Freelance Writer Agreement

Last Updated: August 28, 2024

Freelance Writer Agreement

If you were given a chance to do something you like as a job or as a business, would you take that opportunity? If so, what kind of hobby would you turn into a business or a job? Would you want to be your own boss or would you want someone to hire you for your talent? Freelance workers are no strangers to this kind of job or business. The most common kind of freelance work usually revolves around writing, photography or video editing. For some, writing is a passion, a business, a job, a hobby, etc. Some people are lucky enough to do this kind of hobby and turn it into a business or even let someone else hire them for the job. For those who do want to be hired for their talent or experience, they would also need to have an agreement written down. While others of course do it as a freelance writer. Whether you plan on doing it as a form of business or let someone else hire you for your skills but on a temporary basis, you must of course have some terms and conditions in the form of an agreement. More of these below.

10+ Freelance Writer Agreement Examples

1. Freelance Writer Agreement Template

Freelance Writer Agreement Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


2. General Freelance Writer Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 140 KB


3. Formal Freelance Writer Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 65 KB


4. Professional Freelance Writer Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 125 KB


5. Projects Freelance Writer Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 617 KB


6. Freelance Writer Publication Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 51 KB


7. Freelance Writer Agreement Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 148 KB


8. Freelance Writer Service Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 11 KB


9. Freelance Writer Blogger Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 833 KB


10. Freelance Writer Agreement in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 118 KB


11. Work­ for­ Hire Freelance Writer Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 144 KB


What Is a Freelance Writer Agreement?

What is a freelance writer agreement and what could be expected with a freelance writer agreement? A freelance writer agreement is an agreement contract that states the work description, the payment, the person’s status whether it may be temporary or permanent or contractual, the terms and conditions and the cover rate of the freelancer. These details in the agreement are necessary and important for both parties to find a common ground and get into an agreement. Just like any other freelance agreement, this type of agreement defines the important terms and information required of the freelance writer before they would accept anything or if they would wish to decline the work being given to them.

The purpose of a freelance writer agreement is to make sure that everything being discussed in the agreement has been agreed on, and the kind of job that the freelance writer has been discussed about is also clear. This is to avoid any misunderstanding and issues if the message was not as clear as possible.

How to Write a Freelance Writer Agreement?

Here is some information you may want to check out if you are planning on making a freelance writer agreement from scratch. For more examples check out the ones above.

1. State the Nature of the Job

From the beginning of the discussion of the agreement, make sure that your freelance writer knows the nature of the job. Whether it be temporary, permanent or contractual. This is to be certain that you hired the freelance writer on a certain time frame. In addition to that, it is best to tell the freelance writer beforehand so that they may not have to expect anything too long or too short of the job. Especially if the job is project based, it is better to say the nature of their job than to hide it and wait for the moment you think is best.

2. The Job Description

Part of the agreement and the discussion of the agreement is the job description. This is not to sound like you are a broken record to your employee, but it is to make sure that both of you know the job description and to check if they understand what they are hired to do.

3. General Information

General information includes the complete information of the freelance writer, their address, contact details and the title of their job. All of which is necessary for the agreement and also expected with the agreement.

4. The Scope of the Job

What is expected of the freelance writer is placed in the scope of the job. This includes anything that may be added by the employer apart from what is already expected and the reason for hiring the freelance writer. The scope of the job would also include the time frame between jobs and any other necessary information that would be useful for the freelance writer.

5. Writer’s Name and Signature

Lastly, for the agreement to be complete, the freelance writer must write their complete name and sign the agreement. That is of course if they have agreed to do the project and have understood all the necessary details of the job.


What is a freelance writer agreement?

A document that states the terms and conditions, the scope of the agreement and the necessary information needed for the freelance writer employee to know before accepting the job opportunity.

What is the purpose of the terms and conditions of the agreement?

The terms and conditions of the agreement help sort out any issues and problems that may be faced if there was no discussion. The terms and conditions also explain in a way that the agreement is clearer if it is being broken down into specific information.

When writing the agreement, do you have to be specific with the details?

Yes. Even if you may have to discuss the whole agreement, it is always best to be specific with what you expect the freelance writer to do. Apart from that, it is also best to be specific so that any misunderstandings can be cleared faster.

Whether you turn your hobby into a job or a business, you would always have to expect to sign an agreement form. This is to make sure you are doing this on your own consent, you understand your responsibilities and the whole reason for the job.

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