Salon Menu – 14+ Examples, How to Draw 

Last Updated: January 21, 2025

Salon Menu – 14+ Examples, How to Draw 


Salons are very much popular nowadays as they help us make ourselves look well, pampered us, and help and achieve our desired appearance, boosting our self-confidence. There are a lot more that a salon can do, which we must be very thankful for. For without them, we really had a hard time, fixing our looks into something more desirable. If you are planning to start your own salon or you are already owning one, it is expected that you already know those things. Your role is to cater to the beauty needs of the people and satisfy them with your products and services. Not only that, you also need to take care of your name and stand out from the other competitors. You need to upgrade your facilities, amenities, promos, services, interior design, and even your menu designs.

Examples of Salon Menu Designs

Salon Pricing Menu

Salon Pricing Menu

Hairstylist Price Menu

Hairstylist Price Menu

Makeup Artist or Cosmetologist Services Menu

Makeup Artist or Cosmetologist Services Menu

Modern Salon Price List Template

Modern Salon Price List Template

Barber Shop Price List Template

Barber Shop Price List Template

Salong Pricing Guide Template

Salong Pricing Guide Template

Salon Price List on a Rack Card

Salon Price List on a Rack Card

Barber Custom Price and Service Menu

Barber Custom Price and Service Menu

Green Spa Price List

Green Spa Price List

Esthetician Services Menu

Esthetician Services Menu

Spa Menu Brochure

Spa Menu Brochure

Customizable Brochure and Menu of Services

Customizable Brochure and Menu of Services

Editable Price List Templates

Editable Price List Templates

Elegant Name Hair Stylist or Barber Services Menu

Elegant Name Hair Stylist or Barber Services Menu

How to Draw Clients to Your Salon

Why is drawing clients to your salon important? Because they are your primary source of income, the lifeblood of your business. Without clients, your business will never prosper and you cannot achieve the goal of your business, which is commonly to satisfy the customers through your products and services, thus making profit and be a successful business entity. You may also see printable menus.

So, what basically makes clients be drawn to your business? There are several things that you must put into consideration to attract customers. Below are the important ones that can surely help you in attracting your customers. Even though you may not be the best salon service provider in your locality, but you can surely be one when you only know how to make your clients keep coming. You may also see free menus.

1. Attract Your Ideal Client

This is almost a cliche since every business establishment needs to attract clients for it to  become profitable. However, this is also a very common mistake that entities committed. Why? Because they investing resources and money attracting the wrong customers. Who are not your ideal customers? You may perceive that those walk-in clients who are very much interested in your products and services and are willing to pay you a certain sum of money are your ideal customers. But they are not. Who then are your ideal customers?

They are those who perfectly fit your salon’s:

  • Facilities
  • Amenities
  • Spot
  • Client experience
  • Talents


  • Because they would absolutely love what you are offering
  • Because they will become your regular customer
  • Because you can easily render service to them
  • Because they are the ones who would refer you to their friends
  • Because they are a source of your profitability
  • Because they help you achieve a high turnover rate

Hence, if you want to be more profitable and grow your business immediately, know who are your ideal clients and focus your marketing strategies on them for them to become your loyal clients that can be also be a good testimony to your salon. You may also see italian menus.

2. Partner with Other Local Businesses

Being alone in the business industry has a low probability that you will succeed. Although there are several business establishments that are successful even when they don’t have any accomplices or partners, they were just quite afew. Some entities need to have a mutual relationship with other businesses to achieve their different goals. Note the word “mutualism” as both of them are benefiting from each other and no one is prejudiced in the partnership. You may also see barbecue menus.

You must also practice this. You need to team up with other entities that have similar activity as you but not your competitors so you can have combined advertisement and allure their loyal customers to try to your salon. Here are the steps to a successful partnership in business:

1. Look for businesses with similar target market as you but are not necessarily your competitors. For example, if you are running a salon, you can look for businesses like fashion retailers, wedding dress shops, florists, health clubs, spas, and many others. They can help you target your ideal clients and, likewise, they can also benefit from your. This requires you to build a strong relationship with your partners. You may also see beer menus.

2. Establish a persuasive offer. Before approaching your prospective business partner, decide first on your offer so you will fully maximize the deal. You don not need to have a freebie or a discount, especially when you are just starting up your business. Your offers can be persuading when it is a complement to your prospective partners’ products and services. You may also see pizza menus.

3. Explain the benefits that both parties can acquire. The other party would never make a deal when it perceives that the benefit it can acquire from your partnership is lesser compared to the resources it will be forgoing. Hence, make sure that you also look after the welfare of your partner and that no one will be unjustly enriched at the expense of another. You may also see seafood menus.

4. Create first impressions. Whether or not you believe in “first impression lasts,” there is no harm if you start a good impression with your partners. In this way, at first glance, they already have a sneak peak to your quality offers. It is not only your clients that you need to impress; you need to impress your business partners, too. You may also see modern menus.

5. Promote yourself to your partners’ clients and vice versa. Now that you already gained trust and impression from your business partners, you can start promoting your offers to their clients as well as them to your clients. Make use of every advertising tool available or easily obtainable and pin your name in every advertising board you can find. You may also see salad menus.

3. Infiltrate the Internet

Let me ask you. Do you know the rank of the website of the salon in Google search? Do you think that it deserves that rank? Do your online viewers just drop by in your site, forget about it, and never come back?

These are the few questions you need to ponder on if you think you have already infiltrated the internet. As we all know, Google is among the most commonly used search engine by most people. Thus, if you want to make your business known, work to be on top of the Google search. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) may be a good way to boost your site but some refer it as a quick and dirty fix because other companies really invested considerable time, effort, and money to stay on top of Google rankings. You may also see menu cards samples.

The next thing you need to consider is the presentation and format of your website. You have to ensure that it is mobile friendly, interactive, simple, and easy to navigate. Also ensure that the contact number and other contact details you place in your website is up to date and that it is responsive to client queries. Lastly, avoid typographical and grammatical errors as this is a big turn down to customers. You may also see bakery menus.

4. Boost in Social Media

Understand the role of social media in the people’s lives nowadays. Note that almost everyone is active in social media sites and they are surely browsing them at least once a day. This is an opportunity you need to grasp. Create a page or a group that showcase your every product and service. You may observe your other competitors’ strategies in utilizing social media accounts and make improvements on these to achieve a well-crafted site readily available for your desired clients. You may also use social media to send messages and advertisements to your prospects. You can even utilize it for negotiating with customers. Make it more personal and approachable but, at the same time, elegant and professional. You may also see chinese food menus.

5. Work on Recommendations

This is the greatest thing that you must know in marketing your salon. You have to believe in the power of “introduce a friend” because it is proven and tested that clients will trust the salon more if it is recommended from a friend.

According to a research by British Association of Beauty Therapy and Cosmetology (BABTAC), 24% said that they went to a salon because it is recommended by a friend, 15% said it is recommended by their family, and only 12% said beauty professionals recommended it. This only proves how powerful recommendation is especially when it comes from a friend. The reason for this is that when your friend is satisfied with the service of the salon, you will also probably be satisfied with it as well. You may also see breakfast menus.

So, how will you make people refer or recommend your salon to their friends? Here are short practical tips for setting up a salon referral scheme:

  • A referral card is a great way to start a referral. You can give your referral card to your client and ask him or her to pass it on to their friends. It may be useless, as what others would say, but it is surely of great impact if you will satisfy your current customer first. Pamper him or her and make him or her good about herseld. Once you satisfy a client, it is most likely that he or she wanted his or her friend to experience the same satisfaction he gets from your salon. You may also see drink menus.
  • Be generous in giving discounts. A 10% discount is not much of a loss to you and your company. You can give a discount to someone who can refer a friend to your salon, or you may give the discount to the referred friend. In this way, customers will make sure that they grab the opportunity of having discount; thus, they will persuade their friend to try to your salon. You may also see cocktail menus.
  • Next, you need to tell them. Spread the word about your salon on the internet, on your website, and on social media sites. You can even promote it in the newspapers and magazines. There is really no limit as to where would you advertise your business. You may also see kids menus.
  • Lastly, measure the number of customers who went in your salon via recommendation as this will serve as this is your gage on how will did you work on your recommendation. Also ask for feedback from customers so you will know the areas you need to improve in your services. You may also see coffee menus.

Short Recap

If you are into salon business, you must know how to attract clients to your salon to build a customer base and to make your salon grow and become profitable. Some of the things you need to do in order to draw customers’ attentions are as follows: attract only your ideal client, partner with other local businesses, infiltrate the internet, boost in social media, and work on recommendations. These are simple but helpful tips for the overall improvement of your salon. Even before starting your business, you must know these things so you are already prepared and armored as to the possible competitive wars you may face. If you are already running one, it is not yet late; start to apply those tips now.And if you are looking for awesome and elegant menu for your salon, don’t miss the examples in the above section. You may also see desert menus.

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