Comparative Literature Essay – Examples, Format, Pdf, Tips
When you hear the words comparative and literature in one sentence, what do you mostly think about? Do words comparing two or more literary works come to mind? What about if you add the word essay to the mix? Do you think it means comparing two or more literary works from different points of views and writing it down in the form of an essay and stating your opinion about it? If you ask yourself these types of questions and want to know the answers, why don’t you check this one out?
3+ Comparative Literature Essay Examples
1. Comparative Literature Essay Template
2. Sample Comparative Literature Essay
3. Comparative Literature Essay Example
4. Printable Comparative Literature Essay
The Definition for Comparative
Defining the term comparative, this means to compare two or more things with each other. Compare, to consider the difference, to connect two things to each other.
The Description for Comparative Literature
This essay gives the writer the task to compare two or more literary works from the same writer. To compare the arguments, theories, events and the plot from different people’s points of view. Typically a comparative literary essay asks you to write and compare different literary genres and add your opinion about it. Of course this takes extensive research on the part of the writer as well.
Use of Comparative Literature
The use of a comparative literature essay for either a job, for education or for a journal is to expound on comparing two or more literary works and give out your explanation for the works you choose to talk about. More often than not, these types of literary essays are translated from different languages to the language you speak. It is also quite difficult to compare two literary works being criticized by different writers. This uses more analytical techniques than most essays.
Tips to Write a Good Comparative Literature Essay
As this is a type of essay that deals with comparing more than two literary genres and stories together, it may come off as difficult. But that issue has a solution as well. Here are some tips to help you write out a good comparative literature essay either for your class, a journal or for your job. This type of essay can also be helpful in practicing your comparing skills.
- Choose two topics: As this is to compare two or more literary pieces, choose the topic. Also choose two different people who are talking about the topic you choose.
- Do Research: Continuing from the first tip, do your research on each of the writer’s point of view. What do they think about the topic they wrote about? Who are you going to agree and disagree on? Your research will also help you make your own choice and write about it.
- Weigh each compared text as equal as possible: You may choose a side when writing this but also as you are comparing, weigh each subtopic you found in your research as equal as possible. Give a few opinions here and there but stick to the researched facts as well as focusing on the similarities of the two articles and their differences.
- Watch out for grammatical errors, misspelled words and incorrect punctuations: Just like any other essay you write, watch your spelling and grammar. Put the correct punctuations in the right place.
- Revision is key: Once you are done, revise anything that needs to be revised. Check everything if you have the right information in place.
How many topics do I need to compare?
Choose one literary writing. Do some research on what other writers say about the literary writing you chose and compare what they have written.
How many paragraphs do I need to write this type of essay?
3 full paragraphs. The first would be your introduction to the topic you are going to be comparing to, the second which is the body consists of weighing each of the text, comparing and contrast. The last paragraph is your conclusion.
Should I cite some of the research that I did on my essay?
Whether you are using the quotation of the writers you searched for, always cite where you seen it, and the date. This is to avoid plagiarism.
How many words does this essay take?
60,000 and 75,000 if you are making more than one essay.
This type of essay can be tricky compared to the rest of the essays. But with extensive research and practice, you are sure to write and compare the same way as most professionals are able to do. Good Luck!