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Created by: Team Chemistry -, Last Updated: June 26, 2024


What is Magnesium(Mg)? - Preparation, Properties, Uses, Compounds, Reactivity

Magnesium plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives and is a topic of great interest in both science and health education. This guide is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Magnesium, tailored for educators and students. We’ll explore its definition, importance in everyday life, and practical tips for incorporating this knowledge into the classroom. By understanding Magnesium’s role, teachers can effectively convey its significance to students, fostering an engaging and informative learning environment.

What is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a chemical element with the symbol Mg and atomic number 12. It is a shiny gray solid which bears a close physical resemblance to the other five elements in the second column of the periodic table: all group 2 elements have the same electron configuration in the outer electron shell and a similar crystal structure. In simple terms, Magnesium is a vital mineral that is necessary for many bodily functions, including muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and bone health. It’s also involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. For educators, understanding and teaching about Magnesium can enhance students’ knowledge in chemistry, biology, and health sciences.

Other Alkaline Earth Metals


Magnesium Formula

  • Formula: Mg
  • Composition: A single magnesium atom.
  • Bond Type: Magnesium typically forms ionic bonds, owing to its two valence electrons.
  • Molecular Structure: Shiny, silvery-white metal.
  • Electron Configuration: Twelve electrons, with the configuration 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s².
  • Significance: Magnesium is widely used in the production of alloys, in medicine, and as a dietary mineral.
  • Role in Chemistry: Essential for many biological processes and is used in reactions requiring a lightweight metal.

Atomic Structure of Magnesium

Atomic Structure of Magnesium

Properties of Magnesium

Properties of Magnesium

Physical Properties of Magnesium

Property Description
Appearance Silvery-white metal
Atomic Number 12
Atomic Mass Approximately 24.305 u
Density About 1.738 g/cm³ at room temperature
Melting Point 650°C (1202°F)
Boiling Point 1091°C (1994°F)
State at Room Temp Solid
Electrical Conductivity Good conductor of electricity

Chemical Properties of Magnesium

  1. Reactivity: Magnesium is quite reactive, especially when powdered, though less so than the more reactive alkali metals. It reacts with water at room temperature, albeit slowly, to form magnesium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. In hot water, the reaction is more vigorous.
  2. Oxidation: In air, magnesium forms a protective layer of oxide on its surface that prevents it from reacting with air, which is why magnesium metal appears unreactive at first glance.
  3. Electron Configuration: Magnesium has an electron configuration of [Ne] 3s². This configuration leads to its typical +2 oxidation state, as it tends to lose two electrons to achieve a stable noble gas electronic configuration.
  4. Compounds: Magnesium forms a variety of compounds, including magnesium chloride (MgCl₂), magnesium sulfate (MgSO₄), and magnesium carbonate (MgCO₃). These compounds are often white and either ionic or covalent in nature.
  5. Alloy Formation: Magnesium can form alloys with other metals like aluminum, zinc, and manganese, which are lighter and stronger than pure magnesium and have various industrial applications.
  6. Biological Role: Magnesium ions play a critical role in biology, being a cofactor in many enzymatic reactions, especially those involved in energy transfer, such as ATP synthesis.
  7. Flammability: In fine powder form or thin strips, magnesium metal is highly flammable, burning with a bright white flame. However, in bulk, its flammability is greatly reduced.
  8. Solubility: Magnesium compounds have varying solubilities. Magnesium carbonate, phosphate, fluoride, and oxide are slightly soluble in water, whereas magnesium chloride, nitrate, and sulfate are highly soluble.

Thermodynamic Properties of Magnesium

Property Description / Value
Melting Point 650°C (1202°F)
Boiling Point 1091°C (1994°F)
Thermal Conductivity 156 W/(m·K)
Specific Heat 1.025 J/(g·K) at 25°C
Heat of Vaporization 128 kJ/mol at boiling point
Heat of Fusion 8.48 kJ/mol at melting point

Material Properties of Magnesium

Property Description / Value
Phase at STP Solid
Density 1.738 g/cm³ at 20°C
Young’s Modulus 45 GPa
Tensile Strength 200 to 280 MPa
Mohs Hardness 2-2.5
Elastic Modulus 45 GPa

Electromagnetic Properties of Magnesium

Property Description / Value
Magnetic Susceptibility Diamagnetic
Electrical Conductivity 22.7 MS/m at 20°C

Nuclear Properties of Magnesium

Property Description / Value
Atomic Number 12
Atomic Mass 24.305 u
Neutron Cross Section 0.063 barns (for ^24Mg)
Isotopes ^24Mg (79%), ^25Mg (10%), ^26Mg (11%)
Radioactivity Magnesium has no stable radi

Chemical Compounds of Magnesium

Chemical Compounds of Magnesium

  1. Magnesium Oxide (MgO)
    • Explanation: Magnesium oxide is a white powder used in ceramics and as an antacid. It is formed by the reaction of magnesium with oxygen.
    • Equation: 2Mg+O₂→2MgO
  2. Magnesium Chloride (MgCl₂)
    • Explanation: A significant source of magnesium, used in de-icing, dust control, and as a nutritional supplement.
    • Equation: Mg+Cl₂→MgCl₂
  3. Magnesium Sulfate (MgSO₄)
    • Explanation: Often encountered as Epsom salt, it is used in agriculture, medicine, and industry.
    • Equation: Mg+H₂SO₄→MgSO₄+H₂
  4. Magnesium Carbonate (MgCO₃)
    • Explanation: Used as a drying agent for hands in rock climbing and gymnastics, and as a food additive.
    • Equation: Mg+CO₂+H₂O→MgCO₃+H₂
  5. Magnesium Hydroxide (Mg(OH)₂)
    • Explanation: Known as milk of magnesia, used as an antacid and laxative.
    • Equation: MgO+H₂O→Mg(OH)₂
  6. Magnesium Nitrate (Mg(NO₃)₂)
    • Explanation: Used in fertilizers and other industrial processes.
    • Equation: Mg+2HNO₃→Mg(NO₃)₂+H₂

Isotopes of Magnesium

Isotope Mass Number Natural Abundance (%) Half-Life Notes
Mg-24 24 78.99 Stable Most abundant isotope, used in isotope analysis.
Mg-25 25 10.00 Stable Used in studies of magnesium metabolism and environmental tracing.
Mg-26 26 11.01 Stable Involved in cosmogenic studies, as it is produced by the decay of Al-26.
Mg-28 28 21 hours Radioactive, produced in particle accelerators.
Mg-26m 26 9.5 minutes (meta-state) Has a higher energy state than normal Mg-26.
Mg-27 27 9.45 minutes Radioactive, used in scientific research.

Uses of Magnesium

Uses of Magnesium

  1. Alloy Production
    • Magnesium is a key component in the production of alloys, particularly with aluminum. These magnesium alloys are prized for their light weight, strength, and resistance to corrosion. They are extensively used in the automotive and aerospace industries for parts like gearboxes, wheels, and aircraft fuselage, contributing to overall weight reduction and improved fuel efficiency.
  2. Medical Applications
    • Magnesium alloys are used in medical devices due to their biocompatibility and strength-to-weight ratio. They are found in orthopedic implants like pins, screws, and plates, as well as in some cardiovascular stents. The body can tolerate and absorb magnesium, reducing the need for surgical removal of implants. Additionally, magnesium is used in antacids and laxatives due to its effectiveness in neutralizing stomach acid and relieving constipation.
  3. Electronics
    • Magnesium is used in the electronics industry for creating robust, lightweight casings for laptops, cameras, and mobile phones. Its excellent heat dissipation properties also make it ideal for electronic components that require effective cooling.
  4. Agriculture
    • In agriculture, magnesium is an essential component in chlorophyll, making it crucial for photosynthesis in plants. Magnesium sulfate, commonly known as Epsom salt, is used as a magnesium source in fertilizers to enhance plant growth and health, particularly in magnesium-deficient soils.
  5. Chemical Industry
    • Magnesium plays a vital role in the chemical industry. It’s used as a reagent in the production of a wide range of chemicals and compounds, including Grignard reagents, which are crucial in organic synthesis. Magnesium also acts as a reducing agent in the production of uranium and other metals from their salts. Additionally, magnesium hydroxide is used as a fire retardant, and magnesium chloride as a de-icing agent.

Commercial Production of Magnesium

Magnesium is produced commercially through several methods, the most common being the electrolysis of magnesium chloride and the Pidgeon process.

  1. Electrolysis of Magnesium Chloride: This method involves the extraction of magnesium from magnesium chloride, which is often derived from seawater and brine. The process includes evaporating the water to obtain a concentrated brine, which is then electrolyzed in cells containing a molten mixture of magnesium chloride. During electrolysis, magnesium is deposited at the cathode and chlorine gas is released at the anode.
  2. The Pidgeon Process: This is a thermal reduction method where a mixture of calcined dolomite and a ferrosilicon alloy is used. The mixture is heated in a retort under vacuum conditions at high temperatures. The silicon in the ferrosilicon alloy reacts with the oxygen in the dolomite to form silicon dioxide, and magnesium vapor is produced, which is then condensed and collected.

Magnesium is also obtained through the mining of minerals like magnesite and dolomite. However, these methods are less common compared to the electrolysis of magnesium chloride and the Pidgeon process.

Health Effects of Magnesium

Magnesium plays a vital role in human health. It is essential for the proper functioning of numerous biochemical processes and physiological functions.

  1. Bone Health: Magnesium is important for bone formation, as it helps with the assimilation of calcium into the bone and plays a role in activating vitamin D in the kidneys.
  2. Cardiovascular System: Adequate levels of magnesium are essential for heart health. It helps in maintaining a normal heart rhythm and is used in managing conditions like hypertension and heart disease.
  3. Muscle Function: Magnesium aids in muscle contractions and relaxation. It also helps in the prevention of muscle cramps.
  4. Nervous System: It is crucial for the proper functioning of the nervous system, helping in nerve transmission and the regulation of neurotransmitters.
  5. Blood Sugar Control: Magnesium plays a role in regulating insulin action and blood sugar levels, making it important for individuals with diabetes.

Deficiency in magnesium can lead to health issues like osteoporosis, heart disease, muscle weakness, and mental disorders. On the other hand, excessive intake, though rare, can cause problems like diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramping.

Environmental Effects of Magnesium

Magnesium, being a naturally occurring element, is generally not harmful to the environment. However, its extraction and processing can have environmental impacts.

  1. Mining Impact: The mining of minerals for magnesium production can lead to land degradation and habitat destruction. It also consumes significant amounts of water and energy.
  2. Emissions in Production: The production processes, especially the Pidgeon process, emit greenhouse gases like CO2 and sulfur dioxide, contributing to air pollution and climate change.
  3. Waste Products: The production of magnesium generates waste products that need to be managed to prevent soil and water pollution.
  4. Energy Consumption: The electrolysis process for magnesium production is energy-intensive, contributing to the overall environmental footprint.

What Does Magnesium Do for the Body?

Magnesium aids in nerve function, muscle movement, energy production, and supports a healthy immune system. Essential for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body.

Is It OK to Take Magnesium Every Day?

Yes, daily magnesium intake is safe and beneficial for most people, aiding in maintaining muscle and nerve function, heart rhythm, and bone strength.

What Are the Symptoms of a Magnesium Deficiency?

Symptoms include muscle cramps, fatigue, weakness, nausea, loss of appetite, and, in severe cases, numbness and heart rhythm changes.

Which Food Has Highest Magnesium?

Almonds, spinach, cashews, peanuts, and soymilk are among the top sources of magnesium, offering a healthy, natural intake of this vital mineral.

What Is Magnesium Element Used For?

Magnesium is widely used in manufacturing light alloys, as an agent in producing other metals, in medications, and as an essential dietary mineral.

Which Element Is Magnesium?

Magnesium is a chemical element with the symbol Mg and atomic number 12, classified as an alkaline earth metal in the periodic table.

Where Is Magnesium Found?

Magnesium is abundantly found in the Earth’s crust, sea water, and in minerals like dolomite, magnesite, and epsomite, making it widely available for various uses.

Magnesium is a versatile and vital element, essential for numerous bodily functions and a wide range of industrial applications. Understanding its properties, sources, and uses enriches our knowledge and highlights its importance in daily life. Whether in nutrition, manufacturing, or chemistry, magnesium’s role is indispensable, underscoring the need to appreciate and utilize this remarkable element wisely.

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