Charitable Donation Form – 10+ Examples, Format, Pdf

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Charitable Donation Form – 10+ Examples, Format, Pdf

Charitable Donation Form Examples

Have you ever tried donating to charitable organizations? Did you like how it felt when you gave some things you no longer need to someone else? I would too. But have you ever stopped to wonder if you ever had to fill out some kind of donation form before you were allowed to donate? If you had, you would be familiar with this too. So here are some 10+ charitable donation form examples in PDF | MS Word. Oh the best part? They are absolutely FREE..

10+ Charitable Donation Form Examples

1. Sample Charitable Donation Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 36.0 KB


2. Charity Fund Donation Change Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 22.0 KB


3. Charitable Donation and Event Request Form Form

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  • PDF

Size: 112.5 KB


4. Charitable Donation Request Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 142.3 kB


5. Charitable Donation and Program Interest Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 145.2 kB


6. Simple Charitable Donation Form

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  • PDF

Size: 199.2 KB


7. Charitable Donation Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 120.3 KB


8. Donation Form for the Biblio Charitable Trust

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  • PDF

Size: 34.0 KB


9. Basic Charity Donation Form

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  • PDF

Size: 388 KB


10. Foundation Trust Charitable Fund Donation Form

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 32 kB


11. Charitable Donation Form Example

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 32 KB


Define Charitable

Charitable means to give out money without expecting anything in return. To share what you can for others in need.

Define Charity

Charity can mean a lot of things, one definition is a non-profit organization, an institution that focuses on helping people who are in need. Charity also means to give something either food, clothing or money for the poor. Is synonymous to alms.

Define Donation

A donation is an act of giving and expecting nothing in return.

Difference between Charity and Donation

Donation is the specific object to be given. Examples for such could be money, clothing, food, toys, or blood. On the other hand, charity is the act of giving something in kind. Giving something that people may need, that you no longer need.

Examples of Charitable Donations

There are a lot of organizations that would ask for donations. These are the common types listed: church donations, scholarship donations, blood donations, wedding donations, and non-profit donations.

Define Charitable Donation

A charitable donation is a gift of cash or property made to a nonprofit organization to help it accomplish its goals for which the donor receives nothing of value in return.

Define Charitable Donation

When we say charitable donation, we often mistake it as charity and donation which may be confusing as well. But Charitable Donation means a present of financial aid or a property given to a non-profit organization to help it. Non-profit organizations often ask for sponsors to help them reach their goals. 

Tips on Filling Out Donation Forms

  • State the name of charity: Since there are a lot of charities to choose from, pick the one you are willing to donate. You are not required to donate to all charities on your checklist. As charities are non-profit, you are not obliged to give out the required amount they need. If you are not sure of the charity but you still want to donate, you may do some research. Be careful with scammers who prey on donors pretending to be charities that only want to ask for money. When in doubt, go to your local charity and give your donations there.
  • Details: Fill out the necessary details in the form. The details that they would ask for is your name, your complete address, contact number, email address, and the amount you are going to be giving.
  • Review the form: Before you are going to pass the forms, check all the necessary information you have given. Most donation forms ask for payment details. Credit card number, expiration date, issue date. Beyond that, forms do not ask for your PIN or any other personal details. If you find a form that asks for that, chances are that is a scam. So be very careful on what personal details you are giving. Ask if you have questions.
  • Sign it: Like any other form, you must sign to make sure or to promise you willingly give this certain amount to the organization or you are willing to be a sponsor for them.
  • Extra information: If you do not want to donate to the same non-profit organization again, you may place a note stating you are only going to donate to their charity once. You are not forced to donate to them every single time they ask for some donations. If they insist on this, you may tell the person in charge of your request.


How do you know if the form you are filling out is true?

You would see the name of the organization they represent. If you are unsure of that, a good research would be helpful as well.

I want to donate a check, what information are they going to ask?

The check number, the account name, the account number, and your details.

Are all the details necessary when filling it out?

Depends on what you mean by all the details, as they only ask you for your name, address, contact details and email address. Apart from that it is basically up to you. If you wish to fill out some of the extra details, you may do so.

Do I really need to review all that I filled out?

This is completely optional.

It is both fun and a good experience to be able to donate something for a good cause. Filling out forms can be a bit tricky since you have to check if you have filled out all the necessary details correctly before passing it back. Following the tips given can help you with any concerns you have.

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