Concert Report – 10+ Examples, Format, How to Write, Pdf
Creating music is an art, and putting up a concert equates to setting up an art gallery. A music concert won’t be possible without the collective efforts of the staff and the artist. Are you itching to give your opinions about a recent music concert you have attended? Skip tweeting about it or posting a status on Facebook, and write your thoughts on a concert report instead.
10+ Concert Report Examples
1. Music Concert Report
2. Concert Attendance Report
3. Instrumental Music Concert Report
4. Choir Concert Report Template
5. Orchestra Concert Report
6. Music Concert Attendance Report
7. Honors Concert Report Template
8. Concert Report Assignment
9. String Course Concert Report
10. School Concert Report
11. Dance Concert Report Template
What Is a Concert Report?
A concert report is a descriptive essay a person writes to express his or her personal opinions of a specific music performance may it be positive or negative. These performances may include but are not limited to a piano recital, symphony, choral concert, opera, family concert, school concert, band concert, and even a dance concert.
How to Write a Detailed Concert Report
Writing a concert report or dozens of it is expected, especially if you are in the music industry. Are you a critic or are you a student wanting to do your assignment? Is it your first time writing this kind of report? Do you need to take a refresher? Whatever your answers are, continue reading this article. It will be helpful for you.
1. Review The Instructions
Before starting your written report, make sure you understand the instructions clearly. No matter how detailed your concert report ends up being, its quality might be down-graded if you fail to follow the instructions given. If possible, you can write down the specified format and requirements on a checklist to avoid missing something.
2. Write Down Your Observations in an Outline
To keep your essay neat and organized, write down your observation in a blank outline first. What instruments did they use in the concert? How well did they use it? In what order did they play it? How did they organize it? Did the audience applaud them? What are the elements and themes? How did they set the mood and build anticipation? These are some of the questions you need to answer in detail.
3. Set Down Your Evaluation
After writing your observations, the next step is to write your performance analysis report. Taking into account everything in the concert, do you think it was good? Does it need improvement? If it does, what part exactly? Evaluate everything and write your personal opinions about it. In writing it, you need to be critical and rational. In doing so, apply the things you know about music.
4. Finalize Your Report
The last step is, of course, finalizing your report and putting it into writing. Before devising it, be sure you are familiar with the report structure first. The flow of your essay should follow this order, introduction, description, evaluation, and lastly, the conclusion. It is necessary to include the following things in your introduction, the name of the venue, the performer, and the date of the concert.
What are the various types of a report?
People who belong from different fields of specialty write a report. That said, there are different types of a report written for varied purposes. A field report, logistic report, lab report, proposal report, periodic report, assessment report, analytical report, validation report, and staff report are examples of the types of reports.
What is an orchestra?
An orchestra is a group of people who play musical instruments. Musicians who play similar instruments belong in one family. There are four families in orchestra, brass, percussion, strings, and woodwind. The musical instruments used in an orchestra concert depend on the orchestral piece. Most orchestras are lead by a person called the conductor.
How should you end a report?
The final paragraph of your report is where you should conclude your essay. The first step to do is to restate your thesis statement. After that, you should summarize the main points of your whole report. Lastly, you should write your conclusion statement and make sure that it leaves a lasting impression.
Whatever genre earns your music appreciation, whether it’s classical, rock, country, or pop, you can’t judge what genre is superior to the others, but what you can decide on is the quality of a concert. In writing a concert report, make it as detailed as possible. A good concert report would make the readers feel as if they experienced the music concert first-hand.