Monthly Business Report – 8+ Examples, Format, How to Write, Pdf
Transport business report, project business report, development business report. We also have read about weekly and monthly business reports. We often hear these terms or often read about these terms but do we even know what these terms are or what they mean? Do we even know what they are for and the important role they play? We do know for a fact that they are the types of reports that employees in businesses, organizations, and companies are required to or tasked to write for a reason. But let’s talk about monthly business reports. What we know about them so far is they are written every month, but there is more to it than just that. With that, let’s head on over to the definition.
8+ Monthly Business Report Examples
1. Monthly Business Report Template

2. Monthly Business Management Report Template

3. Monthly Business Expense Report Template

4. Transport Monthly Business Report
5. Unauthorized Monthly Business Report
6. Monthly Operating Report for Business
7. Formal Monthly Business Report
8. Monthly Business Progress Report
9. Global Finance Monthly Business Report
What Is a Monthly Business Report?
A monthly business report is a document that summarizes the monthly performance of an employee, the business, or the company. It is considered a good tool to check on the general performance of your business as well as to track the progress if all the goals of that month have been met. In addition to that, a monthly business report gives a visual summary of the progress that has been made by the team and the managers. The purpose of a monthly business report is to give an ongoing summary of the performance through a series of graphs and charts. The graphs and charts are then summarized in order to give the full findings for the report.
How to Write a Monthly Business Report
It is also important to know how you construct your monthly business report. Unlike other kinds of reports that may not have some charts or grids that need to be placed to be explained, we know that a monthly business report is highly different. It is important as it is necessary to be able to know how you write your monthly business report.
1. Give the Name of the Monthly Report
As expected of a monthly business report, there would be a lot of reports that are going to be handed over by different employees on different aspects of the company. To make it less of a hassle for your employers to read your report, give a name to it. It should not be too vague nor should it be out of context.
2. Add the Progress and the Activities Being Done
The main reason for writing a business report is to list or write down the progress of the projects that are being undertaken by the employee. A business report is also proof or evidence of what has been done and what has not been done. Apart from that, it is also a good way for your employers to check if there are any changes to the progress of the activities being assigned to you for that month.
3. Write a Short Description for Each Activity
Apart from listing down the activities that you are expected to do during that month, you must also be listing down a short description of the activity, how you were able to do them, and if there were any issues or difficulties that you encountered while doing the activity. This helps your employers see how well you are doing as well as the problems that could be addressed.
4. Add Charts and Graphs for Proof
Charts and graphs in a business report are already expected. It is what makes the monthly business report a complete set of documented information. Charts and graphs help make the report more understandable since data from these charts do not lie.
5. Be Clear and Concise
Apart from adding the charts, the graphs, and all the evidence you need for your report, you must also remember to make it as clear and concise as possible. Stick to what is being asked of you for that month. Stick to what is being given to you as a task and explain it as best as you can.
What is a monthly business report?
A monthly business report is a document that summarizes the entire activity and projects of the given month. This summary report shows the progress of activities being presented through the report.
How do you write a monthly business report?
When you write your monthly business report, you must base it on the activities and the projects you were given during that month. You are to base the numbers on the charts and graphs that are all taken from the percentage of the activities.
Why are charts and graphs important in a business report?
The charts and graphs are important in a business report as they are the proof or the evidence that would show the numbers necessary for the report. It also shows the progress of the employee.
Daily, weekly, and monthly business reports—these are something that business owners expect to get from their employees. The business reports help give them a view of how the business is going and if there are any progress or the lack of it. When you write your monthly business report, always add the necessary details that go with that certain time.