Menu Planner – 14+ Examples, Format, Word, Pages, PDF
Menu planning ensures that you eat at home more frequently, which can not only have a huge effect on your health, but also your pocket. With effective menu planning, you will know what food items you should buy, which make grocery shopping efficient and also cuts down random trips to purchase forgotten items.
This article contains 15+ menu planner examples and templates. You may also want to see these meal plan templates to help you eat even healthier.
Menu Planner Examples & Templates
1. Elegant Menu Planner

This elegant menu planner template helps you to plan your menu for the whole week or month as you see fit. With this template, you can easily decide what you will be eating for each meal. This includes main dishes, desserts and side dishes. Also, it helps you know the number of meals that you need to plan for and the time to serve them. Download this template to start planning your meals now!
2. Monthly Menu Planner

This monthly menu planner template is so exhaustive and lets you plan out your meals for a whole 30 days. The template, which is available in a PDF document file that can be easily downloaded, includes the individual grocery items that you need to buy. This way, you can buy the items at once or after sometime so you don’t have to make daily trips to the market. You may also want to see these editable food menus examples.
3. Modern Menu Planner

This modern menu planner ensures you always eat at home, and in the end helps you to eat a lot healthier. Also, because you know what you will eat each day, it’s easy to plan and buy your supplies in advance. This will save time and the stress of having to think of what to eat every day. The easily downloadable template is available in Pages, Word, Illustrator, Publisher and Photoshop.
4. Creative Menu Planner Template

Whether you are experienced at menu planning or you are just starting out, you will appreciate how difficult it is to create a menu. If there is an event that’s coming up and you need a menu planner quickly, you can bet on this creative menu planner template to bail you out. The template features a simple design that helps ensure you accomplish menu planning easily. It is compatible with Word, Illustrator, Photoshop, Publisher and Pages.
5. Diet Menu Planner Template

This diet menu planning template not only ensures you eat healthy meals but also stick to the diet you have chosen. Compatible with a range of programs including Photoshop, Publisher, Pages, Illustrator and Words, the template makes it easy for you to create a menu plan that will ease your work of deciding what you eat. It even contains grocery shopping lists so you don’t have to stress yourself about that.
6. Monthly Menu Planner
This is monthly menu planner helps you organize food items for your family for the entire length of a month. With this template, you don’t have to worry about what you will cook for the whole month. It includes grocery shopping lists for each meal, so you don’t have to waste time trying to figure which ones to buy. You can download this template in PDF form.
7. Nutrition & Menu Planning for Children
Need a menu planning for your children? This template makes it easy to plan nutritious meals for kids and saves you a lot of time. The meals have been researched and are proven to be of high nutritious value, so no need to worry. Download this PDF template today and start cooking rich meals for your young ones.
8. Menu Planner Sheet
Use this menu planner sheet to efficiently plan your meals. Complete with a grocery shopping list, the template helps encourage you to eat at home more frequently, which not only saves you money, but also ensures you eat more healthily. It has plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner. All you need to do is to check it to find what to cook.
9. Lunch Boxes Menu Planner
Whether you are preparing packed lunch for kids or for you, one thing you need to take into consideration is nutrition. This template contains different lunchbox suggestions and saves you time as you don’t have to rack up your head thinking of what to prepare. Just download this template. It will not only save you lunch money for your kids and you, but also make sure that you are eating healthily.
10. Food Based Menu Planner
It’s approaching 5 in the evening, and you start worrying about what you will cook. Worry not. This menu planner is a fantastic way to ensure that you always eat balanced diet that meet your nutritional needs. Download this template to save both time and money.
11. Successful Menu Planner
With this menu planner, planning your menu needs not to be complicated. To start, compile a list of your favorite meals. If you will be cooking for your family, ask them what they like.
After that, use this template to plan one week of meals. Also include entrees and side dishes as well as some healthy desserts. After that, create your shopping list of the grocery items you will need. Next time you want to cook, just consult your menu planner.
12. Daily Menu Planner
Menu planning gets exceptionally easier with this daily menu planner. This template lets you organize your menus for a specific duration of time. With that information, you won’t have to take daily trips to the grocery store. Once you have prepared your menu plan, you will only have to look at it and know what’s to be cooked.
13. Menu Planner in PDF
With this PDF-based menu planner you can be sure of planning healthy menus that also save you time and money. Available on instant download, this template makes your work easier because it is pre-formatted and you only need to enter your meal details. Download today.
14. Child Menu Planner
Cooking for children can be a little tricky. Their ingredients are special for their growth and development and call for care when choosing them. But with this child menu planner, you can put this information together so you don’t have to think about what to cook for your kids every time. Enter that information in the template and buy the ingredients beforehand. It will make your work a lot easier.
15. Patrol Menu Planning Worksheet
The beauty of this menu planning worksheet is that when the day, week or month changes, it’s only the dates that change. All the menu details will remain the same. Therefore, if you want to create different menus for several months, just generate a copy of the worksheet and rename it according to the month.