
Last Updated: August 22, 2024


What is Carbon(C)? - Preparation, Properties, Uses, Compounds, Reactivity

Discover the diverse world of Carbon, an essential element in both the cosmos and our daily lives. This complete guide illuminates Carbon’s role from the diamonds glittering beneath the earth’s surface to the vast array of organic compounds forming all known life. Dive into practical examples, understand its interaction with hydrogen in countless compounds, and grasp its significance in ecology, technology, and beyond. Embrace the carbon cycle with this enlightening exploration, enriched with engaging examples and essential tips.


What is Carbon?

Carbon is a fundamental element, symbolized as ‘C’ on the periodic table, and is renowned for its versatility and abundance in both living organisms and the inanimate world. Known as the building block of life, carbon atoms form the backbone of organic chemistry, creating an immense variety of compounds when they bond with other elements, especially hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Its ability to form long chains and rings through bonding makes it unique, leading to an endless array of structures from simple gases like carbon dioxide to complex DNA molecules. Its allotropes, like diamond and graphite, showcase its diverse physical properties. Simple yet profound, carbon’s definition extends into every corner of science and daily life, making it an elemental cornerstone in education.

Other Reactive Nonmetals

Hydrogen Sulfur
Nitrogen Chlorine
Oxygen Selenium
Fluorine Bromine
Phosphorus Iodine

Carbon Formula

  • Formula: C
  • Composition: Consists of one carbon atom.
  • Bond Type: Varies in different allotropes; can form four covalent bonds in organic compounds.
  • Molecular Structure: Exists in multiple forms, including diamond (a tetrahedral structure) and graphite (planar layers).
  • Electron Configuration: Has four valence electrons available for bonding.
  • Significance: Fundamental to life’s chemistry as the backbone of all organic compounds.
  • Role in Chemistry: Central in forming a vast array of compounds through its ability to catenate (form chains with other carbon atoms) and its tetravalency (forming four bonds).

Structure of Carbon

Structure of Carbon

The structure of carbon varies significantly depending on its allotrope. Carbon is unique in its ability to form different structures (allotropes) due to its four valence electrons, which allow it to form strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms in various arrangements. Here are some of the most well-known allotropes of carbon:

  1. Diamond:
    • Composition: Each carbon atom is tetrahedrally coordinated to four other carbon atoms.
    • Properties: This structure makes diamond the hardest known natural mineral. It’s also transparent and has a high thermal conductivity.
    • Geometry: The tetrahedral geometry leads to a 3-dimensional lattice.
  2. Graphite:
    • Composition: Each carbon atom is bonded to three other carbon atoms in a plane, forming hexagonal rings.
    • Properties: Graphite is soft and slippery, conducts electricity within the planes, and is used as a lubricant and for pencil lead.
    • Geometry: Layers of planar hexagonal rings are stacked on top of each other, with weak van der Waals forces between the layers.
  3. Graphene:
    • Composition: A single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice.
    • Properties: Graphene is renowned for its strength, flexibility, and excellent electrical and thermal conductivity.
    • Geometry: It’s essentially a single, flat sheet of carbon atoms in a hexagonal arrangement.
  4. Fullerenes (Buckminsterfullerene):
    • Composition: Molecules composed entirely of carbon, taking the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, or tube.
    • Properties: Fullerenes have unique properties, including the ability to act as superconductors, lubricants, and catalysts.
    • Geometry: The most famous fullerene, buckminsterfullerene (C60), resembles a soccer ball with a mix of hexagonal and pentagonal rings.
  5. Carbon Nanotubes:
    • Composition: Cylindrical nanostructures composed of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice.
    • Properties: They exhibit extraordinary strength and unique electrical properties and are efficient conductors of heat.
    • Geometry: Structurally related to graphite, but the sheets are rolled into tubes.

Each of these structures demonstrates the versatility of carbon in forming a variety of molecular configurations, leading to a wide range of physical and chemical properties. This versatility is what makes carbon so fundamental in chemistry, materials science, and biology.

Properties of Carbon

Properties of Carbon

Physical Properties of Carbon

Property Description
Allotropes Exists as diamond, graphite, graphene, fullerenes
Color Colorless as diamond, black as graphite
State at Room Temperature Solid
Melting Point 3550°C (diamond), Sublimes at ~3900°C (graphite)
Boiling Point Sublimation point is ~3900°C (graphite)
Density 3.51 g/cm³ (diamond), 2.267 g/cm³ (graphite)
Hardness Hardest natural material (diamond), soft (graphite)
Electrical Conductivity Insulator (diamond), Conductor (graphite)
Thermal Conductivity Excellent in diamond, good in graphite

List of Allotropes

1. Diamond

  • Hardness: Diamond is the hardest known natural material. It’s rated 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.
  • Optical Properties: It has a high refractive index and is transparent to visible light, making it extremely brilliant and valuable in jewelry.
  • Thermal Conductivity: It is an excellent thermal conductor, the highest among naturally occurring substances.
  • Electrical Conductivity: Generally, diamond is an electrical insulator, but certain types can conduct electricity.
  • Density: It has a high density, around 3.5 g/cm³.

2. Graphite

  • Soft and Slippery: Graphite is soft and slippery to the touch, making it an excellent lubricant.
  • Electrical Conductivity: It is a good conductor of electricity due to the delocalized electrons in its structure.
  • Thermal Stability: Graphite is stable and maintains its strength at high temperatures, up to 3650 °C in an inert atmosphere.
  • Opacity and Color: It is opaque and has a metallic luster with a black or dark gray color.
  • Density: Graphite’s density is relatively lower than diamond, about 2.2 g/cm³.

3. Graphene

  • Strength: Graphene is one of the strongest materials known, with a tensile strength over 100 times greater than that of steel.
  • Electrical Conductivity: It has very high electrical conductivity and is considered one of the best conductors of electricity.
  • Thermal Conductivity: Graphene has high thermal conductivity, making it efficient in heat dissipation.
  • Optical Properties: Despite being a single atom thick, graphene is almost completely transparent, absorbing only about 2.3% of white light.

4. Fullerenes

  • Molecular Structure: Fullerenes vary in form but are generally spherical, ellipsoidal, or cylindrical.
  • Electrical Properties: Many fullerenes are insulators, but some can become conductors or even superconductors.
  • Optical Properties: They can have different colors depending on the specific type and can absorb light in various parts of the spectrum.
  • Reactivity: Fullerenes can exhibit varying reactivity, often being more reactive than graphite or diamond due to the strain in their molecular structure.

5. Amorphous Carbon

  • Structure: Lacks a clear, crystalline structure and includes forms like coal, charcoal, and soot.
  • Hardness: Generally softer and more malleable than other allotropes of carbon.
  • Optical Properties: Typically black and opaque.
  • Thermal and Electrical Conductivity: Generally poor conductors of heat and electricity compared to other allotropes.

The physical properties of carbon make it an incredibly versatile element, suitable for a wide range of applications from industrial to technological and even in jewelry. Understanding these properties helps in comprehending the extensive use and significance of carbon in various fields.

Chemical Properties of Carbon

  1. Tetravalency
    • Carbon has four valence electrons, allowing it to form four covalent bonds with other atoms. This tetravalency makes it incredibly versatile in forming compounds.
    • Equation: Methane Formation: C+2H₂→CH₄
  2. Catenation
    • Carbon atoms can bond with other carbon atoms to form long chains and ring structures. This property is known as catenation.
    • Equation: Ethane Formation: 2C+3H₂​→C2​H₆​
  3. Formation of Multiple Bonds
    • Carbon can form single, double, and triple bonds with other carbon atoms as well as with other elements like oxygen and nitrogen.
    • Equation:
      • Double Bond (Ethene): 2C+2H₂​→C₂​H₄​
      • Triple Bond (Ethyne): 2C+H₂​→C₂​H₂​
  4. Combustion
    • Carbon compounds generally combust in the presence of oxygen to produce carbon dioxide (and sometimes monoxide), along with heat and light.
    • Equation: C+O₂​→CO₂​ (Complete Combustion)
  5. Reaction with Oxygen (Oxidation)
    • Carbon readily reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
    • Equation:
      • C+O₂→CO₂ (Carbon Dioxide Formation)
      • 2C+O₂→2CO (Carbon Monoxide Formation)
  6. Reaction with Acids
    • Carbon reacts with oxidizing acids like concentrated sulfuric acid and nitric acid.
    • Equation: C+2H₂​SO₄​→CO₂+2SO₂​+2H₂O
  7. Reaction with Halogens
    • Carbon reacts with halogens under certain conditions to form halocarbons.
    • Equation: C+4F₂​→CF₄ (Carbon Tetrafluoride Formation)

These chemical properties, especially tetravalency and catenation, make carbon an essential element for forming the complex molecules necessary for life and a wide range of materials and chemicals used in various industries. The ability to form stable bonds with a wide variety of elements allows carbon to be at the center of organic chemistry.

Thermodynamic Properties of Carbon

Property Description / Value
Melting Point Sublimation at 3915°C (graphite)
Boiling Point 4827°C (graphite)
Thermal Conductivity 119-165 W/(m·K) (diamond), 5-129 W/(m·K) (graphite)
Specific Heat 0.71 J/(g·K) (diamond), 0.71 J/(g·K) (graphite)
Thermal Expansion Coefficient 1 x 10^-6 /K (diamond), 8 x 10^-6 /K (graphite)

Material Properties of Carbon

Property Description / Value
Density 3.51 g/cm³ (diamond), 2.267 g/cm³ (graphite)
Young’s Modulus 1050 GPa (diamond), 8-15 GPa (graphite)
Tensile Strength Variable depending on form
Mohs Hardness 10 (diamond), 1-2 (graphite)
Elastic Modulus 1,200 GPa (diamond)

Electromagnetic Properties of Carbon

Property Description / Value
Electrical Conductivity 0.003 S/m (diamond), 2-3×10^5 S/m (graphite)
Magnetic Susceptibility Diamagnetic
Dielectric Constant 5.7 (diamond), 10-15 (graphite)

Nuclear Properties of Carbon

Property Description / Value
Atomic Number 6
Atomic Mass 12.011 u
Neutron Cross Section 0.0035 barns (for ¹²C)
Isotopes ¹²C (98.93%), ¹³C (1.07%), ¹⁴C (trace, radioactive)
Radioactivity ¹⁴C, half-life of 5,730 years

Types of CarbonTypes of Carbon

  1. Diamond:
    • Structure: Tetrahedral arrangement of carbons, forming a 3D lattice.
    • Properties: Hardest known natural material, high refractive index, excellent thermal conductor, electrical insulator.
  2. Graphite:
    • Structure: Layers of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice.
    • Properties: Soft, slippery, conducts electricity, used in pencils and as a lubricant.
  3. Graphene:
    • Structure: A single layer of carbon atoms in a two-dimensional hexagonal lattice.
    • Properties: Extremely strong, good thermal and electrical conductor, almost transparent.
  4. Fullerenes:
    • Structure: Molecules composed entirely of carbon, forming hollow spheres, ellipsoids, or tubes.
    • Properties: Vary depending on specific type but include electrical conductivity and the ability to act as semiconductors, insulators, or superconductors.
  5. Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs):
    • Structure: Cylindrical nanostructures composed of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice.
    • Properties: Extremely strong and stiff, thermally stable, very high electrical and thermal conductivity.
  6. Amorphous Carbon:
    • Structure: Carbon atoms that do not have any crystalline structure, including coal, charcoal, soot, and activated carbon.
    • Properties: Varies widely; generally less organized, more reactive, and poorer electrical and thermal conductors compared to crystalline forms.
  7. Carbon Nanofoam:
    • Structure: A porous network of carbon with a very low density.
    • Properties: Lightest solid material, poor conductor of electricity, absorbs radiation.
  8. Glassy Carbon:
    • Structure: A type of non-graphitizing carbon, which combines glassy and ceramic properties with those of graphite.
    • Properties: High thermal stability, impermeable to gases, biocompatibility, electrical conductivity.
  9. Nanodiamonds:
    • Structure: Tiny diamonds at the nanometer scale.
    • Properties: Hardness, high dispersion, and the unique optical and thermal properties of diamonds on a small scale.
  10. Carbyne:
    • Structure: A hypothetical allotrope of carbon with a one-dimensional chain of carbon atoms.
    • Properties: It is hypothesized to be stronger than all known materials, including graphene and diamond.

What is Carbon dioxide?

Carbon dioxide (CO₂) is a colorless, odorless gas that is vital to life on Earth. It’s a chemical compound composed of one carbon atom covalently double bonded to two oxygen atoms. Here are some key aspects of carbon dioxide:

  1. Chemical Formula: The chemical formula for carbon dioxide is CO₂, indicating it contains one carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.
  2. Physical Properties: At standard temperature and pressure, carbon dioxide is a gas. It does not support combustion and is slightly acidic.
  3. Occurrence: It is a naturally occurring gas in the Earth’s atmosphere and is a significant greenhouse gas. Its concentration in the atmosphere is about 420 parts per million as of recent years, although this amount is increasing due to human activities.
  4. Production: Carbon dioxide is produced during the respiration of animals and plants as they convert oxygen and glucose into energy and CO₂. It is also emitted from natural sources like volcanoes, hot springs, and through the decay of organic matter. Additionally, it’s generated in large quantities by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation.
  5. Uses: CO₂ has various industrial applications. It is used as a refrigerant, in fire extinguishers, for inflating life rafts, as a propellant in aerosol cans, in the carbonation of beverages, and as a supercritical fluid solvent in decaffeination of coffee beans and dry cleaning. It is also utilized in the agricultural industry in greenhouses to stimulate plant growth.
  6. Climate Impact: As a greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide absorbs and emits infrared radiation, contributing to the greenhouse effect and global warming. The increasing concentration of CO₂ in the atmosphere due to human activities is a major driver of climate change.
  7. Photosynthesis: In the natural carbon cycle, plants absorb CO₂ from the atmosphere during photosynthesis, using it to produce food (glucose) and releasing oxygen as a by-product.

Compounds of Carbon

Compounds of Carbon

Carbon forms a vast array of compounds, given its ability to catenate and form covalent bonds with many elements. Here are some well-known compounds of carbon along with their chemical equations:

Carbon Dioxide (CO₂)

  • Formation: C+O₂→CO₂​
  • Description: Carbon dioxide is produced through the complete combustion of carbon or carbon-containing fuels in excess oxygen. It is a colorless and odorless gas.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

  • Formation: 2C+O₂→2CO
  • Description: This colorless, odorless, and highly toxic gas results from the incomplete combustion of carbon or carbon-containing fuels.

Methane (CH₄)

  • Formation: C+2H₂→CH₄​
  • Description: Methane, the simplest hydrocarbon, is a major component of natural gas and results from the decomposition of organic matter.

Ethanol (C₂H₅OH)

  • Formation: C₆H₁₂O₆→2C₂H₅OH+2CO₂​
  • Description: A widely used alcohol, ethanol is produced by fermenting sugars with yeast or through synthetic methods.

Acetic Acid (CH₃COOH)

  • Formation: C₂H₅OH+O₂→CH₃COOH+H₂O
  • Description: Known in diluted form as vinegar, acetic acid is a weak acid used in the food industry and as a chemical reagent.

Glucose (C₆H₁₂O₆)

  • Formation: 6CO₂+6H₂O→C₆H₁₂O₆+6O₂​
  • Description: A simple sugar vital as an energy source, glucose is produced in plants through photosynthesis.

Calcium Carbonate (CaCO₃)

  • Formation: Ca²⁺+CO₃²⁻→CaCO₃​
  • Description: Found in rocks as calcite and aragonite, calcium carbonate is also a main component of pearls, marine organism shells, snails, and eggs.

Isotopes of Carbon

Isotope Atomic Number Neutrons Natural Abundance Half-Life Stability Key Uses
Carbon-12 (¹²C) 6 6 98.93% Stable Stable Fundamental in life processes, standard for atomic weights
Carbon-13 (¹³C) 6 7 1.07% Stable Stable Used in NMR spectroscopy, environmental science, and geochemistry
Carbon-14 (¹⁴C) 6 8 Trace (<1%) 5,730 years Radioactive Radiocarbon dating of archaeological, geological, and hydrogeological samples

Uses of Carbon

Uses of Carbon

Carbon, a versatile element, is fundamental to various industrial, scientific, and biological applications. It forms a vast number of compounds, more than any other element, with almost ten million compounds described to date.

Fuel and Energy

  • Carbon compounds like coal, petroleum, and natural gas are primary energy sources for electricity generation, heating, and vehicular fuels.
  • Charcoal, made from carbon, is used in cooking, metal production, and water purification.

Construction Material

  • Carbon fibers are renowned for their strength, stiffness, and lightness. They are used in construction, aerospace, and automotive industries.
  • Graphite is used in the production of steel as well as in lubricants and refractory materials.

Electronics and Technology

Biological Importance

Environmental Applications

  • Activated carbon is used in water filtration systems to purify water.
  • It is also used in air purification to control emissions and remove pollutants.

Production of Elemental Carbon

Graphite and Diamond Production

  1. Graphite Production:
    • Natural graphite is mined, but it can also be produced industrially by treating petroleum coke, coal tar, or other carbon-containing materials at high temperatures.
    • The Acheson process, one of the most common methods, involves heating high-purity silica sand and petroleum coke in an electric furnace.
  2. Diamond Synthesis:
    • Natural diamonds are mined, but synthetic diamonds can be created using high pressure and high temperature (HPHT) methods or chemical vapor deposition (CVD).
    • HPHT mimics the natural formation of diamonds deep in the Earth, applying high temperature and pressure to carbon-containing materials.
    • In CVD, a gas mixture usually containing methane is broken down into carbon and hydrogen atoms, which then deposit as a diamond on a substrate.

Charcoal Production

  • Charcoal is produced through the pyrolysis of wood in the absence of oxygen. This process, often done in large kilns, heats the wood to high temperatures, driving off water and volatile compounds, leaving behind carbon-rich charcoal.

Carbon Black Production

  • Carbon black is produced by the incomplete combustion of heavy petroleum products. It’s widely used as a reinforcing filler in tires and other rubber products and as a pigment.

Why is Carbon Important?

Carbon is essential for life, forming the basis of organic chemistry. It’s a key component in DNA, fuels, plastics, and Earth’s carbon cycle.

How Do We Obtain Carbon?

Carbon is obtained from natural sources like plants, fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), and the atmosphere. It’s also produced industrially from carbonaceous materials.

What Does Carbon Do?

Carbon forms diverse organic compounds and fuels, supports life as a biological building block, and plays a crucial role in climate regulation and ecosystems.

What is Carbon in Real Life?

In real life, carbon is found in all living organisms, fuels like gasoline, materials like plastic and steel, and in the atmosphere as carbon dioxide.

How Harmful is Carbon?

While carbon is essential, excessive carbon emissions, primarily CO2, contribute to climate change, air pollution, and environmental degradation, posing significant health and ecological risks.

Understanding carbon is crucial due to its omnipresence in life and technology. From its role in organic chemistry to its impact on the environment, carbon is a double-edged sword. Embracing its benefits while mitigating its risks through informed usage and innovative solutions is key. This guide aims to enhance your understanding and application of carbon in various contexts.

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