Morning Routine Planner

Last Updated: August 22, 2024

Morning Routine Planner

Morning Routine Planner

For many people, mornings are the best part of every day. They love to start their day early. And the early morning sunrise gives them positive energy. According to Dr. Jen’s Nutrition, one of the benefits of having a morning routine is having a sense of wellbeing. It can help you to take control of your day. You see, when you start each day doing something that puts you in the right mindset, that’s likely going to carry over for the rest of the day. So if you feel like you’ve been losing control over things in your life, consider having a morning routine. That could be the very thing you need to change your life. And we would be glad to help you with that. That’s why we’re eager to share with you our Morning Routine Planner Examples! You’re very much welcome to view them below.

10+ Morning Routine Planner Examples

1. Free Morning Routine Planner Template

Free Morning Routine Planner Template
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2. Weekly Morning Routine Planner

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Size: 87 KB


3. Morning Routine Planner Template

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Size: 75 KB


4. Morning Routine Planner Worksheet

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Size: 53 KB


5. Morning and Evening Routine Planner

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Size: 46 KB


6. Simple Morning Routine Planner

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Size: 86 KB


7. Morning Routine Planner Example

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Size: 4 MB


8. Basic Morning Routine Planner

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Size: 9 MB


9. Meaningful Morning Routine Planner

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Size: 5 MB


10. Morning Routine Planner in PDF

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Size: 245 KB


11. Daily Morning Routine Planner

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  • PDF

Size: 54 KB


What Is a Morning Routine Planner?

A morning routine planner is a personal document that outlines what a person does every morning. It’s just like a to-do checklist. What makes it distinct is that it’s an individual’s morning start list to set the right tone and mindset throughout the day. Although it’s just a piece of paper with a list of things to do every morning, it can help you in your personal development, enabling you to enjoy a better, happier life. So, for the remainder of this post, we’ll help you establish your own morning routine.

What Should be in Your Morning Routine

You have the freedom to include any activity in your morning routine. As long as they’re healthy for both your mind and body, go for any morning ritual that you want. But if you don’t have anything in mind, don’t worry. Here are some morning routine ideas that you can adopt:

  • Do some good morning workouts
  • Drink a glass of water to replenish lost fluids during sleep
  • Drink a cup of coffee, fresh milk, or tea
  • Cook breakfast for yourself and your family
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast meal
  • Meditate for 30 minutes
  • Do some yoga exercises
  • Listen to songs that always put you in a good mood
  • Read one chapter of a book
  • Take a shower a few minutes after waking up
  • Make your bed and clean your room
  • Do yourhouse chores

How to Create a Morning Routine Planner

If you’ve already gathered your morning routine ideas, it’s time to start making them your morning habit. However, that’s not going to be a quick process. It takes time to make a morning routine habitual. And you’re going to need a written guide for that. That written guide is a morning routine planner. So take note of these easy tips to create yours.

1. Decide the Exact Time You Should Wake Up

To become a morning person, waking up at 4:00 am or 5:00 am isn’t necessary. You can start your day at 6:00 am or 7:00 am. That way, you have a long head start before noon. Just make sure that your wake up time gives you enough to prepare for work or school.

2. Start with Your Most Important Task

It feels nice to get things done early. At work, when you can hit your target productivity before your shift ends, you feel good because you’ll have more time to relax and your minds already clear. The same goes for a morning routine. So consider starting with your most important task every morning. That could be your quick workout, house chores, and many more.

3. Budget Your Time Well

Of course, you don’t want to be late at school or work because of your morning routine. So budget your time well. Time management is essential in being an early bird. Outline your routine planner like a schedule planner.

4. Add It to Your Daily Schedule or Weekly Schedule

Because you’ll be doing your morning routine regularly, might as well add it to your daily schedule or weekly schedule. That’s one good way to make it habitual, along with your night routines. And, if you want, you can rest from your morning routine at once a week. It could be on a Sunday morning. You deserve to have a cheat day after six days of being a morning hustler.

What should I do first thing in the morning?

According to Namni Goel, Ph.D. in NBC News, getting exposure to sunlight is one of the first things people should do every morning. It gives our bodies a signal that our day is about to start. Thus, we’ll be more energetic and alert to face each day’s tasks.

Is it good for my health to wake up at 5 am?

Some researchers say it is, but some say otherwise. So we can’t really say if waking up at 5 am has solid health benefits. But one thing’s for sure. Not having enough sleep isn’t good for your health. So if you wish to start your day as early as 5 am, go to bed at 9 pm or 10 pm. Get at least eight or seven hours of sleep.

What should I have for breakfast every morning?

It’s a cliche thing to say, but breakfast is always the most important meal of the day. Eating breakfast should never be out of your daily routine chart. For a healthy breakfast, you should eat eggs for protein, milk for stronger bones, fruits for better hydration, and some coffee to kickstart your energy.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Those are words that morning people will surely agree with. And soon, you’ll agree with that quote as well once you get the hang of your new morning routine. So start building your morning routine planner now!

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