Employee Payroll Form – 18+ Examples, Format, Pdf
Have you ever thought about how amazing it would be to do a job that can pay your bills and also allow one to do whatever they want? But before all these things start, most employers will make you sign multiple types of forms and among the many, one can be an employee payroll form. These forms are to be filled by employees in order to ensure that they get paid for their services rendered to the company. It also pays the government their dues for the benefit of getting a job. Today’s article will focus on rendering new employees with the fundamental information as to how to fill out the payroll forms for the employees.
Also, in this article one can go through the different examples of the payroll form templates. Employers can make use of it for their own company or business and maintain the employee pay schedule error and controversy free. The new employees can download and use these sample templates if they wish to exercise the process of filling out these forms before actually submitting payroll forms to their employers.
Employee Payroll Form Examples & Templates
1. Employee Payroll Form Template

Is it not a fact that every employee looks forward to his payday, which gives them the actual reward of their hard work throughout the month. The employer must note that the payroll must contain all-inclusive description of an employee’s salary like a salary slip in order to detect the changes made to their pay. Employee Payroll Form template will help you to with a smooth pay cheque distribution process. The suggestions made within the format can be changed according to one’s specifications. It can be easily downloaded as it supports all the file formats and different devices can be used to d so. User satisfaction is guaranteed, just go though and check for yourself.
2. Employee Payroll Direct Deposit Agreement Form
This is an Agreement form on Direct Deposit for payroll of the employees. The employee can request for direct deposit of his payments for payroll to the financial institutions of their choice with the help of this form.
3. Employee Payroll Enrollment Form Example
This form format can be used to fulfill the dual functions like updating employee information as well as for the payroll enrolment of an employee.
4. Employee Payroll Setup Form Example
This printable payroll form and saveable setup form for the payroll of employees can be used to provide all the employee’s personal details. It can also be used to do direct deposit and maintain the payroll taxes as well.
5. Payroll Client Employee Setup Form Example
The Certified Public Accountants Company Kinexus has professionally created this template format which can be used as an employee setup form for client payroll. Here all the necessary paperwork, employee details, benefits, taxes, direct deposit, etc., all can be done through this.
6. ?Employee Payroll Direct Deposit Form
This form can be used to initiate contribution on payroll with the help of direct deposit to Edvest College account on savings plan for the first time. It can also help change the allotment among the heirs. It can also takes care of the options for investment from contributions already made from payroll.
7. Employee Payroll Change Form Example
When an employee has a change in his payroll, then this form can be used to furnish all the employee details like deductions, wage changes, direct deposit change, etc.
8. Employee Payroll Request Form Example
The request form of employment payroll can be used to pay all the non permanent, extra work done by the employee like honorarium, stipends, etc.,
9. Employee Payroll Application Form Example
Commercial Bank of Dubai’s employee payroll application form can be used for applying for a RATEB salary card, which will make getting of payment as well as access the pay in a much easier way.
10. Employee Payroll Authorization Form Example
For making contribution to the Health Savings Account (HSA), this form can be used. Also, to make a change or to stop any deductions made for this contribution, this form can also be made.
11. Employee Payroll Giving Form Example
Here is a Giving Form from Employee Payroll that can be used to make contributions to Foundations through payroll deductions.
12. Basic Employee Payroll Form Example
Payroll form for Employees of Baylor College of Medicine can be used to give funds or honour memorial gift by deducting from employee payroll.
13. Employee Payroll Deduction Form in PDF
Annual Health Savings Account deduction from the employees’ payroll can be done with the help of this form.
14. Employee Payroll Deduction Donation Form
This is a payroll deduction authorization form for making donations to organizations like Women Rock for their services for early detection of breast cancer.
15. Employee Payroll Direct Deposit Form Example
A template form for direct deposit of employee payroll on the basis of authorization from the employee can be done through this form. Fill up of this kind of form will help the government to authenticate the new account holder’s information to fight away terrorism and money laundering.
16. Manpower Employee Payroll Deduction Form
Employee Payroll deduction form from manpower can be used to enrol in health insurance program.
17. Employee Payroll Deduction Authorization Form
If you are looking for an authorization form for employee payroll deduction by which you can contribute to your membership like in MASA, then you can use this template.
18. Simple Employee Payroll Deduction Form Example
Another health savings account from employee deduction payroll by which you can enter into plans like high deductable plan of health.