Argumentative Essay for Students

Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Argumentative Essay for Students


Essay writing has always been something students tend to avoid. For different reasons, some students like to avoid writing essays altogether. But since this is something every student has to go through and learn about it, there can also be some nice things about writing essays. One of which is an argumentative essay. To know more about this type of essay, this article will be defining the terms, show some examples, give the information needed and answer some questions. Check it out.

5+ Argumentative Essay for Students Examples

1. Sample Argumentative Essay for Students

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2. Argumentative Essay for Students Outline

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3. Argumentative Essay for College Students

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4. Argumentative Essay for Elementary Students

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5. Argumentative Essay for University Students

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6. Argumentative Essay for Primary School Students

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Defining Argumentative Essay

This kind of essay requires the author to round up information about a topic they have chosen to write about. To give an outline and write their introduction, objective, theory, reason why they think this topic is important or not and the conclusion. When writing an argumentative essay, research is the top priority. As this essay consists of facts and gathering of information from a lot of sources.

Making an Essay Outline

Like any other type of essay we learn in school, argumentative essays have their own format or outline. The following listed below is the complete and detailed outline for this essay.

  • Title – Do not forget to write the title of your argument. Before anything else, your title is always as important as the rest of the essay details. Your essay can be in the form of bullets or paragraphs.
  • Introduction –  Your introduction must not be too long or too short. This is only to introduce your topic. If you are writing your essay in paragraph form, remember the details. For the first paragraph must be your introduction and objectives of the argument you are about to discuss. If you are using bullets, one or two sentences for your introduction is enough.
  • Objective – Give the objective. What are you planning on doing with your essay. State a few objectives for your bullet outline.
  • Theories – State as many theories as you can. Your theories must correlate with your topic.
  • Counter Argument- An argumentative essay is not complete without a counter argument. You are going to give out some of your own opinions to go against or to agree with the opinions of others.
  • Conclusion – Your conclusion is the summary of your theories, counter arguments and the answer to your objectives.


Is an argumentative essay important if you are in elementary school?

As early as elementary school, students should be taught different types of essays. Even an argumentative essay can be taught in elementary school. This way, it would be easier for them once they reach high school.

Is there any other outline to use for an argumentative essay?

An argumentative essay has its own format which follows, the introductory paragraph followed by the objectives, reasons, and lastly the conclusion.

Should my argumentative essay be in paragraph form or bullet form?

This would depend on you, as both outlines end the same. It is a matter of preferences.

How do I write a good conclusion for my essay?

For this essay, your conclusion marks if you have answered your objectives, give a summary of your arguments and give your own opinion of the topic you chose.

It goes without saying, essay writing can be terrifying and difficult if we have no idea as to what we are going to be writing about. An argumentative essay is no different. But remember this, when writing your argument essay, you must think of a topic to talk about, do your research. Find out what other writers think of the topic and start making your theories. Don’t forget your objectives. What are you hoping to get out of this essay? What questions, theories, counter theories, arguments, counter arguments do you want answered? Also, do not just add one or two theories, add more as you are going to be arguing over the topic. Defend your theories with your opinions. Then the conclusion. This is where you summarize everything. It is difficult at first glance, but with practice, you’ll get the hang of it.

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