Teaching Statement Online – 8+ Examples, Format, Pdf, Tips

Last Updated: July 23, 2024

Teaching Statement Online – 8+ Examples, Format, Pdf, Tips


Any professional whether you are a teacher, a writer, an engineer, or even a chef would undergo a certain degree of teaching someone else their trade. It goes without saying that even the best person of his or her own trade would have something to say about it. A statement that shows their techniques and their way of educating a person of their trade. For teachers, a teaching statement is how teachers see their techniques unfold. This article is going to expound on how to make a good teaching statement and why it is important to have one. Let’s check it out.

8+ Teaching Statement Online Examples

1. Teaching Statement Online Template

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  • PDF

Size: 84 KB


2. Sample Teaching Statement Online

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Size: 111 KB


3. Online Teaching and Learning Statement

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Size: 116 KB


4. Teaching Statement Online in PDF

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Size: 48 KB


5. Formal Teaching Statement Online

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Size: 1 MB


6. Basic Teaching Statement Online

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Size: 3 MB


7. Teaching Statement Online Example

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Size: 306 KB


8. Printable Teaching Statement Online

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Size: 66 KB


9. Teaching Statement Online Format

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  • PDF

Size: 66 KB


Definition of Teaching

To define the word, teaching means to engage with your students, learners and novices. To enable what they understood and to apply the knowledge, the concepts and the process of your teaching. Since teaching means to take on the learnings of your students, teaching however consists of getting students involved in a more active way of learning. In addition to that, teaching is also the sharing of one’s knowledge and experiences with their learners in an organized and disciplined manner.

Definition of Statement

A statement is something a person says or writes. An action done to express something usually official or something very important. A statement can also mean a type of communication or a declaration of something in speech or in writing. Whether important or official.

Definition of Teaching Statement

A teaching statement is somewhat a reflective essay. The sole purpose of the writer’s teaching techniques, beliefs and customs. An individual narrative that the writer states, about his or her teaching process, and learning process. In addition to that, it also includes concrete examples of the ways he or she executes these techniques to the participants.

Importance of Teaching Statement

The importance of a teaching statement is to narrate your teaching techniques. To reflect on the techniques that worked or helped you and your students.  In a teaching statement, your values, beliefs, goals, and techniques are found and conveyed to a broader or specific audience. In addition to that, you also need a teaching statement if you are planning on applying for an academic position.

Tips for Writing a Teaching Statement

Writing a teaching statement can be a challenge. Especially when you have a lot of ideas to write about. But the problem is where are you going to start? How will you start? Questions that are common can also be given a solution. Here are some tips to help you with and to answer a few of your questions.

  • Begin with Your Teaching Statement – When you make your teaching statement, make it general and well written. A teaching statement without any techniques, values, beliefs or goals is a half baked teaching statement. Your goals, values and beliefs are as important as the techniques you write. Do not forget to write them as well.
  • First Person POV – Writing statements, avoid using second person or third person point of view. This is your statement and not someone else’s. Avoid as much as possible writing in third person, as this can confuse your readers.
  • Be as Sincere and Humble as You can be – Avoid having to use a cocky tone in your statement writing. As well as avoid using rude and technical terms. As you write your statement, be humble. Regardless of your academic title or level, remember to always be humble. Be sincere in your writing as well. Your statements should cater to your audiences. 
  • Make your techniques and objectives specific – We may be tempted to write impossible techniques to show others how good we are at our jobs. But we need to avoid writing that as much as possible. 
  • Revise your work – Revise everything before you send it. Check and recheck for grammatical errors, misspelled words, and somethings you may have forgotten to add. Read your work out loud to see if it fits your audience as well. Check the tone and the idea too.


In my teaching statement, should I place my teaching philosophy as well?

Yes. add your teaching philosophy in your statement. Your philosophy is still as important as writing your teaching techniques and your teaching beliefs. Just as long as your philosophy is practical and not impossible to achieve.

How long is a teaching statement?

If you are in your tenure, a teaching statement can be as long as three to five pages. But if you are applying for the position, your teaching statement should only be a page or two long as you are still starting.

How do I present my teaching statement online?

You may read your teaching statement but not all of it. State a few things needed like your techniques, your belief and your value. Reading the whole statement takes time. Presenting it you should also watch your tone and always remain humble when you talk about the achievements you have made.

Why is a teaching statement so important?

This is where you write down your values, your techniques, your skills and your ability in general. How you teach matters. How you value your teaching also matters. Writing this down can also be a reflection of how far you have gone and how far you have achieved.

Teaching statements are like reflective essay statements. This is a guideline for teachers to see how far they have made it. This is also a way for them to see if they have achieved what is necessary for their field. Writing these can sometimes be a challenge, but familiarizing the tips to writing it can surely take the weight of your shoulders.

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