Unit 1: Atomic Structure and Properties
Unit 2: Molecular and Ionic Compound Structure and Properties
Unit 3: Intermolecular Forces and Properties
Unit 4: Chemical Reactions
Unit 5: Kinetics
Unit 6: Thermodynamics
Unit 7: Equilibrium
Unit 8: Acids and Bases
Unit 9: Applications of Thermodynamics
AP® Chemistry Score Calculator
Last Updated: January 28, 2025
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How AP Chemistry Score is Calculated
AP Chemistry scores are calculated through a process that combines both multiple-choice and free-response sections. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how your AP Chemistry score is determined:
1. Section Breakdown
- Multiple-Choice Section (50% of total score):
- Questions: 60 questions.
- Scoring: You earn 1 point for each correct answer. There is no penalty for incorrect answers, so it’s beneficial to answer every question.
- Total Raw Points Possible: 60 points.
- Free-Response Section (50% of total score):
- Questions: 7 questions (3 long and 4 short).
- Scoring: The free-response questions are scored by AP Chemistry teachers and professors. Each question has a different point value, with the total adding up to 46 raw points.
- Total Raw Points Possible: 46 points.
2. Converting Raw Scores to Composite Score
- The raw scores from both sections are combined to form a composite score. The College Board uses a statistical process to convert these raw scores into a composite score on a scale of 0 to 100-150.
3. AP Score Conversion
- The composite score is then converted into the final AP score on a 1 to 5 scale:
- 5: Extremely well qualified
- 4: Well qualified
- 3: Qualified
- 2: Possibly qualified
- 1: No recommendation
- The exact cutoffs for each score vary slightly each year based on the exam’s difficulty, but the typical ranges are:
- 5: Typically a composite score of around 75-100% of the total possible points.
- 4: Around 65-74%.
- 3: Around 50-64%.
- 2: Around 35-49%.
- 1: Below 35%.
4. Equating Process
- The College Board uses an “equating” process to ensure that scores are consistent from year to year, meaning that the difficulty of different test versions is taken into account when determining the final scores.
By understanding this scoring process, you can better gauge how many questions you need to answer correctly in both sections to achieve your desired score.