A postcard is a simple card for sending a message by post without an envelope, typical having a photograph or illustration on one side. Postcard marketing was introduced as a unique, low cost, and out of the box marketing method. Postcards can do everything that a marketing newsletter can. It can generate leads, close sales & helps to find new clients, and can be used to introduce new product/service.
Postcards are essentially useful in target marketing. Postcards are physical, and if one can manage to attract the client with the content & matter, then one can be assured of the returns. This article covers postcard templates and examples related to a different type of marketing.
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Marketing Postcard Examples & Templates
1. Marketing Postcard Template
An Economical attractive price is not the only benefit of postcard marketing. Postcards are small in size and easily available almost everywhere. An initial printing of a postcard can also be done from an office, due to the size and limited quantity. Hence, one can save time and budget from designing activities. The above file is a predesigned template, which is easy to edit and available for download.
2. Church Marketing Postcard Template
Churches have a limited budget for marketing their events, and hence, postcard marketing proves to be the best method for them. Church marketing is basically conveying information. Loyal members of the church and other attendees can be made aware of the discussion, prayer meeting, or a presentation through a postcard. This file is a specifically designed template for church marketing. It is easy to download, edit, and print.
3. Social Media Marketing Postcard Template
Social Media Marketing through postcard is an obnoxious theory, but again, how does one reach out to clients who are completely unaware of the potential of a social media marketing campaign? The above template can help marketing agencies expand their network. The template is exclusively designed for social media marketing in the size of 5×7 inches. It is eye catchy, customizable, and easy to download & print.
4. Small Business Marketing Postcard Template
Small and microscale business organizations can use marketing postcard to covey the matter in a clear, brief, specific, and to the point format. Postcards can prove to be good things in tiny packages. Postcard branding is directly proportional to the number of glances the postcard has after and before it reaches to the client. The above file is business marketing designer postcard template which can be easily customized as required.
5. Marketing Services Postcard Template
This file is a graphically designed postcard template for marketing services. The template is customizable and available for download in five file formats. It is preoccupied with relevant image and suggestive content. One can use this postcard template to promote the marketing services of a firm to potential clients. It is easy to prepare and affordable compared to other marketing methods.
6. Free Business Marketing Postcard
This postcard template is a brand-specific file. It has magnificently captured the idea of a hydro product and has been designed in perfect synchronization with the same. The messaging part includes details like about us, products, and get in touch which happens to be sufficient information captured on one side of a template. One can download this template and easily make brand related changes which can help in furnishing this file according to the requirements.
7. Free Marketing Postcard Template
The important part about postcard marketing is the quality of content that it includes. One can simply place a screenshot of the website URL, and the fancy design & content can prompt the audience to visit the site, thus generating hits and new leads. For implementing such a strategy, one needs an efficient template for marketing similar to the above file. Download this template in classic blue and white design to commence with your postcard marketing strategy.
8. Life Insurance Marketing Postcard
Life insurance companies roll out new schemes and policies almost every year. To keep in touch with the existing customers and generate new leads such companies can download the marketing postcard template from the above link. The template is designed in two color options and with organized layers for easy customizing.
9. Photography Marketing Postcard
One buys what one can see. Marketing is an important aspect for photographers to showcase their skills and editing capabilities to the clients. The above file is a handmade photography marketing postcard template that can help photographers to promote their studio. It is super-versatile in design and perfect for handouts and mailing.
10. Spa Marketing Postcard Template
Spa marketing through postcard can include a discount over the usual service or a promotional complimentary service for selected clients. To roll out such offers via a postcard one needs a spacious yet small template to accommodate all the details. This template is specifically designed for postcard marketing of spa. It is designed in CMYK color scheme with 300 DPI making the file print ready.
11. Product Marketing Postcard Design
Introduction of a new product in market demands direct or indirect promotion to achieve desired popularity which can attract clients. Product marketing through postcards is an affordable concept that can help to increase the reach of the product. This file is a creative template of postcard marketing for new products and for promotional activities of existing products.
12. Social Media Marketing Postcard
This template is uniquely designed to attract customers to have a full glance at the postcard. With such design and efficient marketing content, potential clients definitely shoot an inquiry about their requirements. It is an Adobe CS5 version file and can be modified according to the campaign requirements.
13. Marketing Postcard Design
Marketing postcard templates with classic, simple, standard and other designs are available online. One has to precisely select a design that can fit with the business model and promotional activity. This file is one such example of a marketing postcard design. One can download the file and explore editing options to customize the file according to the marketing requirements.
14. Corporate Marketing Postcard
Are you looking for a marketing postcard which is furnished to represent a corporate company? Download this customized postcard with layered PSD and 6×4 inch size. Relevant graphics and suggestive contents enable users to make only minor changes about the brand to make the postcard print ready.
15. Free Marketing Postcard Design
In brand-specific marketing campaigns, it becomes mandatory to have a designer postcard. It becomes tough for an amateur to edit or freshly design a postcard for such requirements. Download this file with sober graphics and editable content option to resume your marketing campaign.
16. Booking Marketing Template Postcard
Marketing your product and allowing your clients to book an order from the same postcard is a tremendous marketing trick. This template is perfectly designed for the purpose of marketing and receiving bookings for an advertised product. Download this template and make sufficient modifications which will make it ready to print & post.
17. Multipurpose Marketing Postcard
The use of postcards for multipurpose marketing can be done only by companies providing services in the sub-sectors of the main product. For such companies marketing postcards can fetch assured orders/bookings for at least one of the offered services. This file is one of the multipurpose marketing postcard templates available for download in Photoshop format.