InDesign Brochure – 33+ Examples, Word, Pages, How to Start
Clients all over the world can be very demanding, especially if you are efficiently skillful, for they demand services with unrealistic expectations—like who knows who sets the bar of standard that high? The good thing about these clients is they know what they are up to and they are very much certain what they want, and that’s why you are the chosen artist to create the magic. Instead of feeling the freight of great mental pressure, take pride in yourself, for you are granted the power—through your InDesign skills—to satisfy them, when they could have just chosen someone else to create InDesign brochure examples.
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Product Sales Brochure Template

Sale Promotion Brochure Template

Creative InDesign Brochure Template
Why Make Brochures?
To be in denial of a fact about a brochure’s effectiveness is just plain short-sighted.
Let’s face it, brochures have been used for decades now, and despite all the high technologies which open opportunities for new and innovative marketing strategies, the humble printed brochure is never ignored outright by marketers as a viable option of spreading the word.
Not only is it effective, it is very much efficient in that it answers consumers’ queries right before they get the chance to raise them. Brochures do not only appear magnificently, they too are very informative and are always straight to the point by necessity of their brevity, and can also be used in various businesses or events. For example, travel brochure, fitness brochure, real estate brochure, event brochure, advertising brochure, business brochure, company brochure, medical brochure, food brochure, restaurant menu brochure—and the list goes on.
A4 InDesign Brochure
Company Product Indesign Brochure
Annual Report InDesign Brochure
Square InDesign Brochure
Business InDesign Brochure
Why (Effective) Brochures Ultimately Work
At some point in the randomness of your life, you may have had been given a brochure about a thing that has never come into your fancies because you have not the faintest interest in it. Yet you stopped in your tracks for a moment and looked at its content.
Brochures are just so tempting to the eyes that you cannot look at it and read its content. Despite not having an interest to the product, event, or service that is offered in the brochure, you probably decided to keep the brochure for yourself to read its content once you have the time to do so and, thus, increase your curiosity in that kind of business—which itself can be a strong drive to become interested in such.
Situations like these are more probable than you realize—that is, if the brochure is effective enough. If not, your target will simply throw the brochure away.
Corporate InDesign Template
School Indesign Brochure Template
Modern Cookbook InDesign Template
InDesign Business Brochure
Minimal Portfolio Brochure
What-to-Dos in Perfecting a Brochure
Brochure-making can have its difficulties, especially if it’s the first time you create one. You know already how an effective brochure can help hasten a business’s growth, so it’s important for you to know what needs to be considered for you to create a successful brochure.
To increase the chances of brochures being thrown away, here is a list of what to dos to help you out:
- Outline. Creating an outline for a brochure can be very helpful in saving you time, money, and effort. This increases the rate of success of your output. Some things need to be thought out, like what is the message you want to deliver. It is a must for you to know what course you want to inform your targeted people, because your hesitation in promoting whatever is there to promote will likely cause your brochure to miserably fail.
- Target. You should also know what kind of audience or target you are creating the brochure for. You have to always bear this in mind for a brochure to be biased in your own opinion and liking. You are promoting a product, services, or event, not your interests.
- Purpose. Aside from that, you should weigh your choices deliberately when it comes to deciding if your brochure is intended to impress or inform.
Clean and Sharp Indesign Brochure Template
Wood Concept InDesign Brochure
Bifold Shoes InDesign Brochure
How to Start the Blueprint for Your InDesign Brochure
A brochure is both impressive too and informative but there needs to be a balance on that matter since promoting products, events, or services are different.
This does not mean that a superficially attractive brochure is lacking already in information; it only means that the quality of a brochure being impressive to look at overpowers the content, which is not lacking at all in information.
You really have to study the business you are handling to know if your brochure should be image-dominant or text-heavy. If you are promoting a lot of business products, it is expected that your brochure should have lots of pictures about the products.
Usually, the brochure is text-driven if a business wants to promote events or services. The need to consider how much information should never be overlooked, so you can perfectly gauge the spacing in your brochure.
With all of these things, you will have a faint grasp of your final output. This step is like a blueprint you will be following on to make sure you prevent a fault from happening.
Food InDesign Brochure Catalog
Creative InDesign Brochure
Choosing a Brochure Format
After the first step, the second step, which is choosing a format, shouldn’t be that hard anymore.
A brochure usually is a single sheet with different folds and sometimes a booklet. If your clients demand to promote a variety of their products, then choosing the latter would be a very good idea. A single sheet brochure can be informative but it usually promotes the latest products of a certain company, rather than mentioning the old products, which are very much likely to be phased out sooner.
Trifold InDesign Brochure
Using Software and Other Design Programs
Here we are in the digital age, and what better way to enjoy life than indulging in the convenience of twenty-first century kind of lifestyle.
The commonly used software for such tasks is Adobe InDesign. The features are just incredible and might grant you an idea about your brochure which was not there in the first place. It is highly convenient and very much likes to exceed your expectations in your final output.
If it’s your first time using this kind of software, you can actually watch a video tutorial via YouTube—that is, if you are a visual learner. (Chances are, you are a visual learner, or why are you even interested in doing something so significantly visual as creating a brochure or messing with InDesign?)
New Born Indesign Brochure
Stuck? A Shortcut Is Always Available
Make use of old brochures or sample PSD brochures you find online. There is always an imitation before a creation.
It is important you read some stacked brochures in your house or study the brochures that were recently handed to you by some random guy in the mall so that you’ll at least have a guide on what you’re going to do to make your brochure deliver the conviction you want to your target.
Aside from adding some fibers in the spine of your brochure, this might also increase your interest in brochure making, thus it will make the task a lot easier than expected.
Minimal InDesign Brochure Template
Editable Trifold InDesign Brochure
Reviewing Your Brochure Design before It Hits the Presses
Cohesion is the ultimate key in becoming certain of your final output’s effectiveness.
After printing the first brochure, you must be very objective in evaluating your work. You have to ask yourself questions like:
- is the brochure appealing to the eyes?
- are all the necessary information stated in the brochure?
- does the information cause ambiguity or vagueness?
- does the content overpower the images or the other way around?
- is the slogan catchy enough to compel readers into flipping its pages?
With all of these questions, take a final look at your brochure and carefully observe if anything in it sticks out for even the minute of a detail can create a heavy impact already to what you have just created. If you think that there is a little fault in it and there is need for you to redo it, then redo it without being hesitant about it.
Tri-fold Brochure Print Template
Top 5 Reasons Why Targets Benefit from Brochures
Brochure sighting may not be as popular in the previous decades because the twenty-first-century technological advancement has greatly taken advantage of the cyber world and made many a business progress in an unexpected haste. Despite the decreasing popularity of brochures, they just never seem to be ignored by wise marketers.
You can only wonder why brochure is still used by well-established reasons. Let’s find out why a conventional marketing style is still used in the digital age.
1. Brochures Generate Excitement from Its Look
Brochures can be image-driven or text driven, yet once they are handed to random people, target people, and business partners, this increases the chance of each group to become curious and excited about what you are going to promote since a brochure demands to be looked at, even if the course that is going to be discussed in its content is part of their interests or not.
In comparison with social media advertisement banners or business pages, the images you find in a brochure is far more appealing than them, which is a factor that drives their curiosity about certain products or services that are discussed in it.
Although there are advantages in a banner, like putting videos in it, banners are sometimes boring to read because almost all websites have these advertisements, which can be a distraction to readers, causes readers to divide their attention.
If an unnecessary advertisement is effective enough to persuade a reader, chances are the readers would click on the advertisement which leads them to another website and thus not finish the entire post. The demanding aura of an effective brochure compels readers to take note of every detail, and the reader will then assume that the content of the brochure is important, even though the importance of a promoted product or service does not affect them at all—which you should expect if they are not part of the target and were just handed a brochure.
Eco Nature A5 InDesign Brochure
2. Brochures Save Time
Interested consumers for a business, whose products or services are yet to be tested, want to ask for brochures because they know brochures are always straight to the point in delivering information about a product, especially if these consumers are in a hurry and do not have the time to read everything in the brochure.
Brochures make them save a significant amount of their precious time because they provide all the details of certain products, services, and events that a consumer needs to know. A brochure is always straight to the point that it does not create any ambiguity. A person in a great hurry will precisely benefit from brochures when it comes to business inquiries.
Corporate Business InDesign Brochure
3. Brochures Set Proper Expectations to Targets
Brochures do not benefit a business alone for they also benefit prospective consumers in a way of making them come up with an informed decision should they be interested in the promoted business.
Considering all the information found in a brochure consumers will most likely ask further inquiries about their purchase, which would no longer take so long for they already know the critical information about the product or service. Brochures are one of the best methods in educating consumers, thus making them certain that their purchases will never be a waste of money.
Industries Bifold A4 Brochure
4. Brochures Remain Effective Through Time
It is hard to believe how brochure still plays a vital role in the field of marketing when business in the now are investing so much online. Everything revolves in the cyber world now, in fact increasing the publicity of businesses are very effective online.
Businessmen have taken advantages of the internet, yet they never abandon the idea of brochure distribution. Notwithstanding the advantages of the Internet, brochures are still widely used by businesses all over the world for they have also evolved through time.
There are software and programs which cause a dramatic change for brochures, making them more effective than what they were in the previous decades. Because of this improvement, brochures have a better chance in competing other marketing strategies of the post-modern century.
Company Profile InDesign Brochure
5. Brochures are Portable
The size and the folds of brochures make them easy to carry, hence you can carry this with you anytime. If by chance you visit for the first time a company to make a purchase that you found in a brochure, you can always refer to it from time to time and present it to the cashier should you want to know more about the product or service.
InDesign Brochure Bi-fold Template
InDesign brochures have been a thing for decades now, thanks to the technologies that make technical jobs a little less hellish than how they should be. Brochures have served lots of businesses, on a global scale, a massive advancement not only to their products and services but also in their relationship towards loyal customers, thus fortifying a business’ grounds of success.
Funny as it may be to perceive a fancy paper with so much significance to a business, you can laugh about and belittle a brochure’s advantages, but we can’t deny the fact that its existence has outlasted some lifetimes. Yet still, it continues to evolve due to the brilliance of the innovative minds who utilize this tool. There just seems to be no stopping brochures in helping a fresh business flourish.