Request Letter to Principal for Absence Example [Edit & Download]
Robbie Mahoney
123 Maple Street
Anytown, AT 12345
(555) 123-4567
February 12, 2024
Mrs. Laura Smith
Anytown High School
456 School Lane
Anytown, AT 12345
Subject: Request for Absence
Dear Mrs. Smith,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to inform you of my need to be absent from school due to a family emergency, which requires our immediate attention and presence out of state. This absence will span from February 20 to February 24, 2024.
Aware of the importance of regular attendance and its impact on learning outcomes, I have already taken the initiative to discuss this matter with my teachers, securing assignments and materials that will be covered during my absence. I am committed to completing all work ahead of time where possible, and I plan to allocate extra study hours upon my return to cover any missed content.
During my absence, I will ensure to maintain communication through my email,, to receive updates or additional assignments from my teachers. I am determined to stay on top of my studies and minimize the impact of my absence on my academic progress.
I understand the school’s policies regarding absences and assure you of my family’s and my commitment to adhere to these guidelines, including providing any necessary documentation upon our return to validate this absence.
I am grateful for your understanding and support in this challenging time. Should you require further information or documentation, please feel free to contact me or my parents at (555) 678-9101.
Thank you very much for your consideration and for your continued commitment to the academic and personal development of your students.
Warmest regards,
Robbie Mahoney
Grade 10, Section B
Student ID: 001234567