Proposal Cover Letter – 7+ Examples, Format, How to Compose, PDF

Last Updated: May 24, 2024

Proposal Cover Letter – 7+ Examples, Format, How to Compose, PDF

Proposal Cover Letter Examples

Creating a project proposal is a huge opportunity, but there’s no denying that it is also mind-boggling. Coming up with the idea isn’t the only thing you should do. There are still plenty of papers you need to process to complete the job, and a proposal cover letter is one of many. To avoid stressing out yourself even further, learn how to compose your cover letter in this article.

7+ Proposal Cover Letter Examples

1. Business Proposal Cover Letter

Business Proposal Cover Letter Template
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2. Sample Request for Proposals Cover Letter

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  • PDF

Size: 221 KB


3. Sample Grant Proposal Cover Letter

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  • PDF

Size: 5 KB


4. Qualifications Proposal Cover Letter

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  • PDF

Size: 62 KB


5. Request for Proposal Cover Letter

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  • PDF

Size: 1019 KB


6. Printable Proposal Cover Letter

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Size: 72 KB


7. Cover Letter for Request for Funding Proposals

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  • PDF

Size: 86 KB


8. Proposal Covering Letter Example

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 9 KB


What Is A Proposal Cover Letter?

A proposal cover letter is a one-page document that provides a brief introduction of your organization and the nature of your proposal. Some people don’t include a cover letter in their project proposals, but just like an executive summary, this document sets the mood of your paper. It is where you express that you understand their needs. On top of that, show them that you also have just the proposal to satisfy them.

How to Compose an Appealing Proposal Cover Letter

A proposal, similar to a resume, needs a cover letter. Your cover letter is where the prospects decide whether your proposal is worth reading on or not. There’s a famous saying about how first impressions last. That said, although this part is optional for some, it certainly impacts your whole proposal. 

1. Hook Them With Your Opening Sentence

Your prospects are busy people, so it is necessary to get straight to the point. Give them something that would leave them wanting more. Impress them and intensify their curiosity. Provide them a reason why reading your project proposal is the best choice of spending their time. Hook them and make sure they give their full attention to your cover letter.

2. Set The Vibe

Professionals often doubt the people who claim to have the answer that even they don’t. The main goal of your business proposal is to persuade your prospects and give them the confidence that you have a complete grasp of the situation. In setting the vibe, you need to engage them and make sure that they are treading the path you have set for them.

3.  Give Them a Teaser

This part is where you should show them that you have the solution to their problems. Don’t go into detail yet. Keep it short but specific. Once your clients start to feel that your project plan is substantial, they will naturally want to know everything that has to do with it. 

4.  End it With a Powerful Closing

It’s not over just yet. The last step in creating your cover letter is to devise a closing that would make the eyes of your client sparkle. Your closing sentence must encourage them to read every page of your proposal. Not only that, but you should also let them know that, by doing that, they’d get all the information and the answers they need. 


What is the structure of a proposal?

A proposal is a lengthy document that includes a lot of components. A complete proposal has a title page, table of contents, an abstract, need statement, objectives, project plan, evaluation, dissemination, personnel, types of equipment, budget, and an appendix. Incorporating all these essential elements in the format of your proposal will make it more organized.

What are the types of a proposal?

A solicited proposal is a proposal written in response to a request made by a sponsorship agency. When you submit one without the request for proposal, then the submission of the proposal is unsolicited. Other sponsors may call for a preproposal, which is a brief abstract of the proposal. There are also non-competing and competing proposals.

What is a technical proposal?

A technical proposal involves doing intensive research and providing reliable data and figures which can prove the effectiveness of the project or plan that you are proposing. This information is essential for the board of people involved in the decision-making process of whether to approve the said proposal or not.

In your proposal cover letter, you should successively hit the right spots at exactly the right time. One error can disrupt their engagement. That said, your proposal cover letter must be flawless. If done right, this one-page document can positively influence and decide the outcome of your whole business proposal.

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