Squares and Cubes

Team Maths - Examples.com
Created by: Team Maths - Examples.com, Last Updated: July 29, 2024

Squares and Cubes

Squares and Cubes

Squares and cubes form a foundational aspect of algebra and number theory, involving the multiplication of integers, rational, and irrational numbers by themselves. In mathematics, squaring a number refers to multiplying the number by itself, while cubing involves raising a number to the third power. These operations are integral to understanding concepts like square and square roots and cube roots, and they play crucial roles in statistical methodologies such as the least squares method, which is used to minimize discrepancies in data analysis. Both squares and cubes help in exploring the properties of numbers and their relationships in various mathematical contexts.

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Square of a Number

The square of a number is calculated by multiplying the number by itself, an operation essential in various fields like geometry, algebra, and statistics. This process forms the basis for further mathematical concepts such as square roots and quadratic equations.

Cube of a Number

The cube of a number is found by multiplying the number by itself three times. For instance, if you cube the number 3, you calculate 3×3×3 = 27. This operation is significant in mathematics as it extends into concepts of geometry (like calculating the volume of cubes), algebra, and higher-level functions involving cubic equations.

Chart of Squares and Cubes


Squares and Cubes PDF

Click here to download the PDF of Squares and Cubes of 1 to 50

Squares (n2)Cubes (n3)
1² = 126² = 6761³ = 126³ = 17576
2² = 427² = 7292³ = 827³ = 19683
3² = 928² = 7843³ = 2728³ = 21952
4² = 1629² = 8414³ = 6429³ = 24389
5² = 2530² = 9005³ = 12530³ = 27000
6² = 3631² = 9616³ = 21631³ = 29791
7² = 4932² = 10247³ = 34332³ = 32768
8² = 6433² = 10898³ = 51233³ = 35937
9² = 8134² = 11569³ = 72934³ = 39304
10² = 10035² = 122510³ = 100035³ = 42875
11² = 12136² = 129611³ = 133136³ = 46656
12² = 14437² = 136912³ = 172837³ = 50653
13² = 16938² = 144413³ = 219738³ = 54872
14² = 19639² = 152114³ = 274439³ = 59319
15² = 22540² = 160015³ = 337540³ = 64000
16² = 25641² = 168116³ = 409641³ = 68921
17² = 28942² = 176417³ = 491342³ = 74088
18² = 32443² = 184918³ = 583243³ = 79507
19² = 36144² = 193619³ = 685944³ = 85184
20² = 40045² = 202520³ = 800045³ = 91125
21² = 44146² = 211621³ = 926146³ = 97336
22² = 48447² = 220922³ = 1064847³ = 103823
23² = 52948² = 230423³ = 1216748³ = 110592
24² = 57649² = 240124³ = 1382449³ = 117649
25² = 62550² = 250025³ = 1562550³ = 125000

Squares and Cubes Table

Squares of NumbersCubes of Numbers
1² = 116² = 2561³ = 116³ = 4096
2² = 417² = 2892³ = 817³ = 4913
3² = 918² = 3243³ = 2718³ = 5832
4² = 1619² = 3614³ = 6419³ = 6859
5² = 2520² = 4005³ = 12520³ = 8000
6² = 3621² = 4416³ = 21621³ = 9261
7² = 4922² = 4847³ = 34322³ = 10648
8² = 6423² = 5298³ = 51223³ = 12167
9² = 8124² = 5769³ = 72924³ = 13824
10² = 10025² = 62510³ = 100025³ = 15625
11² = 12126² = 67611³ = 133126³ = 17576
12² = 14427² = 72912³ = 172827³ = 19683
13² = 16928² = 78413³ = 219728³ = 21952
14² = 19629² = 84114³ = 274429³ = 24389
15² = 22530² = 90015³ = 337530³ = 27000


Example 1: Number 4

  • Square: 4×4 = 16
  • Cube: 4×4×4 = 64
  • Explanation: Squaring 4 gives 16, while cubing it gives 64, showing the exponential increase when the exponent is increased.

Example 2: Number 7

  • Square: 7×7 = 49
  • Cube: 7×7×7 = 343
  • Explanation: The square of 7 is 49, and the cube is significantly higher at 343, illustrating the cubic growth as compared to the square.

Example 3: Number 10

  • Square: 10×10 = 100
  • Cube: 10×10×10 = 1000
  • Explanation: For the number 10, squaring results in 100, and cubing results in 1000, reflecting the pattern that the cube of a number is ten times its square when the number itself is 10.


What is a square of a number?

The square of a number is the result of multiplying that number by itself.

What does cubing a number involve?

Cubing a number means multiplying the number by itself three times.

Why are squares and cubes important in mathematics?

Squares and cubes are essential in various mathematical fields, including algebra for solving equations, geometry for calculating area and volume, and statistics for mathematical modeling.

How can I quickly calculate the square and cube of integers up to 10?

Memorizing a basic table of squares and cubes for numbers 1 through 10 is a helpful way to quickly calculate these values without needing to perform the multiplication each time.

What are the practical applications of squares and cubes in real life?

Squares are used to calculate areas of squares and rectangles, while cubes help determine the volume of cubic objects, necessary in fields like architecture, engineering, and physics.

Are there any special formulas for squares and cubes in algebra?

In algebra, the formulas 𝑎² and 𝑎³ represent the square and cube of a variable 𝑎, respectively. These are used in expanding expressions and solving polynomial equations.

Can fractions and decimals be squared and cubed too?

Yes, fractions and decimals can be squared and cubed just like integers by multiplying them by themselves the required number of times.

How do squares and cubes relate to exponents?

Squaring and cubing are specific cases of exponentiation, where the exponent is 2 for squaring and 3 for cubing, denoted as 𝑎² and 𝑎³.

What happens when you square or cube a negative number?

Squaring a negative number results in a positive number because multiplying two negatives gives a positive. Cubing a negative number results in a negative, as the odd number of negatives in the multiplication remains negative.

Is there a geometric interpretation of squaring and cubing numbers?

Yes, geometrically, squaring a number can be visualized as creating a square with sides of that length, whereas cubing a number can be seen as forming a cube with sides of the given length.

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