Luxury Lifestyle Magazine

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Luxury Lifestyle Magazine

luxury lifestyle

Where do we get a sneak peek at the lifestyles of the rich and famous? Through a luxury lifestyle magazine. If a magazine would feature topics related to lifestyle, there are myriad things to talk about, but if you would add luxury into the equation, the possibilities are endless. You may also see magazine templates.

Modern Lifestyle Magazine Example

Modern Lifestyle Magazine
File Format
  • InDesign

Size: US, A3


Creative Lifestyle Magazine Template

Creative Lifestyle Magazine Template
File Format
  • InDesign
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Photoshop
  • Publisher

Size: US, A3


Fabulous Lifestyle Magazine Example

Fabulous Lifestyle Magazine Template
File Format
  • InDesign

Size: US, A3


Are you planning to create your very own luxury lifestyle magazine for the first time? The luxury lifestyle magazine examples we have here in this article can help you get started. We have also provided some guiding steps that can help you not just in creating a luxury lifestyle magazine but any other magazine you might want to create.

Creative Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine Example

Creative Fashion Lifestyle Magazine Template
File Format
  • InDesign

Size: US, A3


Lifestyle Photography Magazine Example

Lifestyle Photography Magazine Template
File Format
  • InDesign

Size: US, A3


Fashion Life Style Example Magazine Template

Fashion Life Style Magazine Template
File Format
  • InDesign

Size: US, A3


Men’s Lifestyle Magazine Template Example

Mens Lifestyle Magazine Template
File Format
  • InDesign

Size: US, A4


Women’s Lifestyle Magazine Template

Womens Lifestyle Magazine Template
File Format
  • InDesign

Size: US, A4


Lifestyle Magazine Layout Template

Lifestyle Magazine Layout Template
File Format
  • InDesign

Size: US, A4


Lifestyle Magazine Template Example

Lifestyle Magazine Template
File Format
  • InDesign

Size: US, A4


luxury lifestyle

Guide to Creating Your Own Magazine

Creating any magazine requires a lot of steps in order for you to achieve what you want to achieve and that is a well-made magazine. Whether you are going to create a luxury lifestyle magazine or other kinds of magazines, you will surely find the following steps helpful:

1. Consider making use of a template

If you are still new to the world of magazine designing, chances are, you still have a lot of things you may not yet know. And because of that, you must consider making use of a magazine template. Magazine templates do not only give you the option to immediately start with the organization of your content but magazine templates could also help you save time since all you have to do is to customize some of its elements to your liking and not create anything from zero.

There are templates you can find across the internet that are available in standard sizes that are even optimized for printing since it has a bleed and it is set in CMYK color swatches along with master pages, page numbers, and even heading styles that you can just tweak a bit. There are ready templates you can find here in this article that may have the elements that you are looking for in a ready-made template.

2. Starting from zero? Try Adobe InDesign

If you are already quite experienced in designing magazines, you might want to use Adobe InDesign. Adobe InDesign can help you if ever you are going to start from zero.

You can create an InDesign document of the spreads of your magazine, and aside from that, you can also create for the cover of the magazine. The document where you are going to lay out the spreads of your magazine contains the master pages that include elements that would also automatically appear across the entire pages of the document such as the page numbers as well as the headers that are repeated throughout.

Through Adobe InDesign, you will also be able to gain additional knowledge on the technical aspects of creating various printed materials such as magazines.

Vintage Greek Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

Vintage Greek Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

Fashion Lookbook Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

Fashion Lookbook Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

3. Create an attention-grabbing, eye-catching front and back cover

It is really important to make sure that your cover, both front and back, can grab the attention of your potential and current readers because this where you can actually set and establish the first point of contact. Here are some tips you can make use of so that you will be able to create an effective cover design:

  • Enlarging an interesting image or illustration is a good way to start. This is a literal “eye-catching” because anything that is enlarged plus interesting could really grab attention.
  • Use photos of people that are staring straight to the camera because it is is in this way that you are trying to project the idea that the model is giving a direct eye contact to whoever would look at the magazine as if inviting the person to pick it up and buy it.
  • There has to be a typography in your magazine wherein the topmost texts are in a large display font, below it are subheadings as well as teasers of the articles inside the magazine written in smaller font sizes.
  • The hierarchy does not only deal with the sizes but it also includes the variation of the font styles. Make sure that you would only stick to a maximum of two font styles on your cover should you want to look professional and not overwhelming to the eyes of your potential buyers.
  • It is important to make use of a palette and not just any palette because you have to make sure that you are using a color palette that is simple but striking enough to be fresh in the eyes of your potential buyers.
  • If you have already determined a color palette for your cover, make sure that it has a high contrast between the background images or the background color you are going to use so that the texts can still be readable even if read from a distance.

4. Start with an excellent page of your contents list

If you already have a basic template for your magazine and that you have already created a front and back cover, you can now start creating layouts for the inside pages of your magazine where you are going to place all of your content. To introduce all of this content, you have to make sure that you have listed it down on the first few pages of your magazine because this would serve as the anchor for the readers as they would be browsing your magazine.

Unlike the contents pages you see in most books, the contents you can find in magazines are more visually invested—meaning, it is more visually appealing compared to books because it contains elements such as images, dynamic layouts, as well as dynamic typography that makes everything in a contents page look put together and effective.

With that, here are some other tips you can follow and get inspired by when you will already be dealing with the contents page of your magazine:

  • To create variation, you can flush all the images and text to the left or right alternately. You might have read a lot of content pages on magazines wherein the images are flushed to the left and the images to the right. This is definitely not wrong but if you want to give something fresh to the eyes of your readers, you might want to consider having variation.
  • In need of more variation? Try having grids that are boxy. It might look like unusual compared to other magazines out there but it can definitely help you in sectioning the elements of your contents page. Like that of a bullet journal, you can use the grids to easily mark the major sections of your magazines.
  • Do you want to look stylish without heavy usage of images? Play with colors and contrast and you can add even tiny design elements such as adding frames around a photo or unique way of numbering the contents according to its pages.

Contemporary Portraits Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

Contemporary Portraits Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Template Example

Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Template Example

Premiere Living Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

Premiere Living Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

5. Consider researching about your competitors

Whether you are mainly to create a luxury lifestyle magazine or any other magazine, it is important that you would be able to know your competitors. Because aside from the obvious fact that you have to check what they lack so that you can up yourself to an advantage, it is also through knowing them that you will be able to determine the common elements between every magazine you can find that is similar to your own magazine.

You do need to spy in on them and actually go to their offices where the do the production of their magazine. You can start by going to your local newsstand where you can certainly find most of your competitors’ magazines. Try to spot and take note of all the elements between them, such as the font styles, colors, photo angles, and even those subtle design elements that are used in their magazines. Have you noticed that most of these elements are common from one magazine to another? This is because they know that it is appropriate for their audience thus they have incorporated their audiences’ preference to their design.

You can learn so much from having knowledge regarding your competitors’ magazines. This is not for you to copy their style, but this is to help you figure out what can help your magazine gain individuality and this also a good starting for you since you might probably be just starting out.

6. Give your magazine a style that can be consistent throughout your future issues

Even if magazines come in slim form compared to bulky books, magazines can be considered as one of the lengthy documents especially if it is going to run issues either monthly or bimonthly. Since it is going to run for more issues, you might want to consider making your magazine elements recyclable in order to become consistent all throughout the issues you are going to publish until the day you will decide on rebranding.

By making your magazine a style that is “recyclable,” it means that you are to create elements, such as design elements, that repeats all throughout the large sections of your magazine. These elements are usually your page numbers as well as running headers that could be the name of your magazine along with its tagline. There are other possible elements that could be in your magazine aside from the aforementioned but all you have to keep in mind is to make sure that these elements are something that you can easily and quickly copy and paste not only the rest of the pages of the magazine but also your magazine’s succeeding issues in the near future.

This could not only help you save time as the designer of your magazine but it could also help you establish a signature and a professional look that you can keep consistent not only on one issue but as well as the other issues you might be publishing soon.

Sample Template Luxury Lifestyle Magazine

Sample Template Luxury Lifestyle Magazine

Multipurpose Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Template Example

Multipurpose Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Template Example

7. Do not forget creating high-impact inside pages

Have you already created an eye-catching cover? Excellent, but do not dwell much on that because that is just the tip of the iceberg you still have to deal with the inside pages. Even if you have to make sure that the cover of your magazine should be given attention, do not forget that the spreads inside is the one that gives your magazine the “meat.” It is in your inside pages where you are going to place every single content that your cover page or contents page have introduced to its potential or prospective readers.

In creating the inside pages of your magazine, keep in mind that these are the parts that will hold on to the attention that was grabbed from a potential reader from the cover. The inside pages are responsible for keeping the readers entertained and engaged. Having this in mind, you will then make sure that every single page of your inside pages as layouts that are not only visually pleasing but engrossing as well to the point that the reader could not help but read from cover to cover. Once this happens, it would then only mean that you have created high-impact inside pages.

Now, it does not mean that in order for you to create high-impact pages that you would also exert high effort. What you should do, most importantly, is to make sure that you will maximize the impact of every spread without wasting time on designing a single page.

Your inside pages should contain images that are related to the story of that particular page or spread to create visual impact. You can also take advantage of typography especially if you want to take a break from the visual elements. Make sure that the texts in every page should have the right size as well as its font style. Another thing you should keep in mind is the quality of the photos that you are going to use for every page and avoid photos that are pixelated and blurred because this could be disadvantageous for the image of your magazine.

8. Use the appropriate printing specifications from the very beginning

If you are going to publish your magazine online, make sure you would use RGB color mode so it will not lose vibrant colors. If you are going to print your magazine (offset printing), make sure you are going to use CMYK colors. Even if CMYK colors might lose its vibrant colors on the computer screen, once it is already printed on a surface, such as a glossy paper for magazine, it will already reflect the colors intended to use. Make sure that the images you are going to use are of high quality because if not, it will definitely look poorly even if you are going to use the right color modes.

Another thing you should keep in mind is adding the bleed. The bleed helps in extending the color of each of the magazine pages on the part past the edge of such page and helps in minimizing any errors in trimming.

Men’s Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

Men’s Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

Universal Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

Universal Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

Indesign Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

Indesign Luxury Lifestyle Magazine Example

We hope you find the luxury magazine examples that we have here in this article useful as the well as the tips on how you can create one.

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