Graduate Statement of Purpose – Examples, Format, How to Write, Pdf

Last Updated: July 23, 2024

Graduate Statement of Purpose – Examples, Format, How to Write, Pdf

3+ Graduate Statement of Purpose Examples in PDF

We all want a brighter future, even if it means having to climb a steep road to get there. People who have dreams, whether big or small, know that getting into a good college or graduating from a good school is a ticket to a better future. This is why there are some colleges or universities who are quite strict as to whom they let in. This is especially true when you want to be able to get the best place to take up your course and to graduate with or without honors. For graduates to get the best of the best, especially in education, the one thing some schools may ask from you is a statement of purpose. A graduate statement of purpose

3+ Graduate Statement of Purpose Examples

1. Graduate Statement of Purpose Template

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Size: 331 KB


2. Standard Graduate Statement of Purpose

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Size: 65 KB


3. Graduate School Statement of Purpose

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Size: 58 KB


4. Graduate Applicants Statement of Purpose

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Size: 38 KB


What Is a Graduate Statement of Purpose?

A graduate statement of purpose is a document that an applicant for graduate school would be writing in order for them to have an opportunity to enroll in the school of their choosing. This document or this essay consists of the information that you are willing to give out. Basically your name and the course you are planning on taking. The reason why you want to be a part of the program and the graduate school of your choosing. In addition to that, it should also state as to what you can give to the program. Your goals, dreams and aspirations.

How to Write a Graduate Statement of Purpose?

We all want to impress the committee with a good statement of purpose. We also want to let the committee know that we are serious with what we are doing. To be able to get to the best graduate school of our choice, we must also know and understand what we want them to know about us and what we can give out in the statement. With that being said, the following tips are for your benefit to help you with wowing the committee with your statement of purpose.

1. Start with the Basic Information

When we mean by starting with the basic information, we mean by placing or stating your name in your essay. You do not have to be too fancy or too plain when you write your basic information. In addition to that, only write what you think is general information for the committee to know you. Avoid adding too much or too little information and of course do not write anything very personal in your statement of purpose. It beats the purpose.

2. State a Short Experience

What better way than to give a short experience as to why you plan to pursue this course for graduate school? This is also one of the best options to do when you plan to wow the committee into accepting or into getting to know you through your statement of purpose.

3. Add the Reason but Not the Purpose

The purpose of your writing should not be in the statement. They already know why you are writing. What they do want to know is the reason for you choosing the school and the program. So avoid having to state the purpose of why you are writing. It is already redundant enough that you still have to give it to them. It is part of the requirements, so you don’t have to say it.

4. Be Clear and Concise with Writing

Another healthy and useful tip when it comes to writing is to be clear and concise with it. Your goal is to get to the graduate school of your choosing, your objectives would be to make it through the requirements and anything else they may be asking without a problem. This also includes your statement of purpose. If your statement of purpose is too vague, there will be a lot of doubts and questions that may make you lose your chance of getting a spot. Be clear. Be concise.


What is a graduate statement of purpose?

A graduate statement of purpose is a personal essay that applicants write in order to be allowed entrance to the program and school of their choosing.

How many words does it take to complete a graduate statement of purpose?

The number of words that is needed to complete a whole graduate statement of purpose is five hundred words to one thousand words. Basically a single page. Something that exceeds that is not as uncommon, but it is highly advisable to use a minimum of five hundred words.

What should not be in a graduate statement of purpose?

Any personal information that you do not wish to share to the public should not be in a graduate statement of purpose. This includes your social security number and your bank account. You do not want anyone else to know, let alone let the committee know about it too.

When writing your graduate statement of purpose, there are some things you need to follow and take into consideration. Be clear and concise is one, another thing would be not to make it too personal. Information that should not be shared to the public should not be placed in your statement of purpose. In addition to that, use the right words, avoid using words that would only lead to a huge misunderstanding. Simple words are fine, it is the thought that counts.

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