Square Root 1 to 25

Team Maths - Examples.com
Created by: Team Maths - Examples.com, Last Updated: June 20, 2024

Square Root 1 to 25

Square Root 1 to 25

The square roots of integers from 1 to 25 highlight a blend of rational and irrational numbers in mathematics, as rational square roots like 1, 4, 9, 16, and 25 contrast with the irrational roots of the others. Algebraically, understanding squares and square roots helps unravel equations involving these numbers. The integers involved in square roots lay the foundation for deeper exploration in statistics and the least squares method, a technique used to minimize differences between observed and predicted data points. The interplay between rationality and irrationality showcases the elegance and complexity of numerical properties in mathematics.

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The square roots of numbers between 1 and 25 illustrate both rational and irrational values, revealing distinct mathematical properties. In algebra, these roots aid in solving equations and understanding numerical relationships. They also underpin statistical methods like least squares, emphasizing the contrast between different numerical properties.

Square Roots 1 to 25

In radical form: √x

In exponential form: (x)¹/²

Where x is any number between 1 to 25.

Square Root from 1 to 25 Chart


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Square Root from 1 to 25
√1 = 1√14 = 3.742
√2 = 1.414√15 = 3.873
√3 = 1.732√16 = 4
√4 = 2√17 = 4.123
√5 = 2.236√18 = 4.243
√6 = 2.449√19 = 4.359
√7 = 2.646√20 = 4.472
√8 = 2.828√21 = 4.583
√9 = 3√22 = 4.690
√10 = 3.162√23 = 4.796
√11 = 3.317√24 = 4.899
√12 = 3.464√25 = 5
√13 = 3.606

The square roots of numbers from 1 to 25 reveal a mix of exact integers and non-repeating decimals, showing a combination of rational (like √1, √4, √9) and irrational numbers (like √2, √3, √5). This reflects the diverse numerical properties encountered in mathematics.

More About Square Root 1 to 25

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Square Root of 21Square Root of 22Square Root of 23Square Root of 24Square Root of 25

Square Root 1 to 25 for Perfect Squares

NumberSquare Root

This table lists the perfect square numbers from 1 to 25 alongside their respective square roots. Perfect squares are numbers that result from multiplying an integer by itself, thus their square roots are integers.

Square Root 1 to 25 for Non-Perfect Squares

NumberSquare Root

This table provides the square roots of non-perfect squares from 1 to 25. Each entry shows a number and its corresponding square root value.

How to Calculate Square Root from 1 to 25?

To calculate the square root of numbers from 1 to 25, you can use several methods:

  • Prime Factorization: Decompose the number into prime factors and identify pairs of the same factor. For perfect squares, each pair represents a factor in the square root.
  • Long Division Method: An iterative technique where you divide and find the square root digit by digit.
  • Approximation Methods: Guess a number and refine it using iterative methods like Newton-Raphson.
  • Calculator: For quick and accurate results, use a scientific calculator.
  • Table Lookup: Square roots of numbers from 1 to 25 are often memorized or found in mathematical tables due to their common usage.


Which numbers from 1 to 25 have rational square roots?

The numbers with rational square roots from 1 to 25 are 1, 4, 9, 16, and 25. Their square roots are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively.

Why are some square roots from 1 to 25 irrational?

Square roots of non-perfect squares (like 2, 3, 5, etc.) from 1 to 25 are irrational because they cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers, resulting in non-repeating, non-terminating decimals.

How can the square root be used in the least squares method?

In the least squares method, square roots are used to compute the standard deviation and other statistics. The method minimizes the sum of the squares of residuals, which are the differences between observed and predicted values.

Is it possible to have a negative square root?

While negative square roots don’t exist among real numbers, imaginary numbers like ‘i’ (where i² = -1) allow for the definition of square roots of negative numbers.

Are there any practical tips for remembering square roots of numbers from 1 to 25?

Memorizing perfect squares (1, 4, 9, 16, and 25) can be helpful. For others, understanding their approximate square root values and practicing with numerical approximation methods can enhance recall.

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