Slip – 20+ Examples, Format, Pdf

Last Updated: January 9, 2025

Slip – 20+ Examples, Format, Pdf


Every day we receive a variety of documents from different sources—anything from receipts, bills, certificates, forms, memos, and of course, slips. A slip is a written form that is often used to deliver information about an object, an activity, an event, or even a financial transaction. You may also see salary slip examples.

We often use these slips to document that something did indeed happen in case the circumstance that you are in shows otherwise. Considering the significance of these slips, it’s important that they are created with caution to prevent any possible problems that may arise. You may also like payslip templates and examples.

But creating a slip can be quite difficult, especially if you aren’t sure what to put or where to start. So if you experience any trouble producing these documents, then you can refer to the slip templates and examples provided in this article.

Packaging Slip Invoice Example

Packaging Slip Invoice Example

Packing Slip Templates

Company Packing Slip Template Example

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Free Packing Slip Template Example

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Basic Packing Slip Template Example

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Delivery Packing Slip Template Example

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Simple Packing Slip Template Example


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The Importance of Slips in the Real World

When you’re running behind schedule for your first class, and the hall monitor catches you entering the building while everyone’s in their respective rooms, you get a late slip.

When you go over the speed limit along the expressway, only to be stopped by an officer parking close by, you get a traffic violation slip.

When you order a pair of sneakers online, and the carrier transports your package from the manufacturer all the way to your doorstep, you get a delivery slip.

As you can see, slips serve a wide variety of purposes in different fields and industries. Similar to a general receipt, a slip can be a formal or informal document used to convey key information about a particular object, event, issue, or transaction. Some slips are kept short and simple, while others contain detailed information that the holder or receiver must know about.

In most cases, these slips are used as evidence to prove that a specific event did occur during a certain moment in time. For instance, banks and other financial institutions typically issue withdrawal slips for clients and customers that withdraw a given amount of money from their firms. You may also see packing slip examples.

Many individuals use these slips to monitor their remaining balance after they have taken money out of their accounts. In the event of an emergency, such as a sudden loss of power while a transaction is being made or if the machine processes a slip without dispensing any monetary amount, the customer may use the withdrawal slip as proof of transaction. You may also like payment receipt examples & samples.

The company can then take matters into their own hands, and make up for any damages that have been made.

Given the different functions of a slip, it’s clear that this is an important piece of document that must be treated with value. This is not something that you can disregard and throw away the moment it reaches the palm of your hands, nor is it something that you should dare to lose, as time may come when you’ll find yourself in a sticky situation, and the only way to solve this problem would be through the slip. You may also check out permission slip templates and examples.

The Purpose of a Deposit Slip

A deposit slip is a written form used to deposit funds into a bank account. In the case of automated deposits via an ATM machine, the slip is usually issued at the request of the depositor after the deposit has been made. An average deposit slip usually contains the date, the name of the depositor, the account number, and the amount to be or that has been deposited. For deposits done over the counter, the bank clerk typically verifies the amount received before finalizing the transaction.

Deposit slips are used to offer protections for both the banking firm and its customers. This helps the bank monitor the funds that have been deposited throughout the day, and ensure that nothing is unaccounted for.

As for customers, the deposit slip acts as a de facto receipt that proves that a bank has received the funds and that it has been accounted for through their system. If the customer later discovers that the amount has not been counted correctly, the deposit slip may be used to prove that the bank had previously acknowledged the funds received from the customer. You might be interested in company receipt examples & samples.

This is one of the reasons why many experts suggest that customers keep their slips and receipts with them for a good period of time.

However, take note that there are some banks that no longer process deposit slips as part of the paperless system. Instead, newer ATM machines have scanning technology that simply displays the amount deposited as well as their current balance. You may also see catering receipt examples & samples.

Customers also have the option to check their account online through the bank’s website or mobile app. This also enables users to make various inquiries that go beyond just transferring funds from one account to another. But if you’re looking to get a printed copy of the deposit slip for personal reasons, then it would be best to visit a physical outlet to acquire one. You may also like cash receipt examples & samples.

Deposit Slip Templates

Bank Deposit Slip Template Example

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Invoice Deposit Slip Template Example

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Blank Deposit Slip Template Example

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Permission Slip Templates

Dodgeball Tournament Permission Slip Template Example

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Field Trip Permission Slip Template Example

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How Permission Slips Are Used for School Activities

If you have a child that is old enough to attend school, then you may know how permission slips work. It’s not unusual for a school to send parents multiple requests to sign various permission slips throughout the academic year. This is most common when dealing with children that aren’t of legal age. Without your signature, the student may not be allowed to join certain school activities that have been indicated on the slip. You may also see sample receipt examples.


During field trips and other activities that take place outside of school boundaries, the school’s admin often provides their students with permission slips that their parents or guardians are required to sign. A trip to the local zoo or museum are popular examples, so are trips that involve an overnight stay in another city or state. Many permission slips are issued to enable students to participate in various out-of-school activities as well, such as games and tournaments in the field of sports. If the child is still a minor, then the permission slip may also come in the form of an authorization letter.

Generally, a permission slip comes in two different forms:

  • Blanket or general form – This usually functions similarly to a waiver of liability. Here, the school is not held responsible for any injury to your child, no matter what the cause of injury was. This simple policy prevails even when the accident or injury was caused due to the negligence of a staff or faculty member of the school. But because the court of law stands strongly against these permission slips because of how it waives important legal rights and allows the school to get away with unfortunate situations that may have been prevented, there are cases where the slip may not be enforceable.
  • Informed consent form – Contrary to how a general form functions, with an informed consent form, the school may be held responsible when your child gets hurt under their care. But this may only be applicable during certain circumstances. Like if a child gets hurt even when under proper supervision, the school likely can’t be held liable for such injuries. But if a teacher or chaperon was absent or failed to assist the student during the accident, the school may be held accountable for the child’s injuries. You may also like free receipt examples.

Apart from the school, the business (like the zoo or museum) may also be liable if their negligence was the root cause for the accident. For example, if the child fell through a hole in the wooden floor that the business failed to warn visitors about, then the business may be forced to answer for the child’s injuries. You may also check out official receipt examples & samples.

1. To Relay Basic Information

A permission slip usually communicates general information regarding a given event or activity. This includes the reason or purpose for such activity, the location in which it would be held, the proposed costs for the trip, the materials needed, and the details on how the students will be taken to and from the venue. You may also see transfer receipt examples & samples.

Some activities, such as a field trip, even allow chaperons to come along during the outing to keep a close eye on their children and assist faculty members throughout the journey. In instances like this, parents or guardians must indicate whether or not they wish to accompany their child during the trip.

When writing a permission slip, including all the necessary information in the document is vital for effective communication. By delivering a message clearly to a student’s parents or guardians, you are also assuring the safety and security of the child under your supervision. You may also like service receipt examples & samples.

2. To Inform Potential Risks

When a parent or guardian signs a permission slip, the school is automatically held liable for whatever happens to the child (unless stated otherwise). Although permission slips aren’t exactly the same as a waiver, they usually contain the same language. You may also see restaurant receipt examples & samples.

There are always risks when it comes to bringing a group of children to different places beyond school grounds. Though it might not be a good idea to point out all the possible dangers that a child could face during the activity, it’s best to stay completely transparent with your audience by providing a brief description of the whole trip. You may also like photography receipt examples & samples.

By making parents aware of the proposed plans that are set to take place in the coming days, this would put their mind at ease throughout the entire duration of the trip.

3. To Grant Authority

In many situations, a permission slip may be used to grant an individual temporary power in making minor decisions for a student. Teachers and professors aren’t considered to be legal guardians to these students, which is why they may not be permitted to make major decisions for a child during medical emergencies and other similar scenarios. Some permission slips may come in the form of a child care authorization letter, depending on how it will be used.


The school can only do so much when it comes to supervising more than a dozen students at a time. This is why it’s your responsibility as a parent to explain to your child various rules and safety measures that must be taken for their own well-being. While you might be too busy to chaperon during the trip, yet you still want your child to have fun and enjoy the activity with rest of the class, you still need to take the time and read what is indicated in the slip. You may also see sales receipt examples & samples.

If you don’t like what it contains, then don’t sign it.

As much as you want your children to experience various things on their own, you must always consider their welfare as your number one priority.

Parent Consent Permission Slip Template Example

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Pick Up Permission Slip Template Example

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School Permission Slip Template Example

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Salary Slip Templates

Business Salary Slip Template Example

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Cash Salary Slip Template Example

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Why Understanding Your Payslip Is Important

Ever gotten a payslip before? Then you might be familiar with the feeling of receiving one after a few stressful weeks of projects and deadlines at work. This formal document is typically used to validate one’s employment at a respectable firm. Like a salary certificate, there are many banking and insurance firms that require clients to submit a statement indicating their monthly or annual earnings to assess whether an individual is capable of paying off the loan that they have applied for.

Despite this, not a lot of people fully acknowledge the general purpose of a payslip.

We always seem to care about what’s inside our bank accounts but not what’s written on our personal payslips. Truth is, once they reach our hands, we don’t quite know what to do with them. For individuals who possess limited knowledge in the field of accounting and finances, a payslip may be nothing more than a puzzle of words and numbers. But little do we realize just how important a payslip can be to our professional and personal lives.

Employees are obliged to receive a payslip (or a salary slip) from their respective employers whenever they are paid for their services, but not everyone seems to understand them. Some payslips are handed out through a printed document, while others are distributed digitally. Although payslips are constructed carefully by an assigned group of individuals, mistakes do happen, and if you aren’t cautious, you might miss some critical points in the slip.

Upon receiving your payslip, it’s important to check some items that must be stated correctly in the document. These are as follows:

1. Gross pay

This is the amount that you are entitled to before the necessary deductions are made. Make sure that the amount indicated in the gross pay is exactly what was agreed upon in your general contract. Even though overtime allowances, bonuses, and incentives are included in the gross pay, they are usually presented separately.

2. Tax code

If you’re wondering why you’ve been paying a lot of money to the government, then you might want to take a look at your tax code.

This determines how much of your income is subject to tax, which usually depends on various circumstances. If you aren’t sure about how this works, then you can always forward your concerns to your HR or whoever is assigned to handle individual accounts within your company. You can also check your local policies and laws for further analysis. You may also see generic receipt examples & samples.

3. Insurance payments

Besides the income tax, you’re also required to pay for your national insurance which is taken from a certain percentage of your earnings.

Failure to pay the right amount may jeopardize your rights to state benefits. This includes includes your sick pay, allowance, and state pension, which is why it’s important to make sure that payments are made accordingly. Also, ensure that your NI number is inputted correctly. Otherwise, no payments will be made under your name. You may also like receipt voucher examples & samples.

4. Pension payments

If you’re part of the company’s pension scheme, then the deductions made must be reflected in your payslip. These contributions are also tax-free, which means this would be taken out from your gross pay rather than the net pay.

5. Other deductions

If you’ve signed up to any of your company’s offered programs, such as travel card loans and childcare vouchers, then they’re likely to show up on your monthly salary slip. Check whether these deductions are made correctly, and basic report any errors that may have been overlooked.

If there are certain items on your payslip that confuse you, then you can raise these concerns to the payroll department in your company. But if you’re employers happen to outsource these services, then you may speak with someone from your HR department to clarify these issues. There’s always a possibility of a mistake happening during the computation and deduction procedure of your salary, so if something doesn’t seem right to you, don’t hesitate to speak up about it.

Company Salary Slip Template Example

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Employee Salary Slip Template Example

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Salary Slip Template Example

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Deliver Slip Templates

Formal Delivery Slip Template Example

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Personal Delivery Slip Template Example

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Things to Remember When Making a Slip

A slip can contain different types of content, yet they’re generally structured the same way. Say for example, a withdrawal slip and a deposit may consist of similar details, except that a withdrawal slip indicates how much has been withdrawn from an account, while the latter presents the amount that has been deposited into the bank. You may also see hotel receipt examples & samples.

Though these slips may carry specific information that distinguishes one from the other, there are a few things to remember when creating these documents.

1. Consider your audience.

To identify who your target audience is, you need to consider the type of slip being made and how it will be used. Knowing who are likely to receive the slip will help you determine the appropriate tone in terms of wording and delivery. You may also like school receipt examples and samples.

Keep in mind that not many people can understand technical terms that are only used in a certain field. As much as possible, you might want to stick with simple language that the majority may grasp. Remember to do this only when it’s completely necessary and applicable to the circumstance at hand, otherwise, translating jargon into layman’s terms could come out a bit awkwardly. You may also check out salary receipt examples & samples.

2. Always provide the necessary information.

In connection to what was previously stated, the information provided in a slip would also be determined based on its intended function.

Since a slip is considered to be a piece of document used to communicate a message to its receiver, then providing the necessary information in a clear and organized manner is essential to its purpose. Like for instance, when writing a permission slip, you need to indicate the reason for the request, and why the indicated event or activity is mandatory. You might be interested in blank receipt examples.

You must supply details surrounding the event, such as the time and location that has been planned, and the series of activities that are likely to take place.

The main objective of writing the slip is to relay important information to a receiver. While this may be done orally, the major difference that it makes is that anything that has been delivered through oral communication is quite difficult to justify. You can always say that you were able to deposit a given amount into your account, but it would always be your word against somebody else’s. You may also see medical receipt examples & samples.

But through a printed document, this will serve as a reliable source of evidence to prove that your claims are true.

3. Follow a proper layout.

Slips used for business settings are often more formal than others, especially when a monetary value is involved. They’re also quite shorter since they carry less words and more numbers. So when managing this type of data, it’s best to organize details closer to one another to save on space and paper. You may also like tax receipt examples & samples.

Although there isn’t an exact format to follow, you may want to stick to a commonly-used layout. This will make it easier for holders to understand what is written on the slip, and locate essential data that may be used for a personal purpose. Formatting a slip might be difficult if you haven’t had any experience in writing one before, which is why using a slip template would definitely come in handy. You may also check out loan receipt examples & samples.

4. Comply to legal requirements.

Slips used in business often comply to a legal standard. Some would require a signature for validation, while others may go without one.

Slips that a certain group of individuals are entitled to receive (such as a salary slip) aren’t required to follow a standard format, but they do need to contain information that its recipients may find useful for their own benefit. If the slip lacks the necessary data, then the individual has the right to forward a complaint about it. You might be interested in expense receipt examples & samples.

On the other hand, slips issued by the government must conform to legal standards. This means that the document must be signed by its respective parties, and in some cases, it should also indicate the reason why the slip was given in the first place. You may also see rent receipt examples & samples.

5. Review the document.

Once you have finished creating the slip, make sure to proofread its content. There’s nothing worse than issuing a formal document containing misspelled words and grammatical errors. If you’re crafting a slip that’s fairly similar to the body of a letter, then make sure that your words make sense. It must deliver a message effectively to recipients in order for it to be accepted as credible evidence. You may also like delivery receipt examples & samples.

Slips come in all different sizes, layouts, and formats, but they all serve a shared purpose that we can benefit from: to deliver key information in a precise and detailed manner.

As law-abiding citizens who pay our taxes, it is our duty to recognize the important role that these slips play in our day-to-day lives. And for individuals responsible for issuing these slips, you should pay attention to what must be indicated in these documents. With the proper knowledge and delivery of your intended message, the slip may effectively serve its desired purpose. You may also check out work receipt examples & samples.

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