Digital Marketing Proposal

Last Updated: September 4, 2024

Digital Marketing Proposal

The digital era has reshaped how people perceived things. The massive overhaul of society also ushered business into the digital stage. That’s why digital marketing in today’s world is as prevalent as never before, and this is a problem for newcomers! However, since you’re here, we got your back! We have 10+ Digital Marketing Proposals Examples that you can use to encourage everyone to venture within this area and sit on the front seat of the business world! Not only that, but we also have a guide that you can use to create one quick. Are you ready to see a new world? Check our resources below.

10+ Digital Marketing Proposal Examples

1. Digital Marketing Proposal Template

Digital Marketing Proposal Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: A4, US


2. Digital Marketing Proposal Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


3. Digital Marketing Proposal of New Website

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 616 KB


4. Proposal for Workshop on Digital Marketing

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 122 KB


5. Sample Digital Marketing Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


6. SEO Digital Marketing Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 476 KB


7. Digital Marketing Service Plan Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 203 KB


8. Digital Marketing Proposal in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 MB


9. Printable Digital Marketing Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 288 KB


10. Commercial Digital Marketing Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 467 KB


11. Request for Proposal Digital Marketing

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 396 KB


What is Digital Marketing Proposal

A Digital Marketing Proposal is a document that people use to introduce people to doing digital marketing. This document is important as it shows what people can potentially achieve and how they should do it. Although you may need a Digital Marketing Plan after this. However, this is your first step to creating that marketing program for your company.

What are the three types of Digital Media?

Digital Marketing comes in different shapes and forms. Some do it subliminally while others show it as a means to improve and complement their branding strategy. However, did you know that there are at least three types of digital media that you can use for your digital marketing plan? Yes. There are three, and these things are the following:

  • Paid Media

Paid Media is a type of marketing that involves paying a company or a group on your behalf. They may create events, advertisements, and other marketing efforts for your company but you need to pay them for their efforts. Depending on the magnitude of the action they may take bigger or lower pay.

  • Owned Media

Owned Media, as the name says, it is “owned.” This type of media is something that your company owns. Although you may not own the website or the platform, but your company owns the accounts within the social media or website. This also shows how strong your following is, within the platform.

  • Earned Media

Lastly, we have the Earned Media. This type of digital media is something your company gained through prestige and credibility. Some examples that you can consider to be part of this type are blogs, social media posts, website mentions, and others where people do the marketing for you. However, this can also be considered paid, if you try to ask them to do it for you. Nonetheless, if it is purely voluntary you may not even need to pay a single dime.

How to Create a Digital Marketing Proposal

The proposal has been in existence for centuries. Although the first merchants may not have created a detailed document to express their proposal, the nature of providing other people ideas to make a plan has been part of the economic world for generations. And for the Digital age? Well, we have the perfect steps you can follow to create one.

Step 1: Have an Executive Summary

How long is your Digital Marketing Proposal? Does it take ten to fifteen pages? Well, if that’s the case, then you should add a one-page executive summary after your table of contents and cover page. This is necessary because this will capture the minds of the customer, investor, or business partner. In this way, they won’t need to see the whole plan to get excited about the whole endeavor.

Step 2: Provide Proper Goals and Plans

After an excellent executive summary, you may now provide people with a list of goals you wanted to achieve. Make sure that these plans are not a shoot for the stars. Instead, make them as SMART as possible. SMART planning is popular in the world right now and you should do it. Make sure that you also have tactics or plans in place for how you can reach your goals. If you can, you should also decide on your target audience.

Step 3: Include a Budget Plan

Why do you need a proposal? Most of the time, the answer is “funding.” People need funding that’s why they create proposals to gain more financial support from the investors and those people that believe in their vision. So, for your third point make sure that you have a financial plan that shows how your plan will succeed. If possible, make sure that the format is acceptable for many—not too small or too big.

Step 4: Be Client-based

Many proposals fail because they sometimes don’t communicate enough to the audience. They talk about hyper sophisticated things that our busy CEOs and Directors don’t have enough time to check for the glossary. So, for your last step, make sure that your proposal focuses on the readability of your material. Design your proposal for the client so you can pass your proposal faster.


What should a proposal include?

The basic things that a proposal should include are:
1. Executive Summary
2. Goals
3. Target Market
4. Operational Plan
5. Financial Plan

Is SEO important?

Yes. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is important especially to marketing and advertising. They are the reason why your customers can check your website, posts, and other exposure efforts. Some individuals working in this field also provide your website with traffic and higher ranking, which in turn create more traffic that can lead to conversions.

What are the different types of digital marketing?

Digital marketing has many facets and classifications. Listed below are the seven different types of digital marketing in the current world:
1. SEO Marketing
2. Influencer Marketing
3. PPC Marketing
4. Social Media Marketing
5. Content Marketing
6. Email Marketing
7. Affiliate Marketing

The world is a fast revolving world. It is evolving every day. A few years ago people were weary of eCommerce, however, everyone loves it. Whether you want to create a digital marketing effort for your hotel, restaurant, real estate, and other businesses, know that the effort will be difficult. However, you can be sure that you will have a faster and better preparation stage with the use of our sample and templates. Spread the word! 

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