Short Narrative Report

Last Updated: July 23, 2024

Short Narrative Report

3+ Short Narrative Report Examples in PDF

It goes without saying, reports can either be a good thing or a bad thing. Making a narrative report may be a burden to some since they have to follow certain rules in writing one. Nevertheless, a short narrative report is the same except it’s short and straight to the point. Short narrative reports should still be as detailed but short at the same time. Sound’s confusing? Don’t worry, here are some 3+ examples in PDF short narrative reports. 

3+ Short Narrative Report Examples

1. Short Narrative Report Template

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  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


2. Event Short Narrative Report

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Size: 238 KB


3. Standard Short Narrative Report

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  • PDF

Size: 99 KB


4. Formal Short Narrative Report

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  • PDF

Size: 562 KB


Definition of Narrative

A narrative is a way of writing a story. A way of describing a series of events that happened. A narrative can either be a spoken account or a written account. A way to connect events and stories. A representation of a story or a series of events. A process of telling something that happened through the narrator’s point of view.

Definition of Report

A report is a written statement that describes something. An information given about someone. To make a complaint about a person to the authorities. A written report to an individual that gives out information needed. A spoken or written report describing an event or a situation.

Definition of Narrative Report

A narrative report gives out a detailed description of an event that happened in order of how it happened. A narrative report is simply a detailed document that you write in chronological order of the events that took place at a specific time. The purpose of writing narrative reports is to present factual information.

Importance of Short Narrative Report

The importance of writing a short narrative report is simply to describe something. To describe and explain what you are writing about. To tell a story through explaining what happened, how it happened and where it happened. The difference between narrative reports and an essay is that narrative writing lacks the higher order of thinking. It is merely to explain the purpose of your writing the report and nothing else.

Tips for Composing a Short Narrative Report

You may think that writing a short narrative report could be confusing. Especially when you place a short and narrative in one sentence. You may begin to wonder how it is even possible? The report should be a narrative, but should also be short. If you are wondering how to write one, or you are about to write one, consider the following tips below to help you get started.

  • Think about a topic – Before you begin with writing, think about what you want to write about. What should you write about, and how do you want it to go. While you think about the topic, also think if it is suitable for the people reading your report. Once you have an idea in mind, the next step is to start with your draft.
  • Begin with a draft – Now that you have thought about what you are planning on writing, the next step is to make your draft. Drafting makes your work easier. You don’t need to write everything as perfectly as you can. Hence the reason for the draft. Write your keywords, phrases, and sentences. This way, when you are ready to finalize your work, it would be easier to reword your ideas and writing would run smoother.
  • Avoid adding unnecessary details- You may be tempted to write unnecessary details to your report to make it sound nice. But if it has nothing to do with your report, it’s pointless to add them. It would only make your short narrative longer than the original story. As well as adding unnecessary details would only confuse your readers. Even if it may sound nice in your head and in your draft, it will not make any sense in your final paper.
  • Proof and Support in your report- As you write your report, it should be made of facts. As well as looking for supporting evidence to back your facts up. This may be a bit tricky if you do not do your research first.
  • Chronological Events- Remember as you write your report, put everything in chronological order. That way not only would it be easier to remember, it would also be easier for your readers to understand what had happened. As well as it would be easier for them to follow through what is going on in your report. Writing them in the order of how you think it happened may result in confusion.
  • Write and Revise – Now that you have written your final work, the best thing to do before you hand it is to revise it. Checking your work to make sure the events are in order. The use of words fit the right audience. The tone of your writing also matches your report. If you believe that your writing is to a tee. Hand it over to the people who need to read it.


Is there a format for writing a short narrative report?

Yes. The most common format is your title, objective, introduction, summary and conclusion.

When and where can you use a short narrative report?

You may write a narrative report in school or even for business. There is no exact reason why people cannot write or use a narrative report for what reason they have.

Is there a minimum word count for writing a short narrative report?

The minimum word count for writing a short narrative would be around and above one thousand words.

Why is it important to write my narrative in chronological order?

To make the report easier to understand, it is highly recommended you write what happened in chronological order. That way, your reader would understand what you are talking about and why you are making the report.

Writing a short narrative would be easier now that you have an idea of what it is about and how to write it. Being familiar with the tips would also be helpful when you write that report. As long as you remember that with any written documents, you have to cater to your audience too.

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