Business Personal Statement

Last Updated: July 23, 2024

Business Personal Statement

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Students who are applying for university would know that there are requirements that they need to go through, whether they like it or not. Essay writing is one of the requirements, and it involves writing a personal statement. When we hear the words personal and statement, the general thing that may come to mind would be something to write. Something that is necessary for a school to ask. Sort of like a requirement to enter into the program. A lot of people may have gone through these scenarios in their head many times. The conclusion may be different but the thought is the same. You are given the task of writing something that goes well with the position or the degree you are planning on taking.

This kind of writing may make you want to think twice if you are ready for it or if you should take something else entirely. This is especially true with students who plan to take the course. We all know that when we apply for a program in school or when we apply for a job position at work, we are given a task to write about something. A business personal statement is just one of the different kinds of personal statements that people, students, and employees are asked to write about themselves and the job or course they are applying for.

10+ Business Personal Statement Examples

1. Business Personal Application Statement

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Size: 910 KB


2. Sample Business Personal Statement

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Size: 805 KB


3. Business Personal Statement Example

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Size: 323 KB


4. Editable Business Personal Statement

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Size: 215 KB


5. Business Administration Personal Statement

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Size: 170 KB


6. Simple Business Personal Statement

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Size: 252 KB


7. Business Personal Statement Format

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Size: 123 KB


8. Business Graduate Personal Statement

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Size: 122 KB


9. Business Masters Personal Statement

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Size: 51 KB


10. Business Student Personal Statement

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Size: 51 KB


11. Business School Personal Statement

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Size: 24 KB


What Is a Business Personal Statement?

A business personal statement is an essay that a student is tasked to write about. A personal statement, from the term itself, is mostly about who you are, what you believe you can give to the program, your skills, and your knowledge of the course you are planning to take up. In a business sense, it is also a required tool for employers to get to know their potential employees, if they have the skill and the knowledge of the position they are applying for as well. 

The business personal statement is often used by schools as a requirement for their student applicants as the personal statement gives committee members a bird’s eye view of the applicant. The purpose of this personal statement is to let the applicant introduce themselves to the committee or to the employer. However, just because it is considered a personal statement does not necessarily mean that all the personal information of the applicant is written down.

How to Write a Business Personal Statement?

 When applying for a position or for a spot in the university or in a company, you would at least know how to impress the people that are important enough for you to get in. This is why getting an idea or at least getting to know how to write should also be part of the deal. So without any other issues, here are your tips for writing a business personal statement, complete with what to say and what not to say. 

1. Clear and Concise All the Way

To make your personal statement a wow factor, make it clear and concise all the way through. The reason for this is to know that when writing your business personal statement, you would want to make the information clear and obvious. 

2. State the Purpose for Taking up the Course or Position

Write your purpose down. The whole idea of making the business personal statement was to give them a reason why you are interested in taking up the course. Make sure that it is truthful and at the same time convincing, something you would enjoy reading. Avoid having to write something that is not true to you or something simply made up for the sake of writing.

3. Add Experiences to Back Up

Many people would prefer to add up experience as proof than simply saying you are interested in it as experiences have more weight than just saying you are going to take up this course or this position because you want it. Rather than saying you have experience, you may write it in the form of a story but stick to the facts as well. 

4. Simple Words Are Fine to Use

Simple words versus difficult and unfamiliar jargon. Which do you think is best? A lot of you may say unfamiliar jargon makes your personal statement stand out. However, that is not always the case. Simple words over difficult jargon can still make your personal statement stand out. It only takes a matter of how you want to project your personal statement as well as how you are going to wow your readers to read your personal statement.

5. Recheck and Review Your Work

Always recheck and review your work. This is something that has been taken for granted when people are writing personal statements. This is however what a lot of people and this means the committee of that program or even your employer may be reading. You do not want them to read your statement filled with grammatical errors or misspelled words right? So recheck your work. It would not take a whole lot of time to do so.


What is a business personal statement?

A business personal statement is a kind of essay that you are required to write. This personal statement allows you to write the reason why you want to take up the course or the position for a job.

How long is a business personal statement?

The length of a business personal statement does not exceed 700 words. It does not have to be necessarily long, but it should not also be too short.

Why is it important to add experience?

Adding a story of your experience holds more weight than letting the committees or your employer believe. By simply telling someone you want to apply for this sounds lacking and unbelievable. To add more weight to it, state the reason in a form of your experiences.

It goes without saying when you plan on writing a business personal statement, always remember two things. Make it simple, clear, and concise, and always use experience as part of your personal statement. Making it simple, clear, and concise helps get your point across. Adding experience is a way to convince and show the person reading that you are interested and you know what you are doing. Experiences are a good way of showing that you have been through that and know how to handle the necessary things that are expected for the course or the job position. 

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