HR Evaluation Form – 10+ Examples, Format, How to Write, Pdf
Every company whether it may be a big one or a small one has a Human Resources. The job of a Human Resources in a company may sound simple enough. One may think that their purpose is simply to accept or deny an applicant of the position they are applying for. This is one of the jobs that a Human Resources does and more. They are also responsible for giving training schedules, recruitment, giving out surveys, handling rules and regulations and making sure that the policies of the company are being followed. In addition to that, they are also responsible for evaluating employees. To see if they are still up to the standards of the company. For more information about what an HR Evaluation form is, check out the article below.
10+ HR Evaluation Form Examples
1. HR Interview Evaluation Form Template

2. HR Evaluation Feedback Form Template

3. Blank HR Evaluation Feedback Form

4. HR Candidate Evaluation Form
5. HR Employee Performance Evaluation Form
6. HR Training Evaluation Form
7. HR Manager Evaluation Form
8. HR Self Evaluation Form Template
9. HR Staff Evaluation Form Template
10. HR Probationary Evaluation Form
11. HR Job Performance Evaluation Form
What Is an HR Evaluation Form?
An HR evaluation form is a document that Human Resources use as a way to evaluate employees in a company. An evaluation form consists of a series of questions that employees must answer honestly. The results of the evaluation form are then recorded for future references and use. This document is also used as a way to measure up an employee’s overall performance. To see if the employee is still able to achieve the standards of the company. The evaluation form is also used as a way to check the areas that may need improvement if the employee happens to be having some difficulty. HR evaluation forms are basically used to review, to assess and to evaluate the overall performance of an employee and to check their strengths and weaknesses.
To highlight their strengths and to improve on their weaknesses. It is not used as a way to punish or to embarrass an employee for not being able to do a good job. The HR Evaluation form is mainly used by the Human Resources as a way to assess the employees. The results are then kept for future use, as well as a way to see where the employees are able to improve on and how. In addition to that, an evaluation form also consists of the information of the employee, from their previous results of the evaluation to the general information.
How to Write an HR Evaluation Form?
You may be wondering, how do you begin writing from scratch an evaluation form? What is the difference between other evaluation form examples? The difference may depend on the company, as well as how they may write their version of an HR evaluation form. Writing an evaluation form from scratch may be a bit of a challenge but here are some tips to help you get started.
1. Start with the Basics
When you begin your evaluation form, go back to basics. What are you planning on achieving when you are writing your evaluation form? What are your end goals for this? As you write the evaluation form questions, remember to stick to the goal you are planning to get.
2. Set Some Directions
One thing to always remember if you are starting out your evaluation form from scratch is to set some directions. The reason for this is because, this may depend on what type of form you may want to use. Directions are also important for the employee to know how to answer and what to answer. Without any directions, the employee may have to find a way to get this evaluation form finished.
3. Add Space for Feedback
Let them know that there would be a space in the evaluation form for feedback. This is going to be part of their directions as well. Make them understand that feedback is also important as well as their honest answers on the evaluation form.
4. Explain the Need for the Evaluation
Explaining the need for employees to do the evaluation is highly important. The reason for this is to make sure they understand that this is part of the company’s rules and they must adhere to it. It also means that they must understand that the evaluation form is for the company to see the areas they need to improve on.
5. General Questions Only
One thing to remember when making your evaluation form. Your questions must not be too personal or too vague. Your questions should be based on the company and not of their personal lives. Questions like how you spend your time away from work are too personal and should be avoided.
What is a HR Evaluation form?
A document that the company hands out to their employees to answer. It is a document made by the HR team with a series of questions to be answered by the company.
Why is an evaluation form important?
An evaluation form is important as its results can give what the company may be asking. It shows if the employees are still maintaining the type of work that is expected of them. For the company to know this, they do an evaluation form for the employees to answer.
Are the answers to the evaluation form confidential?
All answers from examinations and any type of forms given by the company are considered confidential. They are only used for the benefit of the company.
Human Resources jobs are not an easy task. They also cater to making evaluation forms for employees in the company to answer. They are also responsible for having to assess, evaluate and give the results based on the evaluation form. The HR evaluation form is a document that consists of a series of questions that are used for company purposes only. The results are kept confidential, so is the form.