Earthquake Action Plan – 10+ Examples, Format, How to Write, Pdf
Getting ready for anything should be a part of a person’s basic survival routine. Especially when you know that nature can be so unpredictable. For the past years, a lot of people have lost their lives due to being unprepared for the worst and due to getting hurt from natural disasters. Rather than staying there and being like a sitting duck and waiting for it to happen, it is always best to come prepared. Even for the worst of the worst. This is why it is always good to have a plan or a back up plan in case these things may happen, and they do happen just about any time. Making an action plan to save yourself or to save others is the best option you can have right now. Yet, planning on a good action plan can also be tiresome work. Useful but often confusing and tiresome that you end up getting frustrated with it and give up. Rather than doing that, why don’t I show you an easier way to make a good earthquake action plan that would not only lessen the time in making it but you already have 10+ earthquake action plan examples to use as guidelines.
10+ Earthquake Action Plan Examples
1. Earthquake Action Plan Template

2. Earthquake Emergency Action Plan
3. Standard Earthquake Action Plan
4. Earthquake Action Plan in PDF
5. Action Plan for Earthquake Template
6. Printable Earthquake Action Plan
7. Action Plan for Earthquake Safety
8. Steps for Earthquake Action Plan
9. Basic Earthquake Action Plan
10. National Earthquake Action Plan
11. General Earthquake Action Plan
What Is an Earthquake Action Plan?
An earthquake action plan is a type of plan that you make in case a calamity, like an earthquake may happen. A series of outlined ideas and plans that you would want to do or take in order to eliminate any possible risks that may happen during the calamity. Since we are aware that calamities are unpredictable, being prepared is always the best option here. The use of an earthquake action plan is to let the person know what to do during calamities like this. It is a set of step by step process to show the person what should and should not be done during an earthquake and to prepare the necessary things when it happens. Since earthquakes often have levels of severity, the earthquake action plan lets you write it all down by level and to let you be sure that these plans you are doing are safe and risk free.
How to Write an Earthquake Action Plan
Planning for the worse is always the best idea. Saving things in case something may happen, or even hoard some goods before the calamity strikes. This includes a good action plan. So here are some tips for you to help you get started on writing your very own earthquake action plan.
1. List the Things You Plan On Doing
What better way to start your earthquake action plan than to think about what you have to do first. What do you think should you add or do when an earthquake happens? This is one of the most basic things you can ask yourself when you want to start. When you have your answer, all you have to do is to list down everything and crush out the ones you think are either too impossible to do or you may not be able to do it with a limited amount of resources.
2. Set a Deadline for the Tasks
It is understandable that for some things that you need to do to prepare, you may want to not add a deadline for this. But making a deadline for each task will not only give you the opportunity to try harder but it also gives you the motivation to find a way for your earthquake action plan to work. Especially when you have others to care for and the purpose of the action plan gets even higher. Looking for ways can be difficult but not being able to place deadlines for your tasks may get riskier.
3. Highlight the Important Tasks
Highlight the tasks that are very important. Of course everything being written in your earthquake action plan is important, but find the task that should be placed on the top. This means that this is the first thing you should be doing to get everything done.
4. Set Up Milestones
With each task you have made to your action plan for calamities, set up a milestone. After each deadline you have made, set up the milestone. This is your way of seeing the progress as well as the list you can check to show you are done with them. Setting up milestones are so helpful as they make you see how far you have made progress and how far you still have to go to achieve everything you have written.
5. Make Time to Attain All of Them
Once you have finished writing out your earthquake action plan, it is time for a test drive. This does not mean that you are going to wait for a calamity for you to try this out, rather you can picture out the situation and do what you have written in your action plan. That way you are able to see if there are any risks or faults that need to be rewritten immediately.
What is an earthquake action plan?
An earthquake action plan is a type of action plan that you set up for a specific calamity. This action plan is based on what you plan to do during an earthquake. The lists that you make are only based on the specific type of calamity.
What should be avoided in an earthquake action plan?
The thing to be avoided in an earthquake action plan is to not find a way to redo anything or to add anything if you think that this action plan can still be rewritten. Always keep an open mind when you plan on action plans.
Calamities are unpredictable, but it does not mean your action plans should be too. Let your action plans be as specific and concise as possible. That way you are going to avoid a lot of risks that go with it especially if you are not able to apply to it unless you are placed on the situation then and there. A lot of risks can happen when writing action plans, but if you keep an open mind to changes that may be good for your action plan, you lessen those risks.