Financial Services Flyer

Last Updated: May 9, 2024

Financial Services Flyer

Financial Flyer Featured

Online banking. Cashless transactions. Crypto-currencies. The financial industry isn’t spared from the technological revolution. Financial technology, or Fintech, is focused on the automation of operations and processes in the sector, with an emphasis on enhancing the customer experience. With technology, businesses can integrate themselves into the lives of their customers through relevant marketing strategies. However, it made the relationship with customers disposable and replaceable. With a large fraction of businesses migrating their marketing effort into popular digital platforms, why should your institution consider going old school and personal with flyers instead?

The financial services industry has a significant impact on people’s lives. This sector provides jobs, financially supports individuals and businesses, and participates in community development. Financial institutions, such as retail banks, offer people with spare money interest in exchange for placing their money in the institution. The savers can also choose to grow their money through various investments, each with their levels of risks and returns. Aside from that, banks also offer people who lack the needed money a chance to pursue purchases through loans or credit. In this arrangement, the borrowers should pay the loan, arrangement fees, and the agreed interest in due time. The banks earn from deducting the interest they pay the savers from the interest they get from the borrowers. After the deduction of operation costs, the remaining amount will be the bank’s profit. Nevertheless, the difference financial institutions like these have made in businesses and individuals wouldn’t be possible if people did not know about them.

Handing out financial services flyers is a tried-and-tested method to advertise your business or event. Although the content of the ad can be replicated on a screen, the effect is not. Flyers are a tangible manifestation of your creative effort to build a personal connection with people. In this day and age, when content is a disposable and forgettable string of binaries on a screen, the physicality of flyers gives a nostalgic and distinct feel to it. In an industry where one institution offers similar services as nine others, printed promotional materials are just what you need to capture the attention of your target customers.

Social Media is Not for Everyone

Targeting customers is the primary reason why social media is the favorite marketing platform for businesses. According to an article from Medium, almost half of the world’s population is on social media, and they are on their favorite apps for an average of 2 hours and 23 minutes. That is a massive audience for your ads—you would want to have multiple accounts to take advantage of these numbers. You may also hire a capable team to manage your accounts and post catchy ads. While some sites let you post for free, boosting your post for a cost helps you reach a wider audience.

While a lot of people are on social media, your target customers may not be spending a lot of their time scrolling through their Facebook or Instagram feeds. With so many businesses vying for phone users’ attention, it can be hard to guarantee that advertisements from other companies wouldn’t drown your ads. This can mean that you will be paying for the airtime, which might not even reach its maximum potential. And you would have to put in extra effort to optimize your content for online marketing so that you will be relevant to the algorithms of the platform you chose.

Content optimization is not the end of the online marketing story. You also have to engage with your customers online. In addition to that, you have to be responsive to their inquiries, complaints, and feedback. To remain afloat in the sea of advertising, you have to update your accounts with relevant content regularly. No one said social media was a stress-free platform. Without a knowledgeable team to manage your institution’s online identity, the changing algorithms and trends might leave you behind. If you don’t have the luxury of time and resources for the upkeep, social media may not be the best channel for you.

Making use of flyers is a cost-effective and customizable alternative for online marketing. Most importantly, they get the job done. You can mass-reproduce and distribute the flyers in strategic locations with heavy foot traffic. Moreover, you would have better ad reception if you manually distribute the flyers than when you send the content as an email ad since email delivery services do not guarantee that the content of your ad makes it to your reader’s eyes. There is a high chance that the recipients wouldn’t open your email. Worse, it might go straight to spam.

10+ Financial Services Flyer Examples

Get your financial services flyer from the following attractive samples and templates!

1. Financial Services Flyer Template

File Format
  • AI
  • Publisher
  • Pages
  • MS Word
  • PDF
  • Photoshop


2. Personal Financial Services Flyer Template

Personal Financial Services Flyer Template
File Format
  • AI
  • InDesign
  • MS Word
  • Photoshop
  • Publisher

Size: US


3. Accounting Finance Services Flyer

Accounting Finance Services Flyer

4. Accounting Services Flyer

Accounting Services Flyer

5. Financial Advisor Flyer

Financial Advisor Flyer

6. Accounting Services Flyer Example

Accounting Services Flyer Example

7. Financial Services Tax Flyer

Financial Services Tax Flyer

8. Financial Tax Refund Flyer

Financial Tax Refund Flyer

9. Financial Services Flyer Sample

Financial Services Flyer Sample

10. Financial Services Flyer Example

Financial Services Flyer Example

11. Financial Business Services Flyer Example

Financial Business Services Flyer Example

How To Create Your Financial Services Flyer

One of the criticisms of flyers in marketing is that they usually end up in the trash bin after distribution. But, this doesn’t always have to be the case. The design, layout, and content of the flyer make all the difference. Suppose you wanted to start from scratch, what should be in your financial services flyer so that your target audience would hold it longer than five minutes?

1. Purposeful Creativity

Your audience is not likely to keep the flyer if it does not serve them any purpose. Add something in the paper that will make the flyer more than an ad about your services. You can place informative content about financial management. It can be about how to invest for the future or which investments and saving options are appropriate for your customers. Also, you can share how people can spot and avoid financial scams and pyramid schemes. Make your promotional tool a good source for tips about being smart with money. You can partner with businesses and add discount coupons on your flyers.

2. Convincing Content

Despite the gimmicks to make customers hold on to your flyers longer, remember that a flyer is still an advertisement tool. Therefore, make sure to include your company information in the paper. The content of the ad should motivate people to go for your services. There is only so much you can put in a sheet of paper before everything appears cluttered and disorganized. In your ad, stick to the point. Keep your message short, concise, and powerful. You can also try putting solicited client testimonials in the flyer. The content should sway people to trust your services. Customer testimonials and awards (e.g., No. 1 health insurance company) add trustworthiness to your company.

3. Right Kind of Appeal

The flyer should appeal to the target audience. It should catch attention for the right reasons. But do not go overboard. Your flyer should still maintain your business’s identity and brand. Trying too hard to relate to your audience is off-putting. Memes are on the rage these days. They are witty, trendy, and shareable. But as a company in the financial service sector, memes might not be the best way to advertise your business. Some brands try too hard to be relatable that they become the object of jokes because of their misuse of the template. The humor and virality of memes lie in the context. And not everyone will get the joke. Instead of alienating some of your audience or risking a backfire, scratch memes off your marketing strategy.

4. Appropriate Impression

Your flyer should attract attention. The colors and fonts should not hurt the eyes of people reading your content. To enhance word readability, use appropriate color schemes and sans serif fonts. Black and white copies don’t appear professional, so print the flyer in full color. Another thing you should look out for is the flyer’s quality. It should not disintegrate the moment moisture hits it. Good quality materials also make for an attractive flyer. This might be the first time some potential customers will hear about your services—make an effort to fuel their interest with a good quality flyer.

Flyers have always been a useful tool for marketing and advertisements. Even in the digital age, when most things are delivered as content that people can easily scroll past, flyers hold an old-world charm that works with customers. When you do not have a lot of resources for marketing efforts, you can still make your business and services known to people. Improve how you create your flyers and witness why it has always been an essential marketing tool for businesses.

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