Lawn Care Flyer – 11+ Examples
The grass is greener on the other side. Who doesn’t want his or her lawn to be the greener side? Unfortunately for people, lawn care expertise isn’t obtained from a 3-hour scroll through the Pinterest rabbit hole. Yet, people still go down the DIY path where not a lot fared successfully. Two things: they have not had their lawn cared for by a professional, or they went to the wrong people. This is the wall that you are up against. By letting the advantages of seeking a professional known through excellent flyer advertising, you can break down the wall that keeps people from subscribing to your help.
Choosing the right strategy is primal for business success. There are ways that you can effectively advertise your lawn care business. Aside from flyers, you can create brochures and posters. Although the latter two are compelling marketing tools, they can cost a little more than flyers when you intend to mass-produce the material. When you are looking into a high-yielding mass-distribution strategy, flyer marketing is perfect and practical. With them, your advertisement can reach more people.
And it has to reach more people. Some people have the notion that lawn care is just a simple yard work of lawn mowing a patch of grass. However, lawn care companies offer different treatments to the patch of soil that gives a home more than beauty. Professionals help maintain, aerate, seed, and fertilize the space. They also take care of insects and pests. Spaces outside the house also need attention. Lawns help clean and improve the surrounding air quality of the home. Because the grasses and plants absorb heat, homes with lawns have a cooler temperature than houses with only concrete and asphalt around them. These simple spaces also help homeowners feel more relaxed.
The Industry is Thriving
Although the industry is doing well, it has not always been the case. The economic recession in the late 2000s subjected a lot of industries and private entities into financial distress. Before 2007, the residential sector was booming. People were buying properties as investments due to their value. People, even those who did not qualify for mortgage loans, were lent money. This surge resulted in losses that hit the rest of the US economy hard. After the residential industry recovered from that distress, their value in the economy is regaining momentum. According to an article in The Washington Post, 2020 has a positive outlook for the housing industry, with the market experiencing moderate growth.
The lawn services industry for both residential and commercial spaces will benefit from this boost should the predictions be right on track. Statista states that from 2013 to 2019, the industry was growing. The growth was due largely to landscape maintenance, design, building, lawn care, and chemical application services. Your lawn service company should take advantage of these figures by intensifying your business advertising and marketing efforts.
Lawns Need Your Care
You can start by putting the benefits of getting a professional lawn maintenance contract out there. People have to know why they should ask for your professional help. Your job description requires that you must be certified with handling chemicals. Your company is also trained on how to properly cut the grass to prevent weed growth or stress on the grass. Not to forget that fertilizer application requires soil tests to determine the right amount of nutrition.
You can effectively diagnose problems and give the best solution. Professionals can guarantee a good result because they have specialized skills that an average person does not earn from the 30 minutes he or she spent surfing on the Internet. In the long run, accumulated problems from self-treating the issue will incur more costs than professional lawn care services. These are some of the things that DIY-ing does not afford.
On the other hand, people could have sought another company’s help. But the result turned them away from trusting their lawns in a stranger’s careless hands. The challenge is convincing these people that they are not paying for a flop.
11+ Lawn Care Flyer Examples
Spring is near, and you haven’t had the time to launch a marketing strategy? You can hire a graphic designer to make your flyers for you. It may cost you more, but these people are professional. They will make sure that your flyers look good, professional, and convincing. But worry not if you do not have enough time and money to look for and pay for their help. We have prepared a list of flyers for your needs. Browse through the following vibrant printables, and start downloading your perfect flyer!
1. Lawn Care Advertising Flyer Template
2. Lawn Care Marketing Flyer Template
3. Simple Lawn Care Flyer Template
4. Home Lawn Care Flyer Template
5. Lawn Care Business Flyer Template
6. Deep Roots Lawn Care Flyer
7. Lawn Care and Snow Removal Flyer
8. Lawn Care Flyer Example
9. Lawn Care Flyer InDesign
10. Branding Lawn Care Flyer
11. Green Grass Law Care Flyer Example
12. Designed Lawn Care Flyer Example
What Is In A Flyer?
Should you decide to make a fresh start, what should you bear in mind in crafting the perfect flyer? The secret is that a flyer’s punch is in the details. When you know what would make a one-page flyer advertisement convincing, you have a ticket to reaching many people. Of course, the referrals and the chance of your clients calling you back for your services will depend on your work. With regard to that, don’t forget to leave business cards for your customers! But the initial impression that your flyers make will help you reach out to people and gain projects. Aside from relevant contact information, what should be found in your lawn care flyer?
1. Make an Impactful Impression
Your lawn care flyers are the first contact with your potential clients. These first impressions can be the deal maker or breaker for the client. Don’t risk your chances on sloppy flyers. The flyer should contain a catchy title or headline that will hook onlookers into reading your content. And your content should be both interesting and informative. The flyer should drive home the point of why people should try your services. You can cite problems that you can help them solve. You can also add coupons or discounts that people can present when they avail of your help.
2. Illustrate, Don’t Narrate
Instead of telling potential clients that you are the best in what you do, let the images speak for you. Use high-resolution photos in your flyers. Abandon the stock images that you found on the first three lines of your Google image search. Instead, put up before-and-after pictures of your work so that your advertisement will be authentic and credible. You should also place the company logo on your flyer. The logo has to look official and professional. In using images, be sure that the pictures are laid out well on the page. They should look balance with the text and are in harmony with the overall flyer design.
3. Choose Services to Promote
In your industry, you will benefit largely from research. Look into the news for stories and trends that will be useful for your business. For example, people from a subdivision uptown could have complained about insect infestation in their lawns. Or people these days are into a striped pattern on the lawn. When your company can work on these concerns, you can customize your flyers to endorse these services. You have to know what would matter to your target customers because a generic flyer may downplay these offers.
4. Pick Your Target Location
Consider driving through the areas in the town or city that you wish to have projects on. You can look at the city map and determine places where lawn care services may do well. For example, you may have a residential community just a short drive away, and they will benefit from your help. Or commercial places with ample green space are looking into hiring professionals to maintain their patch of land. You can layout your flyers so that they will be interesting to the people you want to help.
Lawns are not just a point of aesthetic pride. They also help improve the quality of living of the people owning these patches of land. The area can nestle outdoor activities that promote family bonding and social get-togethers. These spaces have intrinsic value to the people who own them. With a well-crafted lawn care flyer, let people know how you can do wonders on the extension of their homes.