Monthly Project Status Report

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Monthly Project Status Report

10+ Monthly Project Status Report Examples [ School, Social, Computer ]

We know for a fact that we all have at some point written status reports or progress reports. Status and progress reports are the same, but are often used or coined differently. Many of us know that when we have monthly projects to submit, regardless of our status in life, a student, an employee, a self employed person, or even a member of an organization, we are no strangers to project reports. Students and professors know that when they are given activities or projects, there is always going to be a specific time for them to finish them. However, between doing the activities or the projects given, professors would often ask for a status report. To simply see where the students are currently at in their work. When we are given activities or projects that need to be done in a specific time, we find ways to report to our superiors about the progress of our projects.

10+ Monthly Project Status Report Examples

1. Monthly Project Status Report

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Size: 361 KB


2. Monthly Project Status Reporting

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Size: 291 KB


3. Monthly Project Status Report Template

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Size: 223 KB


4. Monthly Community Project Status Report

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Size: 1 MB


5. Monthly Social Project Status Report

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Size: 122 KB


6. Monthly Computer Project Status Report

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Size: 26 KB


7. Monthly School Project Status Report

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Size: 2 MB


8. Monthly Lab Project Status Report

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Size: 164 KB


9. Monthly Progress Project Status Report

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Size: 2 MB


10. Company Monthly Project Status Report

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Size: 328 KB


11. Monthly Project Status Report

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Size: 217 KB


What Is a Monthly Project Status Report?

project status report is a type of report that is written and sent every single month to update the project or the status of the report to your superiors. This kind of report summarizes the findings of the status of your ongoing projects. In addition to that, a monthly project status report also gives way to information necessary for your superiors or your professors to understand what is happening to your project. The report would also state whether you have followed your project planning very carefully.  The report must also have the following: the name of the project, the status whether it is ongoing or not, and the dates of it being done.

How to Write a Monthly Project Status Report?

Are you planning on writing out your monthly project status report but you do not have any idea where to begin and how to write it out? Here is your opportunity to check out the following tips or procedures to write out your monthly project status report.

1. State the Name of the Project

Always as much as you are able to, state the name of the following projects or the project you are tasked to make during that specific month. As much as there are a lot of kinds of projects to be done in a day, let alone in a month, it would be difficult for your superiors to grasp or at least know what kind of project you are working on.

2. Add the Status of the Project

The status of the project is as important as giving the name of your current project. With this in mind, add how you are progressing with the project report. Never let your superiors assume that they are able to know when you started or finished or if it is still an ongoing project. Always write the status down.

3. Write the Important Dates

Write them down. When did you start on your project? When are you expecting to end the project? Apart from that, add the dates to the milestones you have achieved while doing the project. All the dates should be as accurate as possible in order for that to be clear and concise with your project status.

4. Write Down the Steps You Took

What better way than to tell your superiors the way you have done your project? Let them see if the status goes well with your steps. This is also one way for them to be able to interact with you on the account of the project status. Stating that the status is ongoing is not enough. You must also add the steps as to where you are currently at for them to know if you are close or if you may still need more time.


What is a monthly project status report?

A kind of progress report that you hand over for your superiors to know whether or not you are close to finishing the project they gave or not. The report consists of vital information that is required of the person doing the project.

How can a monthly project status report be helpful?

By adding the progress of your project to your report. Your superiors may want to know how the project is going and it is through the report that they are able to see the status and the progress.

How long is a monthly project status report going to be?

The length would depend on how many projects you were given for that certain time and would also depend on how much detail you are going to be placing to explain the status of your report.

Monthly project status reports require detailed information for your superiors to get where you are at the moment. When you plan to write these kinds of reports, make sure to pay attention to detail.

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