Career Investigation Report

Last Updated: September 25, 2024

Career Investigation Report

8+ Career Investigation Report Examples [ Student, Medical, University ]

Any student would tell you that a career change would not look as easy as they say. When you graduate the course you want but do not take it as a career, it is sometimes difficult to accept it as it is. For students or those who have chosen the course and took it as their own career, can also tell you it is no easy feat. If you are looking to take up a career that is not of your own, why don’t you check out these 8+ career investigation reports first?

8+ Career Investigation Report Examples

1. Career Investigation Report Template

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  • PDF

Size: 305 KB


2. Standard Career Investigation Report

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Size: 78 KB


3. Formal Career Investigation Report

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Size: 835 KB


4. Career Investigation Report Checklist

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Size: 276 KB


5. Career Investigation Report in PDF

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Size: 531 KB


6. General Career Investigation Report

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Size: 320 KB


7. Student Career Investigation Report

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Size: 507 KB


8. Draft Career Investigation Report

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Size: 446 KB


9. Career Training Investigation Report

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Size: 172 KB


Definition of Career

A career is a series of jobs or a job you do for your working life. This type of job is something you continue to get better and to earn more money. A career can also be a job that you trained for quite a while. This job is possible to bring you into better experiences. Lastly, it can also be considered a job you do for the rest of your life.

Definition of Career Report

A career report is a series of positions or a series of jobs. This is designed to help you manage the series of positions or jobs that improve your level of success. A career report only focuses on the description of the work. Rather than the particular title or area of your career. This is also used in competitive programs for some universities. Lastly, a written summary of the prospect of a student who wishes to pursue a career in their chosen field.

Definition of Career Investigation Report

A career investigation report is a key component for any student. For those who wish to process in post secondary programs. This report should have information needed to convince the committee. The data that is required from the student is the information that they have researched for the course. The career that they  hope to pursue as a career.

Importance of Career Investigation

Why is choosing a career so important? Moreover, why is a career investigation needed? The purpose or the importance of having a career investigation is to select and understand which career best suits you. Which career suits your skills and interests. This investigation of your career is intended to help you search what you are about to choose. It gives you an idea of what your chosen career would look like and if it suits you best to take it.

Tools Used for Career Investigation Report

  • Checklist
  • Narrative
  • Tick the Box
  • Essay
  • Questionnaire

Tips for Filling Out a Career Report

As you start to plan out your career, you also plan out on what you are going to fill out. Filling out a career report is very important. As this is the way the committee finds out about you. As well as the fact if you are sure about your chosen career. The following tips below will help you answer questions that are mostly asked or simply to fill out a career investigation report. Check them out!

  • Answer the questions honestly – let’s face it, we often want to impress when we find ourselves in this type of situation. We think that if we use words they want to hear, they would agree for the career change. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Rather than letting the committee believe in a half baked truth, it is better to tell them the whole truth. So when you answer your career investigation report, answer the questions as truthfully as possible.
  • Gather information about your chosen career – This is often taken for granted. We think that we know our careers without gathering information. Some careers may look or sound easy, but they are not. To avoid having the shock of your life, do your research. Do some research about your chosen career. Ask yourself if you are able to do this for the rest of your life.
  • Think before you answer – As well as gathering information about your chosen career, it is also best to think about it. Give yourself time to process about your chosen career. Ask yourself if you see yourself doing the same job for the rest of your working years. This is to avoid any confusion and regret once you start on with the job you chose.
  • List your skills and qualities – If you are really into your chosen career, list your skills and qualities you have. List the ones that you have and are also a part of the career you are choosing. That way it is easy for the committee to check if you are a good fit to change careers. This is especially true to students who are still confused as to which career they are willing to take up.
  • List the skills you want to learn – Aside from the skills you already have, you may also list down the skills you want to learn. Like a jack of all trades type. Do not depend on the skills you already mastered, but add to the ones you have not succeeded in learning. But you are willing enough to try. More like a well rounded person.


What is a career change?

To simply put, a career change means to work in a different career field. To find a different course or field of study if you are a student. To look for a different field to work for personal or professional reasons.

Is it okay to change careers for a personal reason?

Yes. Changing your career is entirely up to you.

What else should I write in my career investigation report?

Your general information, the reason why you are planning on changing careers and the skills you achieved while you were working on your previous career.

Why is it important for me to pass my career report to the committee?

They are responsible for the career reports. As a student, you are to report to them about your change in career. They will give you a form to answer. Answer the questions as honestly as possible for a chance to get your career changed as early as possible.

It is never easy nor late to change your career. If you are not happy with what you are doing, do not hesitate to change. Changing your career is not the end of the world, it is merely a stepping stone of what you wanted to do with your life.

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