
Team Chemistry - Examples.com
Created by: Team Chemistry - Examples.com, Last Updated: August 28, 2024


What is Oxygen(O)? - Preparation, Properties, Uses, Compounds, Reactivity

Oxygen is the lifeblood of our planet, essential for combustion, respiration, and countless other processes. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the fascinating world of oxygen, its interactions, and its vital partnership with hydrogen in creating water. Understand the nuances of this element through vivid examples, ensuring a clear understanding of its paramount importance in both the microscopic world of molecules and the vast expanse of ecosystems.


What is Oxygen?

Oxygen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is essential for life on Earth. It is the third most abundant element in the universe and makes up about 21% of the Earth’s atmosphere. Oxygen is crucial for respiration in living organisms and is used in various industrial applications. It combines with most elements, forms oxides, and is a part of water molecules when it reacts with hydrogen. Understanding oxygen is fundamental in fields ranging from environmental science to human physiology.

Other Reactive Nonmetals

Hydrogen Sulfur
Carbon Chlorine
Nitrogen Selenium
Fluorine Bromine
Phosphorus Iodine

Oxygen Formula

  • Formula: O₂
  • Composition: Consists of two oxygen atoms.
  • Bond Type: The two oxygen atoms are connected by a double bond.
  • Molecular Structure: Diatomic, meaning it contains two atoms forming an O=O bond.
  • Electron Configuration: Each oxygen atom has six valence electrons, with a total of twelve electrons when in O₂ form.
  • Significance: Oxygen is crucial for life as it is a key element in respiration processes for many living organisms and is involved in the production of cellular energy. It makes up about 21% of the Earth’s atmosphere and is essential for combustion processes.
  • Role in Chemistry: Oxygen’s reactivity allows it to form compounds with most other elements, resulting in a wide variety of oxides. It is fundamental in processes like oxidation and reduction, water formation, and is involved in the ozone (O₃) layer protecting Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation. Industrially, oxygen is used in steelmaking, welding, and as an oxidizer in rocket fuel.

Atomic Structure of Oxygen

Atomic Structure of Oxygen

Properties of Oxygen

Properties of Oxygen

Physical Properties of Oxygen

Oxygen, denoted by the chemical symbol O, is a fundamental element known for its life-sustaining properties. Here are the detailed physical properties of oxygen:

  • Phase: Oxygen is a gas at standard temperature and pressure (STP). However, it can be converted into a liquid or solid state at low temperatures and high pressures. In its liquid and solid forms, oxygen is a pale blue color.
  • Color: In its gaseous form, oxygen is colorless, making it invisible to the human eye. The pale blue color of liquid and solid oxygen is due to the absorption of light in the red part of the spectrum.
  • Odor and Taste: Oxygen is both odorless and tasteless in its gaseous state, which means it doesn’t have any distinct smell or taste.
  • Melting Point: Oxygen has a melting point of -218.79°C (-361.82°F). This is the temperature at which solid oxygen turns into a liquid under standard atmospheric pressure.
  • Boiling Point: Oxygen boils at -182.96°C (-297.33°F), transitioning from a liquid to a gas.
  • Density: At 0°C and 1 atm, oxygen has a density of 1.429 grams per liter, making it slightly denser than air. The density varies with temperature and pressure changes.
  • Solubility: Oxygen is moderately soluble in water, which is essential for aquatic life. The solubility decreases as temperature increases and increases with the pressure.
  • Critical Temperature and Pressure: Oxygen has a critical temperature of -118.6°C, above which it cannot be liquefied regardless of the pressure applied, and a critical pressure of 5.043 MPa.
  • Specific Heat Capacity: Oxygen has a specific heat capacity, which is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of oxygen by one degree Celsius. This property is important in understanding how oxygen behaves in different thermal processes.
  • Magnetic Properties: Oxygen is paramagnetic, meaning it is attracted to magnetic fields. This property is unusual for a gas and is due to the presence of two unpaired electrons in molecular oxygen.

Understanding these physical properties is crucial for utilizing oxygen in various industrial, medical, and scientific applications. From supporting life through respiration to its use in steelmaking and rocket propulsion, oxygen’s physical properties underpin its wide range of applications.

Chemical Properties of Oxygen

Oxygen is a highly reactive non-metallic element and a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table. It is essential for life and participates in various chemical reactions. Here are some of the detailed chemical properties of oxygen:

  • Valency: Oxygen typically has a valency of -2, meaning it tends to form compounds by gaining two electrons. This valency allows it to form a wide variety of compounds, including oxides, acids, and peroxides.
  • Electronegativity: Oxygen is highly electronegative, with a Pauling scale value of 3.44. This high electronegativity means oxygen has a strong tendency to attract electrons toward itself when forming chemical bonds, leading to the formation of polar covalent bonds.
  • Reactivity: Oxygen is a very reactive element. It readily reacts with most elements to form oxides and is a key component of combustion reactions. It reacts with metals to form basic oxides and with non-metals to form acidic oxides.
  • Oxidation States: Oxygen typically exhibits an oxidation state of -2 in most of its compounds, such as water (H₂O) and carbon dioxide (CO₂). However, in compounds like hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂) and ozone (O₃), oxygen exhibits -1 and 0 oxidation states, respectively.
  • Oxidizing Agent: Due to its high electronegativity and tendency to gain electrons, oxygen acts as a powerful oxidizing agent. It is capable of accepting electrons from other substances in a chemical reaction, thereby oxidizing them.
  • Formation of Acids and Bases: Oxygen is essential in the formation of both acids and bases. It combines with various elements to form acidic oxides (such as SO₃, forming sulfuric acid upon hydration) and basic oxides (like CaO, which forms calcium hydroxide upon reaction with water).
  • Role in Combustion: Oxygen is a key reactant in combustion processes. It reacts exothermically with many substances, particularly hydrocarbons, resulting in the release of energy, carbon dioxide, and water.
  • Allotropes: Oxygen exists in several allotropic forms. The most common is diatomic oxygen (O₂), making up about 21% of the Earth’s atmosphere. Another well-known allotrope is ozone (O₃), which is composed of three oxygen atoms and plays a critical role in absorbing ultraviolet radiation in the Earth’s stratosphere.
  • Role in Corrosion: Oxygen is involved in the corrosion of metals (such as iron rusting, forming iron oxide) through a process called oxidation, where the metal loses electrons to the oxygen molecules.

Thermodynamic Properties of Oxygen

Property Description / Value
Melting Point -218.79°C (-361.82°F)
Boiling Point -182.96°C (-297.33°F)
Thermal Conductivity 0.02658 W/(m·K) at 300K
Specific Heat 0.918 J/(g·K) at 298K
Heat of Vaporization 6.82 kJ/mol at boiling point
Heat of Fusion 0.444 kJ/mol at melting point

Material Properties of Oxygen

Property Description / Value
Phase at STP Gas
Density 1.429 g/L at 0°C, 101.325 kPa (gas)
1.141 g/cm³ at -183°C (liquid)
Solubility in Water 30.8 mg/L at 20°C and 1 atm
Color Pale blue (in its liquid and solid form)

Electromagnetic Properties of Oxygen

Property Description / Value
Magnetic Susceptibility Paramagnetic (strongly attracted to magnets)
Electrical Conductivity Non-conductor (oxygen is a dielectric material)

Nuclear Properties of Oxygen

Property Description / Value
Atomic Number 8
Atomic Mass 15.999 u
Neutron Cross Section 0.00019 barns (for ¹⁶⁰)
Isotopes ¹⁶⁰ (99.76%), ¹⁷⁰ (0.038%), ¹⁸⁰ (0.20%)
Radioactivity Oxygen has no naturally occurring radioactive isotopes. ^15O is a radioactive isotope used in medical diagnostics, with a half-life of 122.24 seconds

Preparative Methods of Oxygen

Preparative Methods of Oxygen

Oxygen is a vital element essential for life and various industrial processes. Understanding its preparative methods is crucial for both academic and practical applications. Here we delve into the common methods used to prepare oxygen, providing relevant equations to illustrate the chemical processes involved.

Fractional Distillation of Liquid Air

One of the primary methods for obtaining pure oxygen is through the fractional distillation of liquified air. Air is cooled to very low temperatures to liquefy it. Due to the different boiling points of nitrogen (-195.8°C) and oxygen (-183.0°C), oxygen can be separated as it boils off after nitrogen.

Equation: Air (Liquified)N₂​​(g)+O₂​​(g)+other gases

Electrolysis of Water

Electrolysis of water is a common laboratory method for producing oxygen. By applying an electric current to water, it decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen gas.

Equation: 2H₂​​O(l)electriccurrent2H₂​​(g)+O₂​​(g)

Chemical Decomposition

Certain chemical compounds release oxygen when heated or treated with other chemicals. Examples include potassium chlorate (KClO₃), which releases oxygen upon heating in the presence of a catalyst like manganese dioxide (MnO₂).

Equation for Potassium Chlorate Decomposition: 2KClO₃​MnO₂​​2KCl+3O₂​​(g)


While not a method to industrially produce oxygen, it’s vital to understand that photosynthesis in plants is a natural source of atmospheric oxygen. Green plants convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen in the presence of sunlight.

Equation: 6CO₂​​+6H₂​​Olight energyC6H₁₂​O₆​+6O₂​​

Understanding these preparative methods of oxygen is crucial for various applications, including medical uses, industrial processes, and environmental management. Each method has its advantages and applications, contributing to our utilization and appreciation of this essential element.

Chemical Compounds of Oxygen

Oxygen forms a wide array of compounds, including oxides, acids, and others. Here are some of the significant types of oxygen compounds:


Almost all elements can combine with oxygen to form oxides. These compounds typically have oxygen in a -2 oxidation state. They can be further classified into acidic, basic, or amphoteric oxides depending on their properties.


  • Metal Oxide: 2Mg+O₂​​2MgO (Magnesium Oxide)
  • Non-metal Oxide: C+O₂​​CO₂​​ (Carbon Dioxide)

Peroxides and Superoxides:

Peroxides contain an O-O single bond with each oxygen typically having a -1 oxidation state. Superoxides, usually formed with alkali metals, have even more reduced oxygen.


  • Peroxide: H₂​​O₂​​ (Hydrogen Peroxide)
  • Superoxide: KO₂​​ (Potassium Superoxide)


Many oxygen-containing acids are fundamental in chemistry and biology, including sulfuric acid (H₂​​SO₄), nitric acid (HNO₃), and carbonic acid (H₂​​CO₃).


  • Sulfuric Acid: S+O₂​​+H₂​​OH₂​​SO₄
  • Nitric Acid: N₂​​O₅+H₂​​O2HNO₃​

Esters and Ethers:

Oxygen is also a constituent of esters and ethers, which are organic compounds widely used in industry and biology.


  • Ester Formation: RCOOH+ROHRCOOR+H₂​​O (Esterification)
  • Ether Formation: 2ROHROR+H₂​​O (Dehydration of alcohols)

Each of these compounds demonstrates the versatility and reactivity of oxygen, making it an indispensable element in countless chemical reactions and applications. Understanding the preparative methods and chemical compounds of oxygen offers a foundation for exploring its critical role in both nature and industry. This guide not only serves as an educational resource but also underscores the importance of oxygen in various fields, from healthcare to environmental science.

Isotopes of Oxygen

Oxygen has several isotopes, with Oxygen-16 (16O), Oxygen-17 (17O), and Oxygen-18 (18O) being the most naturally abundant and stable. Below is a table describing these isotopes:

Isotope Atomic Mass Abundance Stability Notable Features
Oxygen-16 (16O) 15.994 u 99.762% Stable Most abundant, involved in the water cycle and used as a standard for δ18O paleoclimatology studies.
Oxygen-17 (17O) 16.999 u 0.038% Stable Rare, used in respiratory studies in medical applications to trace oxygen molecules.
Oxygen-18 (18O) 17.999 u 0.200% Stable Used in paleoclimate reconstruction and as a tracer in earth sciences and medical diagnostics.

Uses of Oxygen

Uses of Oxygen

Oxygen is a versatile element, playing a critical role in various processes and industries. Here are the major uses of oxygen:

  1. Medical Use: Oxygen therapy is essential in medical settings, aiding in respiration for patients with pulmonary disorders or those undergoing anesthesia.
    • Equation: For oxygen therapy, medical-grade oxygen is administered, generally represented as O₂(g).
  2. Industrial Use: Oxygen is used in metal fabrication industries, particularly in welding and cutting processes as an oxidizer to produce a high-temperature flame.
    • Equation: Acetylene (C₂H₂) welding with oxygen can be represented as 2C₂​​H₂​​+5O24CO₂​​+₂​​H₂​​O+heat.
  3. Environmental Use: Oxygen is used in water treatment processes, aiding in the aerobic degradation of pollutants.
    • Equation: Aerobic degradation can be simplified as organic matter (CnHmOx) + O₂ → CO₂ + H₂O + other products.
  4. Scientific Use: Oxygen isotopes are used in paleoclimatology to understand historical climate changes and in medical diagnostics as tracers.
    • Equation: The ratio of 18O to 16O (δ18O) is often used in ice core and sediment analysis to infer temperature changes.
  5. Combustion and Energy: Oxygen is crucial in combustion processes for generating energy in various forms, including electricity, heat, and propulsion.
    • Equation: A general combustion reaction could be represented as Fuel (hydrocarbon) + O₂ → CO₂ + H₂O + energy.

Commercial Uses of Oxygen

Healthcare: Oxygen is widely used in medical treatments, including oxygen therapy for patients with respiratory issues.

2. Steel Manufacturing: In steel plants, oxygen is used to increase the efficiency of the burning process in blast furnaces.

3. Chemical Industry: Oxygen is a key reactant in many industrial chemical reactions, including the production of ethylene oxide and synthesis gas.

4. Water Treatment: Oxygen is used in the treatment of sewage and industrial effluents by facilitating the aerobic digestion of pollutants.

5. Aerospace & Submarine Life Support: Pure oxygen is used in space missions and submarines to support life in enclosed spaces.

Health Effects of Oxygen

Oxygen, a vital element for life, has numerous health effects on the human body. Its proper balance is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being.

  1. Supports Cellular Respiration: Oxygen is crucial for the process of cellular respiration in the human body. It helps in the conversion of nutrients into energy, which is vital for every bodily function.
  2. Boosts Energy Levels: Adequate oxygen levels can enhance energy production, reduce fatigue, and improve stamina.
  3. Aids in Detoxification: Oxygen helps in detoxifying the blood and eliminates wastes through oxidation processes.
  4. Essential for Brain Function: The brain requires a substantial amount of oxygen to function effectively. Adequate oxygen levels can improve cognitive abilities, memory, and concentration.
  5. Improves Healing: Oxygen is vital in the healing process. It is used in hyperbaric oxygen therapy to accelerate the healing of wounds, burns, and infections.
  6. Oxygen Therapy: For individuals with respiratory disorders or those at high altitudes, supplemental oxygen is often required to maintain normal oxygen saturation levels in the blood.
  7. Potential Risks: While oxygen is essential, too much oxygen, particularly in medical settings, can lead to oxygen toxicity, causing damage to lung tissues, and leading to conditions such as pulmonary oxygen toxicity.

Environmental Effects of Oxygen

Oxygen, while essential for life and various ecological functions, also has significant environmental impacts.

  1. Ozone Layer Formation: Oxygen plays a critical role in the formation and maintenance of the Earth’s ozone layer. The ozone layer protects the Earth from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Oxidation Processes: Oxygen is involved in numerous oxidation processes, which are vital for the decomposition of organic materials and the rusting of metals, affecting both natural and built environments.
  3. Role in Water Bodies: Oxygen is crucial for the survival of aquatic life. The depletion of oxygen in water bodies, a phenomenon known as eutrophication, can lead to the death of fish and other aquatic organisms.
  4. Impact on Climate Change: Oxygen is involved in various biochemical cycles that regulate the Earth’s climate. While it doesn’t directly contribute to greenhouse gases, its interactions in the environment are crucial in maintaining the balance of carbon dioxide and other gases.
  5. Combustion and Fire: Oxygen is a key element in combustion processes. Forest fires, often exacerbated by oxygen, can lead to habitat destruction and contribute to atmospheric pollution.

Understanding the comprehensive roles and effects of oxygen is crucial for both human health and environmental sustainability. With its ubiquitous presence and involvement in critical processes, oxygen remains a focal point in scientific and medical research, as well as environmental management.

What is Oxygen O or O₂​​?

Oxygen (O) refers to the element, while O₂ is diatomic oxygen, the common, stable form of oxygen gas in the Earth’s atmosphere.

What’s Oxygen Used For?

Oxygen is used for respiration, medical treatments, water treatment, and as an industrial oxidizing agent.

What is Oxygen Made Up Of?

Oxygen is made up of two oxygen atoms bonded together (O₂) in its most stable form, featuring a double bond.

Is O₂ a Compound?

O₂ is not a compound but a diatomic molecule, as it consists of two atoms of the same element, oxygen.

Understanding oxygen is pivotal in various domains from health to environmental science. This guide has illuminated oxygen’s properties, uses, and significance. Embracing these insights and tips will enhance your comprehension and application of oxygen, fostering a more informed perspective on this essential element that profoundly influences both life and the environment.

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