Needs Assessment Report

Last Updated: May 7, 2024

Needs Assessment Report

Needs Assessment Report Examples

There are a lot of variations when we talk about needs assessment reports. In the case of businesses, it may become become more effective when you go beyond facing the issues and looking for possible solutions. Just like any other assessment reports like nursing assessment reports, health assessment reports and security assessment reports, you have to make it more specific to get into what you are trying to achieve. There are also corresponding guidelines that you are required to follow. A well-written needs assessment report will help you and your organization to provide for your needed resources in an orderly or organized manner.

10+ Needs Assessment Report Examples

1. Needs Assessment Report Template

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  • PDF

Size: 30 KB


2. Sample Community Needs Assessment Report

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  • PDF

Size: 10 KB


3. Needs Assessment Report Outline

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  • PDF

Size: 532 KB


4. Community Health Needs Assessment Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 696 KB


5. Needs Assessment Report in PDF

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  • PDF

Size: 552 KB


6. Comprehensive Needs Assessment Report

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  • PDF

Size: 5 MB


7. Needs Assessment Report Format

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  • PDF

Size: 214 KB


8. Standard Needs Assessment Report


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  • PDF

Size: 460 KB


9. Needs Assessment Report on Workforce Development

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  • PDF

Size: 728 KB


10. Stakeholder Needs Assessment Report

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  • PDF

Size: 603 KB


11. Needs Assessment Report in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 163 KB


What is a Needs Assessment Report?

A needs assessment report is the collection of different information related to the needs of a certain school or community. This determines the hiatus between the standards and the situation.


Their primary purpose is to identify who are in need specifically the disabled individuals, pregnant women, children, etc., to determine each of their needs and what kind of assistance would they prefer. Specifying the need will help in having a better assessment of the condition or of a situation faced by those individuals affected. This type of situation will be present especially during crisis.


Every needs assessment report should aim to understand the following:

  • the range of their needs
  • the possible risks
  • geographical distribution of needs
  • how long does each need lasts
  • how severe is the condition
  • existing resources
  • demographic information of the affected individuals
  • data for progress and future assessments

How to Write a Needs Assessment Report?

Identify your Purpose

You should be able to know why you are writing about it in the first place. A needs assessment report has to be specific and cost-oriented to help a certain school or community.

Document the Problems

Begin by focusing on the major problems before moving to the minor ones. They will greatly affect the productivity of your organization.

Gather Data

Compile relevant data that is related to your subject. You may also consider conducting a research about your subject. Always make sure that your data is specific to your desired project especially if you are debating over a particular program.

Use Concrete Numbers

It is not enough to just state what the project is all about or how to cater the needs of the affected individuals. Being specific also means providing concrete numbers such as presenting a percentage rate. This will help you get good results in customer satisfaction surveys.

List the Needs

Through this, you will be able to keep track easily on the needs of the affected individuals. You can do it by using numbered lists or categorizing them by using a table.

Propose a Solution

In this way, you can easily address to each of the needs. You might have some simple solutions, while other problems require solutions that involves a lot of time and effort before it gets solved. You may also list your solutions for you to have a reference.

Interpret/Analyze the Findings

You may use charts, tables and other visual graphic organizers to make it more understandable. You may also highlight information that may grab the attention of your readers. Using your data, begin by making a conclusion.


What may be the methods used when creating a needs assessment report?

The methods may include gap analysis, observation, revalidation, self-assessment, peer review and more. They are often used to identify the needs as a group like in the case of a community.

Who should participate in the needs assessment process?

It could be you and the your team who will conduct the needs assessment report and the affected individuals in the school or in a community.

Is there such thing as training need assessment?

Yes. A training need assessment is a method wherein you are able to determine if there is an existing training need.

The needs assessment report can be used as an instrument to cater the needs of the people who are greatly affected by situations involving crisis or lack of resources. With the use of a needs assessment report, it is easier to take a look at the list of their needs for a quick reference.

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