catering Menu for Weddings

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2.9 MB


Some catering services provider, particularly those in hotels, specialize in only few catering themes such as weddings. If you’re in a similar case as them, you should refer to this comprehensive catering menu from Four Seasons Hotel. Their menu comprises of different wedding themes that the newlyweds can choose from. The sample provides an exhaustive list of their food and prices as well as elegant pictures that cohere with their theme.

7. Basic Catering Menu from DayoSense

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 498.1 KB


If you wish to make things easier for both you and your clients, you must check out this sample catering menu from DayoSense. Instead of laying their food list around, they put them into themes or categories. Because of this, the clients will have less trouble in food selection and the catering staff will enjoy less inconvenience in buying groceries for the client’s corresponding orders.

8. The Catered Affair Fall/Winter Catering Menu

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 11.7 MB


As mentioned, incorporating complementary images of your menu is highly effective and is something that you should be doing excellently and realistically. After all, people tend to feast with their eyes first. If you need a reference, download this sample catering menu from The Catered Affair; it is heavy with extremely appetizing pictures. They also did not include the prices in their menu and they rightfully can since it is just one type of marketing strategy.

9. Gere-a-Deli Compact Catering Menu

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 235.9 KB


Sometimes, you don’t really need fancy theme names or pictures to include in your menu because sometimes, people prefer it simple. This is applicable especially to established catering services provider like Gere-a-Deli. They opted to stick in a minimalist design with those boxes and few colors. Additionally, the boxes exist to confine each food sample, which puts a limit as to what a client can order making it easier for the caterer as well.

10. Marine Catering Services Weekly Catering Menu

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 903.9 KB


If you are starting up a catering business for marine vessels, then you are taking up a tough but exceptional challenge. However, providing delicious and fresh food to cruise ships and cargo ships alike will not be that hard now that you can make use of this sample one-week catering menu from Marine Catering Services. The menu is relatively simple, but you can be sure that your customers know what they are eating if you make use of the symbolic letters as seen in the sample. Download this sample today and start the course.

11. Adam’s Taphouse Grille Catering Menu

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 123.8 KB


Lots of food establishments have failed to communicate that they also offer catering services simply because they do not have advertisements or catering menus specified for those. This catering menu sample above from Adam’s Taphouse Grille begs to differ; their menu basically says that they also provide catering services aside from just being a taphouse (although most of their catering menu are specialties of a taphouse). So if you’re already in the restaurant industry and would like to venture into catering, you might want to download this sample.

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