Marketing Gap Analysis – 10+ Examples, Format, Pdf

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Marketing Gap Analysis – 10+ Examples, Format, Pdf

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If an organization’s actual performance varies with its potential performance ability, then such a study is termed as Gap Analysis. Such a situation occurs when an organization fails to efficiently use the technology and forgoes the investment in technology which ultimately results in performance below an idealized potential. Gap analysis helps companies know about their present standing status and in determining desired objectives for the future. A gap analysis can be used to accurately measure the amount of money, time, and human resource requirements to achieve a specific objective, and, it can also be used in classifying the performance of a product/service with respect to its target needs.

Gap analysis helps the marketing team of an organization to decide a strategy and steps to achieve desired objectives for the promotion of the product/brand. This article includes template, examples, and reports on gap analysis related to different fields of marketing for understanding and research.

Marketing Gap Analysis Examples & Samples

1. Market Gap Analysis Template

Market Gap Analysis Template
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Preparing a marketing gap analysis report requires analytical skills and complete knowledge about the organization. Researchers often find preparing an analysis report a long process, demanding a considerable investment of time. This template can help one conveniently prepare a marketing gap analysis for a respective organization by only making core changes regarding the statistics, observation, and conclusion. The title page provides one the provision to insert the company name & logo and to add details about the analysis team. It follows a standard format of gap analysis and the report is divided into six chapters. Download this editable template and save time in preparing a market gap analysis report.

2. Retail Market Gap Analysis

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Gap analysis in retail marketing helps in determining the gaps in retail business potential, market distribution, and consumer distinctiveness. Such reports are generally prepared for a city/town to analyze the market standings of a product/brand. The above file is an example of the retail market gap analysis for the city of Northampton conducted by a consulting service agency. This report helps in identifying the city’s retail base for future expansion. The report captures the results of the demographic and economic data of the total primary population of 63498 people. Download this file to explore and understand a retail marketing gap analysis.

3. Marketing Culture Gap Analysis

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Organizations often have a gap in the existing marketing culture and the expected marketing culture of the employees. Such culture gaps can be observed in any organization irrespective of the sector, size, and type of business. This file is one of the best research articles on marketing culture gap analysis of select Indian Commercial Banks. It investigates in detail the difference in marketing culture existing in the public sector banks vs. private sector banks in India and their respective implications related to the market. Downloading this research file can also help one in studying the relevance of marketing culture for service-related organizations.

4. Green Marketing Gap Analysis

Green Marketing Gap
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The marketing of the products that are recognized to be environmentally safe is called Green Marketing. Gap analysis in green marketing helps in understanding the present process of production, processing and modification marketing compared to the potential capabilities of the same factors. This document is a research paper on Gap Analysis in the Decision-making process of a green consumer. The research provides brief reviews by comparing the responses of two different generations on factors affecting the purchase patterns such as marketing strategy, advertisement, customer characteristic, and price & quality effects. One can explore green purchase behavior, awareness levels, and customer awareness relating to green marketing from this paper.

5. Digital Marketing Gap Analysis

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Digital Marketing is one of the most preferred methods of marketing in the present market. Gap analysis for such marketing types helps in understanding the areas from a digital marketing perspective which could benefit an organization by dedicating attention and proper content in those weaker responding areas. Such a gap analysis helps in maximizing the reach time of the marketed product with suitable expenses. This file is one such example of a digital marketing gap analysis for a company which also includes formulated plans for improvement.

6.  Social Media Marketing Gap Analysis

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Social media marketing today plays a crucial role in the decision-making process of a consumer. Hence a gap analysis can help in improving and advancing marketing campaigns for a product/brand on social media. The above file is a gap analysis of Indian healthcare and social media marketing. This paper can help one in understanding the present literature on Indian healthcare industry which enables in better analysis of the impact of social media marketing on the same.

7. Consultancy Market Gap Analysis

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Gap analysis is conducted by experts who have a relevant education qualification in management and sufficient experience of working in an analyst’s background. A gap analyst is responsible for every minor and major evaluation of the specific project and discovering the actual facts by conducting varied activities for the accumulation of data from all sources. This file is a recruitment notice for a market gap analyst by a consultancy.

8. Market Study Gap Analysis

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The above file is a fifty-seven-page report for the feasibility study on “A canvas for innovation” with market study and gap analysis report. The gap analysis intends to evaluate the responses so as to identify best methods that can bridge gaps in an entrepreneurship ecosystem to achieve a vibrant, cohesive, and sustainable ecosystem which can result in employment growth and wealth generation. Such results help in boosting the entrepreneurial activities in the region.

9. Labour Market Gap Analysis

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One of the best examples of the fact that one can carry out a gap analysis on almost any sector affecting an organization is the above file. This file is a labor market gap analysis intending to identify the high wage & high skills job in the region to determine any gaps between these occupations. The analysis can probably reveal certain programs which can be considered for addition, expansion, or restructuring.

10. Market Skills Gap Analysis

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The above file is a draft report of labor market skill gap analysis of Mauritius and Zambia. It is a forty-five-page document submitted by StraConsult in the year 2016. It helps in identifying skill shortages in labors and provides evidence-based inputs for labor mobility between the two countries.

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