Short Informative Essay – 10+ Examples, Format, Pdf, Tips
Have you ever written an essay for a speech? How did it go? For some people, writing essays can be a good form or stress reliever. You simply have to write down what is causing you stress and watch it flow away. For students, they often encounter essay writing in high school more than in middle school. This is a good fact, but we must all remember that essay writing can still be found in grade school, middle school, high school and even college. This article helps you write, know, understand and some tips to writing short, yes you read that right, short informative essays. Now you’re going to ask yourself how is that even possible. Well, why don’t you check it out below?
10+ Short Informative Essay Examples
1. Short Informative Essay Template
2. Short Informative Essay Checklist
3. Sample Short Informative Essay
4. Short Informative Research Essay
5. Basic Short Informative Essay
6. Personal Short Informative Essay
7. Short Informative Essay Outline
8. Short Informative Essay Example
9. Printable Short Informative Essay
10. Formal Short Informative Essay
11. Short Informative Essay in DOC
Define Informative Essay
Informative Essay is a type of essay that educates your audiences about the topic you chose to talk or write about. You compare and contrast, analyze and provide some tips about the topic you chose to write about. Informative essays can also be used as speeches in high school.
Difference between Informative and Persuasive
Sometimes we often mistake an Informative essay with a Persuasive essay. Are they the same or is there any difference? The answer for that question is no. They are not the same. However they fall under the different types of essays. An informative essay from its name gives information about a topic towards its audience. It analyzes, it compares and contrasts. A persuasive essay is different. From the word persuade. A persuasive essay aims to convince the reader to do something or to believe in the point of view of the writer or the speaker. Though a lot of speeches do have both informative and persuasive speeches mixed together.
Tips on Writing Informative Essay for Speech
If you are like me and you wish to know how to write a very good informative essay for a speech, I would recommend you to follow the following steps into making that a very good essay for a speech. First of is:
- Choose a topic: Yes, choose a topic. When we write any type of essay, we always have to choose a topic we can talk about. A topic you are familiar with so that it would be easy for you to talk about it in your speech. Do some research. The second step would be to:
- Make a draft: Making drafts for your essay is not a waste of time. Rather, it helps you gather your thoughts and to make some adjustments here and there. Making a draft is actually important because this helps you see what you should talk about and how to draw your audience in. Speaking of audience, the next thing you need to do is:
- Know your audience: Get to know your audience. Are your audience members young, teens or adults? If you are familiar with your audience, writing the informative essay for your speech would be a breeze. This is important since you have to be careful how you word your speech. To some it may sound simple, but to others it may sound rude.
- Tone: In any writing style, know your tone. Be careful, do not sound too arrogant with the information. Nor do you sound like you are not sure. Be professional.
Tips on Writing Informative Essay for Stress Topic
Your topic to write is about stress. But before you get stressed out with what to write, why not check these tips out?
- Explain your topic
- Cite some good sources
- Give information about stress
- Compare and Contrast
Tips for High School Students to Write an Informative Essay
Here’s a nice tip for high school students who need a good boost in writing an informative essay.
- Do some research: Yes, you read that right. Researching on a topic you want to talk about would be very helpful for you in the long run. As you are writing an informative essay, doing research is also a part of it. You need to place facts and to know if this information is true or false, research.
- Know what you wish to talk about: Understanding your topic can also be helpful in writing essays like this one. Choose a topic that you are interested in as well as familiar with.
- Short but direct: Do not make your essay too long or too short. The range for this short essay must be around 300-500 words. Writing more than that would not be considered a short essay, and writing less than that, would still not be considered. Despite the 500 words maximum, you are still able to write down the information that you need.
- Have fun: Informative essays do not always have to be serious when writing it, you can also add some fun facts to it.
Is writing this type of essay difficult?
Any type of essay is a challenge, but the most common solution to that challenge is research.
Can I talk about political issues as a topic for this type of essay?
It is best to avoid topics that cause arguments. Find topics that are suitable for your level.
Do I need to persuade my audience when I read my informative essay out loud?
There may be cases that we tend to persuade them, but as this is an informative essay, keep it as informative as possible.
Do I need to cite my sources?
Yes. Always cite your sources.
There you have it, some tips to write an informative essay for speech, to write an informative essay with the topic of stress, and tips to write in general. Following or familiarizing these tips can help you with some ideas on writing an informative essay.